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Chapter 17: Your Boyfriend Is Also Here

There are tens of millions!

There are tens of millions of things on a person! Not counting bank cards!

What level is this?

The top five hundred in the world!

This birthday party was originally a place for Zhan Ping and her sisters to show off.

The things to show off are nothing more than your boyfriend, your life, and how material it is.

I spend tens of thousands of dollars a day on my own money like running water.

Before Tang Ke and Liu Luyao came, these men were still talking about business and millions.

I'm all shut up now.

There is no way, even if they are arguing with each other, it depends on the object.

People of their level, encountering people of Tang Ke's level, are not of the same magnitude at all.

They are at most tens of millions, and Tang Ke is hundreds of millions!

Are you pretending to be in front of others? Isn’t this the same as pretending to be in front of Ma○’s father?

Birthday party, after all, can’t be so quiet all the time, right?

Zhan Ping soon noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, Tang Ke did not speak, and they did not dare to speak.

Tang Ke has quietly become the second protagonist of this birthday party!

Zhan Ping hurried out to break the deadlock.

"Mr. Tang Ke, you are Liu Luyao's boyfriend, what do you do?"

"That must be the big boss, right?"

"Oh, people at this level are no longer just the boss, maybe the prince of which country!"

"I think Mr. Tang Ke is so handsome, is he of mixed blood?"

Tang Ke smiled, he was a pure-blooded Asian.

This group of people is obviously accustomed to kneeling for foreigners, so how handsome they must be mixed?

Tang Ke smiled and revealed the answer.

"I'm a takeaway."


There was another silence, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Delivering food?

what does this mean?

Can you earn so much from food delivery? What a joke!

But Tang Ke's expression was so serious, an expression that he was not joking at all.

The important thing is...

Jin Mengmeng also said just now that he would introduce Liu Luyao to a food delivery company!

What, is the type of food delivery you want to introduce?

Jin Mengmeng's face turned green beside him!

No matter how you look at it, these people seem to be aiming at themselves, so they made such a fuss!

Zhan Ping smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Tang Ke, you can really make a joke."

"How can food delivery be like yours?"

Liu Luyao nodded quickly: "Zhanping, don't believe me, Tang Ke and I really met when we delivered the food!"

"I just ordered a takeaway and saw Tang Ke!"

Tang Ke is mysterious and might be foolish.

But Liu Luyao, Zhan Ping, knew very well.

Sometimes this girl is silly, cute, and can be seen at a glance when she is deceiving!

Now Liu Luyao's tone can't be a lie at all!

"So? Is it true?"

"of course it's true!"


Everyone didn't know how to describe it.

"Mr. Tang Ke, which food delivery platform is it? I will dissolve the company now! Go and deliver the food!"

The man has collapsed in three views.

Tang Ke became a rich man by delivering food.

I met Liu Luyao, a super beauty.

This this……

They are striving to become an elite class. What is the purpose of reading various reports, reports and plans every day?

Not as good as a takeaway?

But to talk about the three words takeaway, obviously makes the atmosphere different.

Tang Ke said his identity, everyone began to let go, and chatted with Tang Ke one by one.

Of course, it was nothing more than asking Tang Ke, how did he make so much money!

The most shocking thing at this time was actually Jin Mengmeng.

From just now, Jin Mengmeng felt a little strange.

Why is the name Tang Ke so familiar!

Then, under the reminder of these three words from the takeaway, Jin Mengmeng finally remembered that she once had a blind date!

Aunt Liu told herself that her name was Tang Ke!

Now open the chat history with Tang Ke.

The notice of being blacked out is still here.

But when I look at the back figure in this avatar, it really looks more like Tang Ke!

When everyone asked Tang Ke, Jin Mengmeng quickly found an opportunity and ran behind Tang Ke.

Look at it this way! This hairstyle is exactly the same!

"Mr. Tang Ke, what is your WeChat name?"

"A takeaway"

A takeaway!

Jin Mengmeng finally confirmed.

Tang Ke was the blind date that Aunt Liu introduced to herself that day!

OMG! How could such a coincidence happen in this world? !

Jin Mengmeng is almost crying!

Because I didn't go on a blind date.

In the end, I missed a super god!

This Shenhao conservatively estimates that he has one billion in his hand!

Tang Ke guessed it was Liu Luyao who had only met these two days!

If calculated according to this time, it happened that he had rejected Tang Ke, and Tang Ke would immediately find Liu Luyao!

Jin Mengmeng almost regretted her intestines.

Aunt Liu told her several times that Tang Ke is a rich man and a good guy.

Just go to see, the success rate is definitely high!

I went to see you, I am the rich wife, enjoy life every day!


Until now, there is no boyfriend who doesn’t tell me, I still need to bring my spare tire on this occasion!

How to do?

What should I do at this time?

How to save Tang Ke's heart? !

Obviously he hadn't gotten Tang Ke's heart yet, and Jin Mengmeng had already begun to think about things to save.

But Jin Mengmeng is a confident person after all.

After thinking for two seconds, I felt that I was so beautiful, as long as I apologized to Tang Ke, I would definitely forgive him!

Immediately smirked and patted Tang Ke on the shoulder.

Tang Ke turned around.


"Tang Ke, didn't you expect it? I am Mengmeng!"

Jin Mengmeng showed Tang Ke his WeChat profile picture.

Tang Ke was shocked! Is your WeChat profile picture really the same person as yourself?

Both sides are very beautiful, but this one on WeChat is obviously immortal.

This Jin Mengmeng really made herself a little fairy.

The problem is that you can't recognize the original look!

I really don't know whether it was self-confidence or low self-esteem that caused her to do this.

But what makes Tang Ke feel inexplicable the most is.


Haven't I already blocked you?

A mature adult, at this time should assume that nothing has happened, don't misunderstand it!

"I'm really sorry about the previous thing... I really couldn't get past something that day..."

Jin Mengmeng bit her lip to apologize.

Tang Ke didn't believe it at all.

No time to? If you don't have time, would you make an appointment to meet?

To look down on yourself is to look down on yourself. Now that you know that you are great, you have to look back?


"What happened that day was just an accident. Aunt Liu finally introduced it. I think we should go on a blind date again."


After Jin Mengmeng said these words, the people in the private room were shocked!

Good sister! My girlfriend is still here!

Staring at you!

Did you dig someone's corner?

And if I read it right...

Is your boyfriend too?

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