Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 145 You Go To The Elevator From get off work

"Tang Ke...tonight, why don't we go and have fun together?"

The two beauties were talking very politely.

"What? What do you want to do?"

Tang Ke was a little curious, and didn't know what these two beauties liked to play with.

Xie Lin said immediately: "Of course it is a rich man! Let's find a room and play with you all night!"

The rich man who played with two beauties all night? Tang Ke really hadn't experienced this kind of experience.

Immediately agreed to the two requirements.

In the room, several people were throwing dice, one by one, manipulating the little people who represented themselves, running around on the map.

"Ah! Why are you six again! Isn't this the place to start a company?"

"Don't! Don't go forward! I can't stand you like this..."

" cast too many numbers every time, we can't stand it..."

The two beauties had a great time playing, but don't know why, the winner is always Tang Ke.

"Um...ah, it's just shoot! After a while the dice was thrown inside."

The two beauties were too happy to have fun, and everything on them became obstacles to their own pleasure.

As the layers gradually peeled off, Tang Ke also began to be rude.

It was troublesome to deal with two people by one person, but Tang Ke is really too experienced in this regard.

Just dangle your own things slowly in front of the finish line and don't go in.

These two beauties would be unbearable. Seeing Tang Ke was about to win, they didn't win.

It seems to be going in, but not going in.

It was a kind of torture, and soon surrendered.

Begging for mercy, let Tang Ke go in quickly.

Tang Ke then brought his villain to the end, marking his victory.

But this victory is just the beginning, and it will soon be the next round.

Tang Ke didn't take pity on Yu Yu at all this time, unlike before, the number he cast every time was a bit larger.

This time, it was mostly small, but it was able to reach the key position every time.

"Yeah... it's obviously not that deep, why can you get to this position... are you going to make money again?"

This is how the game of Monopoly is. In many cases, reaching a critical point is more important than reaching the end in advance.

"I... I lost all again... Now I owe money. Would you please lend me a little..."

Zhou Fangfang accidentally stepped on the point where he lost money from betting on horses, and almost committed suicide in grief.

"You can borrow, but there is interest."

Tang Ke said with a smirk: "I will lend it to you, but Xie Lin is gone."

"You have the heart to see that there is nothing under Xie Lin, and I put the money in your place alone to win or lose?"

In this round just now, Xie Lin was like an outsider.

There is no sense of participation at all. It is Zhou Fangfang and Tang Ke who win and lose money here. Naturally, the money goes in and out under them.


A good night passed amidst the laughter of the three people.

The people in the next room were envious of this graceful voice.


The next day Zhang Ke specially invited Tang Ke to visit the office together.

Tang Ke has held this office in his hand for a long time, but he has never visited it.

This time it was for Tang Ke to show his face, which was normal.

When he arrived at Qintai Building, Tang Ke waited for the elevator downstairs.

This is a commercial building, similar to the Yangcheng Financial Building, but this building is obviously much lower-end than the Yangcheng Financial Building.

While waiting for the elevator downstairs.

A voice sounded behind Tang Ke.

"Mr. Tang Ke, are you here?"

It happened to be Rosen from Dongyun Law Firm. Tang Ke is not always here now, and he is in charge of the work.

However, he is usually very busy, almost staying in the office, and Zhang Ke is usually busy doing everything he does.

Especially about Tang Ke.

Tang Ke and Rosen exchanged greetings and entered the elevator.

But at this moment, a beautiful woman delivering food suddenly ran in.

The moment the beauty came in, the sound that marked the elevator overload sounded.

Hearing this voice, one person immediately shouted: "It's overloaded, miss, you can quit."

This beauty is not easy to provoke, and immediately retorted: "Why me? Not you?"

"Our time is precious!"

"My time is just as precious! If it's too late, I will be fired."

Hearing this, Rosen felt it was an opportunity.

Immediately he took out his business card and gave it to this young lady.

"Miss, if you are opened, you can find me, and I will make your boss pay you a lot of money."

Seeing that Rosen was a lawyer, the beauty hesitated.

But at this moment...

Tang Ke directly pushed Rosen out of the elevator!

"You go after get off work!"

Rosen people are stupid... Boss, what do you mean?

I was working hard to increase the business volume of the office, but the boss actually launched it for myself!

When he hesitated, the elevator doors were already closed.

In the elevator, the beauty was immediately amused by Tang Ke: "Do you know this person? Why did you push it out?"

"I pushed it because I knew it!"

The beauties are still very beautiful, that is... the takeaway clothes really don't highlight the beauty of the beauties.

Tang Ke reached the seventeenth floor where the office is located.

Arrived at the front desk.

"I'm Tang Ke."

"You are our new boss? You are so handsome! You are so young!"

The lady at the front desk spoke without reservation.

The beauty immediately said step by step: "The boss is still downstairs, you can wait in the office."

It wasn't downstairs, Tang Ke pushed it down.

Tang Ke smiled and walked into the office.


At this time, the receptionist immediately spread the news to the entire office!

A super handsome guy came to our firm! Still the boss!

With that said, he posted the photo he had just taken secretly.

Everyone was amazed!

Especially the female employees, all of them are extremely excited!

The male employee...has a black line on his face.

envy! Depend on!

Rosen finally climbed to the seventeenth floor and returned to the office. Zhang Ke and Tang Ke had already had a good chat here.

Zhang Ke covered his mouth and snickered. He had heard everything just now.

This is the first time I have seen Rosen suffer such a loss!

Had it not been for Rosen to be the boss, he would have laughed out loud at this time.

Several people chatted, and Rosen immediately proposed that Tang Ke and the employees should meet.

After all, it’s the boss, and the employees have to know each other, right?

In front of everyone, Tang Ke briefly introduced himself: "Hello everyone, I am the boss behind the firm."

"But I don't know anything about the law. Don't care too much. Besides, I am actually a Didi driver now."


Once this is over.

Everyone was dumbfounded, his boss...

Actually a Didi driver?

What a damn it is!

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