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Chapter 136 Kneeling for Five Hours

Shen Chongfeng immediately said to his driver: "Quick, quick! U-turn and go back!"

On the way, Shen Chongfeng received several more news.

Tang Ke, owns the Yangcheng Financial Building!

Tang Ke is a shareholder of Lolik Corporation!

Tang Ke, and the villa in the central area of ​​the Aisha villa area!


Each and every industry was dug up with his little brother, and Shen Chongfeng felt cold sweat as he listened!

It's finished, it's finished! This time it really provokes the super boss!

When Shen Chongfeng returned, the wedding was over.

Shen Chongfeng rushed in front of Tang Ke in one stride.

"Mr. Tang Ke, I'm sorry! I was too impulsive just now!"

Tang Ke looked at the man in front of him playfully.

"Didn't you just look good?"

Shen Chongfeng: "No! No! It's your scenery!"

"How did you run away just now?"

"I... I'm urinating!"


At this time, Shen Chongfeng was almost crying without tears!

Even if you lower yourself to the ground, you have to apologize to Tang Ke!

Otherwise, once Tang Ke's firm sued him, he would be finished!

"Kneel down!"

Tang Ke said leisurely, Shen Chongfeng was taken aback for a moment, but immediately -

Plop! I knelt down without hesitation!

"Get up again in five hours!"

Tang Ke put down these words and left the wedding banquet.


Shen Chongfeng didn't dare to resist at all, so he knelt here quietly!


After the wedding banquet, what to do, Tang Ke still went to pull Didi.

Drive aimlessly on the street and take a look at the scenery on the street.

However, the Mercedes-Benz in front turned suddenly without any lights!

Turned directly in front of Tang Ke!

Because it was too fast, Tang Ke didn't have time to react.

Bang! The two cars collided together.

A man got off the car and walked off cursingly.

This man is five big and three rough, and the expression on his face is quite fierce.

Commonly known as social man!

"How do you drive? How do you drive?"

Tang Ke said calmly: "You changed lanes and braked. I hit, you blame me?"

"There is a camera here, do you want someone to confirm it?"

With that, Tang Ke pointed to the camera on his finger.

The man... was speechless for a while.

But after seeing that Tang Ke was driving a car of all kinds,

"Haha, garbage truck!"

The man's eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

"I'm telling you, Laozi is not annoying, I am a local, there are 10,000 ways to keep you and me out!"

"If you don't want to suffer, just lose money to Laozi!"

The man shouting with his voice quickly attracted the attention of many passersby.

"Oh, I crashed into a luxury car, it's over now!"

"This is the best match for a Mercedes-Benz, even if it is sold by all the people, they can't afford to pay for a car wheel!"

"I don't think there is any problem with driving..."

Everyone talked a lot.

Tang Ke has already taken out his cell phone and called the police: "Hello traffic police, there has been an accident here, just on Huacheng Avenue..."

The man suddenly became embarrassed.

Tang Ke didn't care about himself at all, and even found the traffic police!

He knew that the responsibility for this accident must lie with him.

So it's all of a sudden! Angrily said: "Why are you calling the police?"

"A Didi driver, can't he go to heaven?"

"I'm telling you, there are people in Laozi too!"

As he said, the man immediately took out the phone and shouted!

Bring more!

After the call, the man shouted loudly: "You're done, I'll tell you!"

Tang Ke was hesitating whether to ring the emergency call of the Universe Shield Security Group.

Soon, the man shouted by the man arrived!

A large group of cars rushed in from all directions!

The place is surrounded by water, although some cars seem to be bargains.

But there are also many luxury cars!

A large group of people came down, one by one, they looked like punks.

A few of them should be the bosses, with big golden chains hanging around their necks.

The golden teeth with his mouth full of smiles looked like a nouveau riche.

"Brother Tiger! You are finally here!"

The man shouted.

The people around were surprised when they heard this name!

"It turned out to be Brother Tiger!"

"Who is Brother Tiger?"

"Oh, it's the biggest bastard in this movie! Don't you know?"

"There are hundreds of brothers under my hands!"

"You don't know this, how did you mess with it?"


When the man saw Brother Tiger coming, his face was full of smiles.

Even more proudly, he shouted happily: "That's this kid! The one who broke the Didi, even troubled me!"

Brother Tiger said leisurely: "What kind of cats and puppies dare to be presumptuous these days! Anyone who is open to dripping..."

Before he finished speaking, Brother Tiger's expression when he looked at Tang Ke had already changed!

Damn it! Tang Ke!

The man who troubled Tang Ke didn't know that things had changed.

He said loudly: "Did you see that brat? Give the money this time to solve the problem, otherwise, you just wait to die!"


A slap hit the man's face directly!

It was no one else who beat him, it was Brother Tiger!

The people around are dumbfounded, what is the change?

Did the eldest brother clean up his little brother directly here?

"Brother Tiger...what are you doing?"

The man looked wronged.

"Damn you still have the face to ask me why?"

"Aren't you bullying the Didi driver?!"

Speaking of this, Brother Tiger slapped him with another slap!

"You dare to make trouble with Brother Tang! I'll kill you!"

Seeing this situation, rapid changes have taken place!

Seeing that Brother Tiger was so angry, the man quickly discovered the problem.

Obviously... Brother Tiger knew Tang Ke!

Maybe I kicked the steel plate this time!

"Brother Tiger, spare your life! Brother Tiger!"

"Do you know what to do?" Brother Tiger said angrily.

The man nodded quickly and said to Tang Ke: "Sorry sir! I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't trouble you! The responsibility for this accident lies with me!"

Tang Ke looked at the so-called Brother Tiger playfully.

"You ever met me?"

"I have seen it before... You may have forgotten it, just when Yang Guangyu was looking for you... Uh... while chatting!"

Brother Hu was embarrassed to say too clearly and blurred a bit.

Tang Ke changed his mind. Indeed, those Kuo Shao found so many people to trouble him.

It is estimated that many of them are such small gangsters in Yangcheng.

Brother Hu immediately took over the rest of the matter, so that Tang Ke would not waste a little thought.

Tang Ke went down to make an appointment with Liu Luyao.

Anyway, Didi will definitely not be able to open.


Naturally, Liu Luyao would not refuse, and soon under the leadership of Tang Ke, he went to dinner together.

"How is it? Uncle's job is okay?"

"um. Thank you!"

Liu Luyao smiled sweetly, and then immediately talked about her father's situation.

After arriving at the new hospital, the salary is also high, which is perfect!

"Uncle is happy."

Liu Luyao looked at Tang Ke with envious expression: "You are so amazing! How did you contact this job?"

"I heard my father say that this kind of job is hard to find."

Tang Ke chuckled twice.

"Just know a few's nothing."

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