The bus quickly bypassed the location of the accident and set off again.

Tan Long was very happy at this time, thinking that Tang Ke was a king and not easy to mess with.

But I didn't expect it was just a bronze!

The opener dared to be so arrogant in front of him, it was arrogant!

But before he started to pretend, the bus had arrived at the bus station in Lishi City.

Tang Ke and Meng Feifei got off the car directly.

Tang Ke is still wondering, isn't this Tan Long going to hook up with Meng Feifei?

Why can't you see the figure suddenly?

After a minute, he realized that Tan Long had hurriedly got out of the car to find his car!

Just now in the car, Tan Long sent a message to his secretary and asked the secretary to drive a Cullinan over!

This car is his father's car. If he only talks about money, he will feel a little distressed when he buys this car.

Tan Long, leaning against Cullinan at this time, assumed a very handsome pose!

Speaking proudly.

"Beauty, where are you going? I'll see you off!"

Unexpectedly, Memphis...

It was as if he hadn't seen Tan Long, and he walked past it lightly!

And also talking and laughing with Tang Ke!

Tan Long... speechless for a while!

Look at your car key, then look at this luxury car.

I have mixed feelings in my heart. I have used this method to fish girls before, and I haven't failed yet!

What is going on today?


After suffering too many losses, Tan Long decided to ask a friend!

It was Tan Long's friend who broke the secret.

"This girl you are looking for is obviously not the kind of gold worshiper! Although there are many gold worshippers."

"But there are people in this world who don't care about money or not."

"At this time you still have to think of other ways to hook up this girl, didn't you say that this person is a kindergarten teacher?"

"That must be very caring! Go and do something for her, and she will be able to chat with you!"

Hearing what his friend said, Tan Long immediately became agile.

That's right, how come I am so mind-blowing!

This person despises money, so don't think about using money anymore!


At this time, on the other side, Tang Ke and Meng Feifei had already received contact.

The two went to the hotel to meet with the others, and they all had a meal together, and then they went to the orphanage to buy something together.

On the way, the two happened to hit a didi over.

Looking at this driver, Tang Ke couldn't help being a little curious.

"Master, I am also a Didi driver. How much can you earn in a month in Lishi City?"

The driver looked dumbfounded, so he could meet his peers?

"I am about four to five thousand a month, right? How about you? You can definitely make a lot of money in Yangcheng."

When I said this...Tang Ke was a little embarrassed.

Other drivers make more than 20 orders a day, and he may not even be able to make a fraction of others in a day...

"I'm around two thousand three thousand a month."

When the driver heard this number, there was a hint of sympathy on his face.

"Brother, you are barely enough to eat!"

Even Meng Feifei, who was next to him, had a strange feeling after listening.

So Tang Ke's life is so ordinary? I think that my own conditions are also average, if I get married in the future...

You may need to work hard on your own.


Thinking of this, Meng Feifei shook her head quickly, what she was thinking about!

Tang Ke explained: "This is just that part of the money, I still have subsidies, which is actually fine."

The two arrived at the hotel quickly, and as soon as they entered one of the boxes, the eyes of nearly forty people in the audience fell on them.

"Wow! Isn't this a Memphis beauty!"

"There is another handsome guy! Isn't it a couple?"

"Lang Cai Nv looks!"

"Don't talk nonsense, take a look, this is definitely not a couple, they didn't hold hands."

It was Chen Lijun, who knew Tang Ke, and talked to them.

"Come, sit down here, two, let me introduce to you, these two are also from our orphanage."

"Handsome Tang Ke and beautiful Meng Feifei."

With the arrival of Memphis, the atmosphere of the entire venue suddenly changed.

A lot of enthusiasm.

Especially a man named Song Yao who is about 30 years old.

The performance was particularly exciting.

"I've always been abroad and didn't know these things, and then I went to angel investment."

"But angels investing in such companies openly insulted us Chinese people!"

"So I resigned!"

"How is it possible to live on if the monthly salary is less than eight thousand?"

"For a car, it's better than a million-level car, and there is actually no need to buy a car under a million..."

Obviously, all kinds of pretends are shown here!

The voice is still very loud, and the arrogance on his face can't be hidden.

The people around, seeing Song Yao's expression at this time, were also a little disgusted.

After all, everyone comes to see the situation in the orphanage. Who wants to see others pretending to be?

Still this kind of non-flowing ratio.

Tang Ke looked at Song Yao's expression at this time, in fact, he already had something to say.


Because this person's methods and methods of pretending to be compared are completely old-fashioned methods.

I am used to seeing too many bells and whistles, and now I see such an unpretentious way of dressing.

Tang Ke really felt a little familiar.

Meng Feifei saw Tang Ke looking at Song Yao with interest, and thought he was envious of Song Yao.

He quickly said to the side: "Although your monthly salary is only three thousand, don't care about his words."

"In fact, the money is enough for you to find a girl to get married and start a family, so you can live a good life."

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded...

I am...

Are you sympathetic?

He was already worth over 100 billion, and he was even about to reach one trillion, yet he was sympathized by others.


Tang Ke shook his head quickly: "No, my income is not low, and I am not just doing Didi."

"I have other jobs, and I can earn at least this amount every month."

With that, Tang Ke placed the number four on his finger.

It's about 400 million a month.

Meng Feifei immediately became surprised: "Four thousand plus three thousand, there are also seven thousand, which is pretty good!"

Tang Ke originally wanted to explain that it was 400 million, but it seems...

No one believes it.

Forget it, Tang Ke didn't dwell on it either.

The words of the two have been heard by the person next to them.

In addition to Song Yao, there are several people who are also quite interesting to Meng Feifei.

So they also pretended to be here with Song Yao...

However, Meng Feifei doesn't care about these things at all!

So I didn't even look at them directly.

A few people are desperately forced.


Soon after, a domineering Mercedes Benz drove in at the entrance of the hotel.

When the doorman saw it, he took a breath.

He knows the people in this car!

Yu Wenbin!

Although he is only twenty-three years old, his worth is quite high!

He was once a member of Lantian Orphanage, but when he was eight years old, his parents found him.

Brought back to other places.

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