“Let me tell you that you are extremely stupid!!”
Xia Feng put down his teacup, stood up and looked down at the other party.
“What do you think a hunter is? A child’s play house??”
“This is an exam worth hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars, without the determination to die. What qualifications do you have to stand with others?!”
“¨”I hope you don’t use the so-called kindness to insult those strong!!”
Xia Feng pointed to those candidates who passed the test.
The quarrel here has long attracted everyone’s attention.
When Xiaojie said those words, many people showed very disdainful smiles.
You can be sure that if you are not in the middle of the exam and see the performance of those people, you will definitely find a way to teach this outspoken little guy a lesson.
Perhaps… Killing them directly is also a very good choice! !
Xiaojie is not an idiot, he just didn’t care about other people before.
Seeing the reactions of those people at this time, it is not clear what they think.
“But… But this is wrong! The hunter test should not be like this!!” Xiaojie still chose to hold on.
Seeing this, Xia Feng gradually lost his patience.
“Let me tell you what the Hunter Test is!”
“To become a hunter, the test is comprehensive strength, that is, strength, luck, wisdom, strategy, four in one.”
“We don’t require candidates to be quadrilateral fighters, but at least one of them is extremely outstanding, so that they can pass the test!!”
Can you become a hunter if you are stronger than others?
Obviously not like that.
Unless it is an absolute crushing advantage, even if the strength is strong, it is possible to be eliminated.
“The bad guys you talk about, in my opinion, they are actually more qualified to be hunters than you.”
“At least they know their flaws and are trying to fix them.”
“And (good Li Hao) you, you are just blindly belittling others!!”
After a pause, Xia Feng raised the corners of his mouth, showing a playful smile.
“I have your father’s contact information here. Would you like to call him and ask how many people’s blood was on his hands?”
“One thousand, or ten thousand? Or one hundred thousand??”
This is not an exaggeration, those dead may not have been killed by Jin Fulishi himself.
But the number of people who died indirectly because of him is definitely more than 100,000!
The birth of a strong person requires talent, opportunity, and more importantly, tempering and fighting.
Only in high-intensity fighting can one increase one’s combat power to the limit, and finally ascend to the throne of Xeon! !
This is why the Sky Arena is so famous.
I don’t know if it was because I got news from my father suddenly, or because I couldn’t accept what Xia Feng said.
Xiaojie lowered his head: “Impossible…Impossible, you must be lying to me.”
He suddenly raised his head and shouted at Xia Feng: “You must be lying to me, right! Praise!”
After the words fell, Xiaojie flew backwards in an instant.
Leorio and Kurapika exclaimed, “Xiaojie!”
Xia Feng was expressionless at the moment, and the aura on his body was as deep as the sea, as if a demon god had descended into the world.
Even though he didn’t make any movement, the ground around him cracked open!
“I’m curious, who gave you the guts to talk to me like that!!”.
Issue 69: Kidnapping
Seeing Xiaojie being knocked into the air, Kurapika and Leori hurriedly chased him out.
After landing, Xiaojie clutched his stomach and spat out a mouthful of blood.
“SmallJay, are you all right? ! ”
Leorio, who was inspired to become a doctor, immediately rescued him.
“The injured area is the lower abdomen. There are no symptoms of internal bleeding. The patient’s mind is blurred. The possibility of a concussion cannot be ruled out…”
Although there is no professional equipment, Leorio can still roughly judge Xiaojie’s injury through some external features.
The opponent was very measured, and the vomiting of blood looked very serious.
It’s not actually life-threatening.
Compared to Leorio, what Kurapika was thinking at this moment was completely different.
“The shooting speed completely exceeds the visual limit!”
“It can now be confirmed that the other party possesses a special power, a power similar to that of the Phantom Troupe!!”
When he thought of the scene he saw that day, all 128 compatriots had their eyes gouged out, he couldn’t control the emotions in his heart.
Under the contact lens, the pupil color changes instantly.
The Kuruta people have “Fiery Red Eyes”, one of the seven beauties in the world of full-time hunters. For hundreds of years, they have lived in the forests of the Kuruta area, and they know how many people outside covet their eyes!
Therefore, in the clan land, the Kuruta people have prepared a lot of defense methods.
However, those measures were in vain in front of the Phantom Brigade.
Kurapika conducted a review of the battle scene afterwards, and found that the battle situation was completely one-sided massacre.
Whether it is bows and arrows, firearms, or even explosives, nothing can stop the Phantom Brigade from attacking.
His people were finally killed in despair! !
“We must learn this power!!” Kurapika made up his mind secretly.
He used to be a strange man, but now he is an examiner, and I can’t even see how they make a move. 353
This also means that if he is allowed to find the Phantom Troupe now, there is a high probability that the ending will be just another pair of “Fiery Red Eyes” for free! !
Da da da–
Footsteps came.
Kurapika raised the weapon subconsciously.
“Why, do you want to avenge your companion?” Xia Feng’s voice came from a teasing voice.
For Kurapika, Xia Feng has no prejudice.
Among the full-time hunters, he is a rare character with clear goals and normal outlook.
Apart from being suspected of being a “golden finger” in reading ability, there really isn’t much of a problem.
Kurapika hesitated for a moment, but chose to lift the alert.
That’s of no use anyway.
At this time, Xiaojie also woke up.
Seeing Xia Feng walking towards him, he struggled to stand up.
Leorio clenched his fists secretly.
Hurting his patient in front of a doctor is the greatest insult!
10 meters, 5 meters, 2 meters…
There was no sound at the scene, and everyone looked here.
It’s not just Xiaojie and the three who were stunned by Xia Feng’s shot just now, the others were also secretly thankful that they didn’t do anything rude.
Otherwise, the person lying on the ground may be himself.
As Xia Feng approached step by step, the atmosphere became more and more oppressive.
Leori, who stood in front of Xiaojie, felt out of breath at this moment.
It’s like someone sucked out the air around him!
Xia Feng patted Leorio’s shoulder.
Then walk past him.
From the beginning to the end, he didn’t even look at Xiaojie.
Only Ma Qi, who followed Xia Feng, looked at Xiaojie with curious eyes.
Then he said in a cold voice: “You are very lucky to meet Xia, otherwise you would have died!!”
That tone, of course.
The strong cannot be humiliated, and the violators will die! !
No matter which world you are in, this is the iron rule.

After Xia Feng left, Xiaojie waited for several minutes before sitting up.
Leori, who was covered in sweat, collapsed on the ground, with a wry smile on his face: “Xiaojie, you must never do this again next time.”

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