Love music

Tang Ke smiled: "Your big bag should be a trombone, right? Because of some special reasons, the original box can no longer be used."

"But in this box, the shape has changed a bit."

"With the cocoon on your hand, it is impossible for a beautiful woman to do physical work, so naturally there is this guess."

Seeing Tang Ke's observation of herself was so nuanced, the beauty couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Many men only see their looks, but don't care about their hands at all.

Only Tang Ke is the only one who observes so meticulously!

The more they talked, the happier they were, and even exchanged WeChat messages!

Seeing the beauty's WeChat profile picture, Tang Ke was even more stunning!

A beautiful fluttering white dress, standing on the performance table, playing beautiful music...

"This is the photo I took during my last performance in Sweden."

Seeing Tang Ke's fascination, the beauty said.

"Then I will get off first!"

The beauty said, picking up her own things.

Tang Ke couldn't help feeling a little envious after seeing this community.

There are tall fences, all kinds of ancient trees, and houses of courtyard houses.

Full of antique scenery! It is a piece of pure land!

Quiet and elegant!

"When I have a chance, I will also get this house and be a neighbor with you!"

Tang Ke said by the way.

The beauty turned red: "My name is Chuqing."

"My name is Tang Ke."

As soon as Chu Qing was about to open the door and get off the car, a motorcycle drove by quickly!

It happened to be the direction Chuqing got off the car, and Tang Ke could see it clearly in the rearview mirror.

Hastened to hold Chuqing!

Take advantage of the opportunity to pull her into his arms!

Chuqing's bag was snatched away by someone on the motorcycle!

Several security guards saw this scene and hurried to catch up, but how could they be able to catch up with the motorcycle?

Speed ​​thief, I didn't expect to see this kind of thing even for so many years.

Chu Qing was taken aback, shivering in Tang Ke's arms!

"never mind."

Tang Ke said softly.

Chu Qing was a little upset: "I... my wallet and mobile phone are all in that bag!"

"It's okay, I'll help you chase him!"

Chu Qing was shocked: " to chase?"

"Trust me, you are waiting here."

Tang Ke wanted to let go of Chu Qing, but Chu Qing immediately shook her head: "I want to go too!"

It seems that Chuqing also has ideas.

Want revenge!

Tang Ke speeds up immediately!

Although he is not a sports car, Tang Ke is a very good driver after all.

Super sports cars are like toys in Tang Ke's hands, let alone such cars!

Tang Ke caught up with him when he was familiar with the road!

The two immediately launched a thrilling chase on the road!

If it weren't for Chuqing wearing a seat belt, she would have fainted from fear at this time!

But there is still a gap, the opponent is a motorcycle after all.

But Tang Ke can't get rid of it.

The people in the car are already impatient at this time.

He is a super veteran with many experiences! When was it chased like this?

Watching Tang Ke chasing him, he immediately showed his fierce face and shouted fiercely: "If you chase again! Laozi wants you to look good!"

"Okay, I want to see it too."

Tang Ke is fearless at all!

Taking advantage of this man's effort to slow down, he ran into the motorcycle directly!

This person was almost knocked into flight! Fortunately, skillful! Immediately stabilized the center of gravity!

Isn't it a way to keep going like this?

And if it was discovered by the police... thinking that there was really no way, this man gritted his teeth.

It looks like plan C is going to be used!

Run to the mountain!

There is a mountain nearby. The terrain is notoriously complicated. Cars can't go up, but motorcycles can go up!

With seven turns and eight turns, this man ran on the mountain road!

Tang Ke's car stopped directly at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qing was also desperate: "What should I do? This place must be the place he is most familiar with..."

"Not on the other side, has he already ran away?"

Tang Ke shook his head: "It shouldn't be. When we came just now, we actually walked around this mountain."

"There is no way out there."

The Snitch had already reached the mountain at this time, with a smug expression in his heart.

A broken car, still wanting to chase yourself? Now my own mountain is so complicated that the police cannot explore it!

You can find a place to hide for a month or two!

Chu Qing was still a little worried: "Then how do we catch him..."

"Don't worry! Look at me!"

Tang Ke took out his mobile phone, and Chuqing was stunned.

Tang Ke has other ways?

Within a few minutes, a loud voice suddenly came.


Two helicopters appeared on the horizon!

There are also a few bodyguards fully armed on it!

More than a dozen motorcycle teams came from below, directly surrounding the entire hilltop.

When the speed thief heard this sound and saw the helicopter, everyone was stupid...

Just... just to catch a thief, what are you doing?

Chu Qing grew up with her small mouth in surprise!

Tang Ke called for a helicopter?

Is a Didi driver actually capable of this?

The plane flew close, and Chu Qing discovered it even more.

This plane is not owned by the police or other people at all, but a private plane!

This is even more terrifying!

Seeing that the situation is not good, the speed thief quickly got in the car and got ready to run!

But just two steps...

Was overtaken by four motorcycles!

There is no way to run!

Depend on!

Laozi just grabbed a small bag, do you guys use this kind of power?

The fuel cost of the airplane is more valuable than the contents of this bag!

After only five minutes of running, the speed thief knew that there must be no way to run this way!

Can only find another way!

You can't catch up with a motorcycle!

He is very familiar with this area. The hill in front is a barren hill, but behind it is the reservoir of the Mountain Resort!

As long as you run over there, you have such a good water level...

Who can catch me? I slipped away like a fish!

As for the more!

The speed thief immediately abandoned the car and ran away!

The bodyguard behind him is naturally well-trained, and he must have abandoned the car to catch up with him!

At this time, Tang Ke had already taken Chuqing on the plane.

They can't follow the motorcycle all the way.

I just saw this scene, but some bodyguards stopped when they saw the man entering the water...

The only weakness, not water...

Unexpectedly, this task requires this condition, so no special person was sent over.

The speed thief in the water is simply smug! You chase! You keep chasing!


At the same time, Ning Lie of Linkang Medical Group, Feng Zhuo of Dongyun Law Firm, and Long Yunqiang of Jinyang Finance, several people are fishing in the summer resort.

A few people chatted very happily, laughing and joking.

"Hey, there seems to be a voice?"

Look in the direction of the sound...I saw the helicopter right away!

"Who! Who fucks hooked my clothes!"

A figure suddenly appeared out of the water and said angrily.

It turned out that the clothes of the speed thief was caught by a fish hook!

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