The beauty made a gentle voice: "We are waiting for your presence in the company's office building."


At the same time, the Office of the Chairman of Bank Negara Airlines.

Chairman Liu Hongjun is holding a meeting to discuss tomorrow's general meeting of shareholders.

"Presumably you all know that a mysterious young man bought 60% of our company's shares."

"Tomorrow, I want him to be the vice chairman of the company, do you have any comments?"

Everyone looked at each other, 60% of the shares! This is an astronomical number!

"You can't underestimate someone who can have this kind of strength!"

"Indeed, don't underestimate it!"

"Since everyone understands the problems, I hope that tomorrow, everyone will know how to treat this mysterious shareholder!"

"Chairman, do you have any information about this shareholder?"

Several people were suddenly curious, and if they knew the information, they could please this new shareholder anyway.

Liu Hongjun shook his head helplessly: "This person is very mysterious and has not left any information."

"Order to continue, tomorrow's things must not be missed, everyone must show the highest level in the company to receive shareholders this time!"


When Jing Yan was about to get off work, she received a call from her boss.

"Jing Yan, work overtime temporarily, there is a task!"


Jing Yan looked curious.

"Yes, the company has a new vice chairman, still a young man!"

"Tomorrow all the most senior employees of the company will greet you! You know?"

After all, Jing Yan is the most beautiful flight attendant in the company, so we must let this facade out!

Jing Yan was a little unwilling: "I'm not interested."

"This is not a question that you are interested or not interested in! You must go!"

The boss said angrily.

At this time, Jing Yan felt bad for a while.

Her boss, Zhao Shen, is not a good person. He once had an affair with another female boss and was seen by Jing Yan.

From then on, Zhao Shen saw her upset.

I even troubled her. Fortunately, Jingyan has good connections, so it doesn't have much influence.

"Isn't this a temporary task? Why can't I refuse it?"

"Others are temporary tasks, and you just can't shirk them! If you don't attend, I will deduct one month's salary and the half-year bonus!"

Hearing this, the assistant next to him was a little bit uncomfortable.

"Director Zhao, this is unfair to Jing Yan! I can find other flight attendants for you."

"No! It must be Jing Yan!"

Zhao Shen was almost the only one, and said angrily: "Otherwise, he will deduct the money!"

Jing Yan looked indifferent: "Then buckle, I won't go anyway."

After one hour.

Jing Yan returned to her home, although she was very tough in the workplace.

But in fact Jing Yan was still very wronged.

One month's salary was missing for no reason.

Who can be happy?

And the bonus is gone.

At this moment, Tang Ke called.

"what's going on?"

Tang Ke asked with concern when he heard the voice on the other side of the phone.

For a while, Jing Yan was a little uncontrollable, and said everything.

When Tang Ke heard this, he said coldly: "Don't worry, leave this to me!"

Jing Yan was shocked...

Tang Ke is...

It's not that Jingyan doesn't believe in Tang Ke, but that Air China is not a simple place!

After all, this airline and general company are not the same thing!

Although this Zhao Shen has a small official position, he also has considerable strength.

Even the celebrity in front of the chairman!

The average executive dare not provoke this person.

How can Tang Ke deal with such a person?

Tang Ke comforted Jing Yan again, and told a few jokes, Jing Yan's mood improved a lot.


Tang Ke changed into a suit this day and dressed up a little, he was even more handsome than the male star!

Driving Lorick, I went to the takeaway company first and told that I had resigned.

Hearing this news, all colleagues were a little sorry.

When Brother Tang was there, everyone had a delicious and spicy meal together, and even encountered many interesting things.

Now Brother Tang is gone... life is gone.

Bank Negara Airlines headquarters.

This is Tang Ke's destination. Since he is going here, maybe he can take a Didi order by the way?

After all, the current Tang Ke is a Didi driver!

Open the software and take orders!

Within two minutes, Tang Ke received the order.

It happens to be the company headquarters.

Most people who go to the headquarters at this time are also members of the board of directors or employees here...

Interesting is coming!

Tang Ke was overjoyed.


More than a hundred meters away, a rich second-generation and a flight attendant were waiting for their Didi.

Looking at my software, I was shocked.

"We... hit a Loric supercar..."

"What's wrong? Is it great?"

"It's not just awesome... Ordinary supercars cost tens of millions of levels, and the top matches are hundreds of millions!"

The man said with a shocked look.

I saw this Loric right away, and the license plate number can't be wrong!

Unexpectedly, Didi could meet this kind of supercar!

After getting in the car, the two were even more surprised by the decorations in the car!

Every screw exudes a luxurious atmosphere!

If it weren't for them to see too many scenes, I'm afraid they would have to lick it at this time!

Along the way, the two were very cautious.

That's, a taxi with hundreds of millions of taxis, who can be casual?

Tang Ke felt bored, and said leisurely: "Two guests, are you nervous?"


The man smiled awkwardly, and the stewardess hurriedly answered, "Handsome man, are you driving Didi in this kind of car? It's not necessary, right?"

Tang Ke said calmly: "It's nothing, it's just to experience life."


At this moment, the secretary of Bank Negara contacted Tang Ke to inquire about the location.

Tang Ke wears a Bluetooth headset: "I have twenty minutes to arrive."

Just a minute passed...

The stewardess and the man's mobile phones immediately lit up: "Urgent notice, the vice chairman has 19 minutes to get to the company! Come on!"

Two people: "..."

The plan can't keep up with the changes! They have deliberately advanced!

Someone also asked in the group: "Isn't it coming in an hour?"

"Shut up! Don't ask the deputy director's itinerary!"

The two hurriedly looked at Tang Ke: "Master, we are in a hurry, can you hurry up?"

"Sit down!"

Tang Ke what is this? Supercar? Speeding up is not a matter of minutes?

Tang Ke's navigator continued to shout: "At the current speed, it is expected to arrive at the destination in ten minutes."

Simply called the secretary.

"I speeded up and will be there in ten minutes."

People like them must be prepared to welcome themselves, otherwise they won't ask for the time specifically.

If Tang Ke didn't tell it, he would probably have an oolong. For example, they accidentally regarded others as Tang Ke.

So I would like to remind you.

As a result, the phone of the man and the flight attendant, one minute later...

It lights up again!

"The vice chairman has nine minutes to arrive at the company! Please prepare!"

No way, no way?

Both of them are stupid now...

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