He stared at Marge, licked his lips, and smiled wickedly like a clown.
“The green fruit seems to be ripening gradually!!”
“One more word of nonsense, and I’ll kill you!” Xia Feng’s eyes froze, and invisible evil thoughts frantically surged out.
Go straight to Hisoka and Ilmi.
The candidates who followed did not understand what happened.
They were all crushed to the ground.
Just the aftermath, they can’t bear it! ! .
Chapter 70: Ambush! (seeking subscription)
Facing Xia Feng’s evil thoughts directly, Hisoka and Yiermi felt a strange beast rising slowly from Xia Feng’s body.
Although there is no information about that monster, but the moment I saw it.
The word “swallow” appeared in the minds of both of them!
They don’t know it, but it’s actually the ~evil idea of ​​the gourmet cell itself.
Whether it is for humans or monsters, eating is the basis of survival.
However, this instinct represents killing, cruelty, maliceand many more.
It is no exaggeration to say that it is the master of evil! !
Without the slightest hesitation, Hisoka gave an order, followed by Yi Ermi.
Both of them are combat geniuses who grew up in the fight, and they knew very well that if Xia Feng was allowed to continue, they would lose their advantage completely.
One wrong step, one wrong step.
The accumulation of small disadvantages is enough to tilt the balance of victory to one side!
What’s more, judging from the instant burst of evil thoughts from the opponent, the strength of the opponent is definitely stronger than they expected! !
“Well done!”
He was already angry because of Xiaojie, but now he sent two sandbags to his door, how could he not accept them?
Xia Feng stepped on his feet.
There was a bang.
The huge impact turned the people who were lying on the ground behind them into gourds.
【Scalable Love】
Hisoka took out a few playing cards and shot at Xia Feng.
Using [Ning], Xia Feng can clearly see that there are a few thread sticking to those playing cards.
“A dart that can change direction at any time!”
This is Hisoka’s famous stunt.
Behind the seemingly ordinary poker, there is a hidden murderous intention. Many enemies just don’t notice Hisoka’s ingenious calculations for a while, and finally die aggrieved on the poker.
“The best way to deal with a dart is to catch it!!”
Xia Feng didn’t use his mind ability, and with his current physical fitness, he didn’t need to make such a big move to deal with Hisoka and Yiermi.
The invisible gas turns into electric current, jumping back and forth between cells.
Suddenly, his speed doubled.
The moment the playing cards flew by, he reached out and grabbed them.
By the way, he lowered his head to avoid the mind needle fired by Yiermi.
“Give it to me, come here!!”
Xia Feng saw the timing, grabbed the poker and yanked it.
The irresistible force instantly acted on Hisoka along the line of thought.
Even if the other party’s reaction speed is extremely fast, immediately cancel the ability to read [Scalable Love].
There is also an inevitable imbalance in the body shape.
In a battle of this intensity, let alone such a fatal mistake.
Even if he hesitated for only 0.5 seconds, it would be a huge flaw.
Hisoka was directly punched by Xia Feng.
Of course, the fate of IL fans is not much better.
Born into a family of killers, he would do anything to complete the mission.
He could have used the attack to cover Hisoka’s retreat.
Help him avoid Xia Feng’s fist.
However, he chose to take advantage of Xia Feng’s stiffness when attacking, aim at the vital parts, and shoot consecutively.
Swish Swish Swish!
With the blessing of Nian, Yiermi turned into a pangolin.
In less than 1 second, Xia Feng’s heart and throat were shot several times in succession.
However, it should have been a final decision, a very happy thing.
Yi Ermi’s complexion suddenly changed.
“How can there be such an intensity of physical fitness and [hardness]??”
After several attacks, they only broke the opponent’s mind power defense, and scratched a little skin by the way.
I broke 6 fingers! !
Xia Feng turned his head, showing sharp teeth like Wo Jin.
“Is the massage over?”
“Then it’s my turn!”

As the battle on Xia Feng’s side became more intense.
Many candidates who originally followed him retreated again and again, from less than 100 meters at the beginning to nearly one kilometer now!
Not to mention watching the battle at close range, they couldn’t even carry the gravel brought by the aftermath of the battle.
This is the result that Maggie can shelter.
She used her thoughts to set up a defensive net in front of everyone, blocking all the powerful gravel.
“That’s the power!!”
The dust in the sky couldn’t stop Kurapika’s hot eyes.
To him who has not mastered the concept, what the chief examiner and the two mysterious candidates showed was like magic.
Shuttle back and forth in the air, not counting changing direction, but also chipping poker cards.
A weird examinee who behaved strangely, carried explosives on his back, and launched suicide attacks from time to time.
There is also the examiner’s moving speed that far exceeds the limit of vision, and the heavy punch that is comparable to a mortar.
These things are all beyond his comprehension.
“No matter what, I must master it!”
“Even if you give up on yourself!!”
Kurapika glanced at Xiaojie and Leorio beside him, and there was a determination in his eyes.
As if sensing the change in Kurapika’s body, Marge glanced at him slightly.
She remembered what Xia Feng had said to her when she was in the hot spring.
“There are two ways to become a top hunter. The first is to have unimaginable talent, just like Goldfly.”
“For them, as long as they have the opportunity, it is only a matter of time before they become the existence at the top of the pyramid.”
“The second is to have an eternal will. In this regard, President Nitro is a model.”
“He would never have grown to that level without those decades of punching.”
“That guy named Kurapika is the second type.”
Ma Qi has never heard Xia Feng have such a high opinion of anyone.
Even Wo Jin and Ku Luoluo, Xia Feng did not agree with it.
“The revenge of the extermination of the clan… What a pity.”
To apply eternal will to that being is indeed reckless.
In a sense, for him who targets the Phantom Troupe, his upper limit is already doomed.
Unless Kurolo they can always lead.
Otherwise, the day when the great vengeance is avenged will be the day when Kurapika perishes.
“I just don’t know if Kuroro would regret slaughtering the Kuruta tribe if he knew that he had offended such an existence?” March tilted his head and thought for a while.
According to Xia Feng’s description, as long as there are no accidents.
The Phantom Troupe will be slaughtered by Kurapika sooner or later.
“Even if they are notified, no one will care.”

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