Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 170: This Is A Black Shop

Did you meet a super boss this time?

You still have the Yangcheng Financial Building? And looking at this person's appearance, it seems that this is not the only thing.

These are just one of them?

"It seems that my conditions are more worthy of Shangguan Wan'er, right?"

The calmer Tang Ke's tone is, the more ugly the expression on Gao Cheng's face...

In the end, I could only run away dingy...

When he returned to his seat, several friends next to him immediately asked curiously.

"Didn't you just ask this man to leave Wan'er? What happened?"

"I failed……"

The expression on Gao Cheng's face is extremely sad.

"How can you fail? Aren't you rich? Let him know how good you are!"

The friend looked surprised.

Gao Cheng is even harder: "He has more money than me..."

Then I briefly said what I heard, and everyone was as shocked as he was!

A few friends even patted him on the shoulder helplessly.

"Brother, it's okay, so be it. Let's find another woman. Brother, your conditions are not bad. Is it troublesome to find a woman?"

Gao Cheng can only nod his head helplessly.

But my heart is broken!

A woman who I've been fond of for so long has been so embarrassed!


The beginning and the end of the wedding banquet are relatively peaceful. This is a normal wedding banquet.

Like the wedding banquets that Tang Ke attended before, the people above were really too capable of making trouble.

As a result, it made a good wedding banquet and became a place where Tang Ke played better.

Still have to pretend.

After it was over, Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er happened to be fine, taking a break at several scenic spots in Yangcheng.

After all, Shangguan Wan'er, unlike the other girls, likes to wander around.

Especially going to the streets to buy clothes.

After strolling around the major attractions for a whole day, Tang Ke sent Shangguan Wan'er home.

The next day, Xiao Lizi called Tang Ke.

I immediately asked: "Have you eaten? Let's eat together!"



Tang Ke hesitated and agreed immediately.

After dozens of minutes, Tang Ke had arrived at Jinyu Hot Pot Restaurant.

The place where the little plum entertained.

This is a relatively high-end hot pot restaurant in Yangcheng.

After all, the per capita consumption is more than three thousand yuan.

"elder brother!"

With a shout, Tang Ke saw Xiao Lizi.

Obviously more energetic and happier than when delivering food, the expression on his face can be seen.

"Boy, it's a good mess!"

Tang Ke patted Xiao Lizi on the shoulder.

"Isn't it relying on you, Brother Tang? I've lived quite happily these days."

"Go on, go in and say!"

Xiao Lizi took Tang Ke into the store, ordered food, and talked while eating.

"Brother Tang, let me tell you, after the last wedding, the attitude and eyes of those people looked at me differently!"

"I have made several pretty good deals! They all rely on you, Brother Tang!"

Tang Ke smiled without answering.

Knowing that Xiao Li had a good time, he was naturally happy to be the eldest brother.

But at this moment, a little boy next to him suddenly ran to the side with a smile.

"Big brother, can I play with your phone?"

Tang Ke was dumbfounded.

Is there such a requirement? Is the mobile phone now something that people can play casually?

Tang Ke said immediately, "No."

The smile on the child's face suddenly disappeared, and he said angrily: "It's so stingy!"

"You are not a good person at first sight!"

Naturally, Tang Ke didn't care about such children, and didn't say anything.

If this kind of child can go directly to him and ask for a mobile phone, there must be a problem with the adult’s education.

If Tang Ke really wants to do anything, he must contact an adult.

Soon, other dishes were delivered.

At this moment, the kid just now didn't know where he ran out.

I just lost a thing that I don't know what it is and put it in the pot!


Tang Ke and Xiao Lizi didn't react at once.

But then, Xiao Lizi immediately grabbed the little boy.

Angrily asked: "What are you doing?"

The child did not answer, but suddenly shouted loudly.

"I hit someone! This uncle hit a child!"

Hearing this voice, the surrounding customers and service staff all looked sideways.

"what happened?"

"What about bullying children?"

"Isn't this man messing up?"

After all, children are inherently disadvantaged, so a group of people stepped forward immediately.

Especially a woman rushed to the boy's side and snatched the child from Xiao Li's hand.

Distressedly asked: "What's the matter? Who is bullying you?"

At first glance, it is the child's mother.

"It's him!" the little boy pointed to the little plum and said angrily.

The woman didn't dare to look like her, and shouted directly like a shrew.

"How can you hit a child? How can you be an adult?"

Little Lizi snorted coldly: "Hit? I just caught him. Which eye did you see me hit?"

"And if he didn't throw something in our soup pot, would I catch him?"

Hearing Xiao Lizi's explanation, many customers have already reacted.

Indeed, how can ordinary people be deliberately angry with this kind of child?

Xiao Li must have his own reasons for doing this.

As a result, the little boy's mother didn't care at all, and said angrily: "He's still a child, ignorant, how can you care about him?"

Tang Ke sneered.

Little children can be ignorant.

Then you should never educate? Just be so ignorant?

Even the surrounding customers frowned upon hearing this.

Tang Ke said indignantly, "Can I do everything if I don't understand?"

"I want to let him know what he can't do now!"

"Either you paid for all the dishes on this table today, or I call the police and you can choose by yourself!"

The woman became even more angry when she heard that she was going to be compensated.

"You come to a place like this to eat, how come you are not a person who is short of money, and you make me lose money?"

"Do you know that you are being rich and unkind?"

Tang Ke smiled: "Ren? Are you worthy?"

If he is a reasonable person and a kind person, Tang Ke can talk to him well and treat him kindly.

But this kind of little boy and this kind of woman, there is no need to do this at all.

Not only that, but Tang Ke has to step up!

"Waiter! Settlement!"

The manager of the hot pot restaurant was already paying attention here because of this incident. Now that he sees this situation, he immediately reacts.

Within a few minutes, the list came out.

"Sir, you spent a total of 18,340 yuan on this table."


The woman was dumbfounded: "What are you eating? Twenty thousand yuan?"

"You are a black shop? Are you deliberately cheating us?"

Hearing this, the manager's face went dark!

Openly said that this is a black shop? Who can not be depressed?

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