"Don't froze, you guys drink too! This is indeed good wine!"

Tang Kepin took a sip of her daughter's red, and was immediately impressed by the fragrance.

Wine, it really tastes better as you age!

And the storage of wine is very particular!

Many wines will have problems in the storage process, but this one does not, which shows how precious it is!

Everyone next to you: I dare not dare!

Can't afford to drink!

Enjoy yourself!

Just kidding, I dare not drink this kind of wine!

Hey, Tang Ke sighed helplessly in his heart.

No way, after the identity is exposed, you can't get along with them as ordinary people.

Then this classmate's reunion is not interesting.

It just so happened that everyone was almost eating, and Tang Ke got up.

"Okay, let's do this today, and contact me later!"


Tang Ke was the first to go out. If he didn't go out, no one would dare to get up!

This is identity and status.

A bunch of old classmates didn't care what they said when they came.

Are you afraid now?

Obviously Tang Ke is already so approachable.

Tang Ke drank a little wine and went for a walk.

The sound of footsteps attracted Tang Ke's attention.

Turn around.

It turned out to be Yu Jing, who ran all the way to catch up with Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke!"

Yu Jing shouted with a face of shame.

"Can you send me back?"

In Yu Jing's opinion, these old classmates must be Tang Ke's best!

I've eaten Tang Ke today!

Whatever you say, you have to go back with Tang Ke!

"I am a takeaway motorcycle, how can I take you back?"

With that, Tang Ke had already pulled out the takeaway car next to him.

The huge take-out box at the back completely takes up the place where people can sit.


Wearing a takeaway uniform and riding a takeaway motorcycle.

You really delivered food!

No moisture at all?

The owner of Zixuan Pavilion, worth hundreds of millions, turned out...

Are you taking out motorcycles when you go out?

Is this the rich world?

Big and simplified?

This is too easy for you...

It happened that other students came out at this time and saw Tang Ke.

Riding a takeaway motorcycle, a gorgeous turn, swish and drive out!

The motorcycle made a rattling sound like it was about to break.


Do you really have no money to change one?


Originally thought that this day would be over, Tang Ke swiped the video and was about to go to sleep.


You have a new message!

"I'm Yu Jing, you are so handsome today."

Banhua actually took the initiative to add friends?

Tang Ke suddenly felt helpless.

I just met today, it is not good to refuse people, and Tang Ke himself is a relatively approachable person.

The same is true at the dinner table, there is no need to refuse.



On the other side, when she saw the message of agreement, Yu Jing was really excited!


As long as Tang Ke agrees to his friend invitation, he is interesting to himself!

I have a chance!

She didn't know at this time, but Tang Ke just gave her a chance in face.

"Tang Ke, long time no see, I didn't expect you to have such a big change."

"Ha ha……"

"It's much more handsome than before, and the clothes you take out look so handsome on you!"


"I think you must not be married yet?"



Tang Ke replied, absolutely no more than five words.

Count the punctuation!

Even though Tang Ke's perfunctory can be felt across the screen, Yu Jing couldn't stop her footsteps at all!

In her address book, countless people chatted with her.

Her reply was exactly the same as Tang Ke!

At that time, Yu Jing's heart was contempt for these people!

A bunch of licking dogs also want to climb onto this beauty!

What is a fan of the authorities?

Yu Jing is now licking others like a dog! But I still don't know it!

Yu Jing still comforted herself in her heart.

This must be because Tang Ke is busy!

Think about it, can such a rich person not be busy?

"I'm going to sleep."

Suddenly seeing the news of Tang Ke, Yu Jing could only put down the phone in angrily.

At this moment, an old classmate sent a friend request.

Yu Jing frowned.

"Forget it, for the face of the old classmate, add it."

"Beauty Yu Jing, long time no see!"

"I'm going to bed, talk tomorrow."


Yu Jing still doesn't seem to know her situation very well...

"Actually, I always think you are pretty good!"

"I have a pretty average life these days..."


Tang Ke said that he was asleep, but Yu Jing was still sending messages!


the next day.


Tang Ke was stunned, more than 30 pieces of information?

Yu Jing has been posting!

And I also sent a tortoise in the early morning, so terrible?

How to do?

Of course, ignore her!

Deliver food!


"Tang Ke, you are so handsome, why can't you find a wife? Is your standard too high?"

Aunt Liu asked worriedly.

Aunt Liu is a cleaning aunt in a food delivery company, and she has a good relationship with these guys.

Everyone takes care of Aunt Liu when they are older, and Aunt Liu often takes care of them.

Tang Ke has the best relationship with Aunt Liu.

Tang Ke listened to Aunt Liu's worry and smiled.

"Aunt Liu, things for our young people are not that simple."

"What's simple and not easy? How can there be so many things to get married? We got married before, but just take a look at the blind date. If you don't, then forget it."

"How did you get married three or four times!"

Aunt Liu, times have changed!

Tang Ke complained in his heart.

"Just right! The daughter of one of my sisters is also worried about marrying. I will contact you right away and you will find time to see you!"


Tang Ke was dumbfounded.

"Aunt Liu, wait, wait!"

"What are you waiting for? You can't wait for this kind of thing! If you wait any longer, the kids already have soy sauce!"

"That's it. I know what you are worried about. She must be a beautiful woman! She has a big butt, so it's easy to have a baby! You have enough milk! Don't worry!"

This is not what Tang Ke wants to say!

Aunt Liu, what are you thinking about!

Times have changed! Aunt Liu!


It may have changed from the perspective of childbirth, but from other perspectives, it seems that it has not changed?

Aunt Liu is too enthusiastic.

Tang Ke finally failed to withstand the pressure.

There is no way to refuse.


Aunt Liu is already busy, Tang Ke has no choice but to do it herself!

Do not drive a motorcycle today!

Sent for repair.

When Tang Ke drove it yesterday, he also found that the motorcycle had a problem, and it made a quack.

Start a supercar today!


Deliver food.

But this time the takeaway was a bit special, even Koenigsegg was stopped outside, but it didn't stop people.

The security guard is also an iron man.

But Tang Ke has long been used to it.

It's nothing to send in the community.

When he came out, Tang Ke was stunned.

In front of his own Koenigsegg, there was a woman standing! The car and the car are all posted, so I almost lie on it!

To be fair, there are people who come to take pictures when they see their sports car.

There are people who come close.

There is really no close contact!

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