On the other side, Longmiguo, Lolic Company Building.

At this time, President Swanner Dryden, listening to the secretary's return, knew that the company's second largest shareholder had changed.

"You mean, a Chinese has become our second largest shareholder?"

Swanner looked a little serious, even if he was one of the few billionaires in the world, he couldn't help but be a little surprised at this time.

The secretary hurriedly handed over the information.

"A Chinese..."

Swanner groaned as he watched.

The data above shows that this transaction is seamless and looks like an ordinary transaction.

Even Tang Ke bought the shares for five percent higher than the market price.

"As expected of China, it is indeed mysterious and powerful! There are such young and promising entrepreneurs!"

"Since we have bought the shares, we are friends. Go and contact this friend!"

Swanner has now started to admire Tang Ke somewhat.

After all, people with this ability are definitely not the general generation, as long as the relationship is connected, they may be able to take the two to the next level.

Secretary: "Okay, I will contact this Mr. Tang Ke immediately."


A few minutes later, Tang Ke received a call from the secretary.

"Oh? You are from Loric Company?"

"Want to connect with each other? I would like to mention any conditions?"


Tang Ke hesitated a little, and certainly couldn't put forward too much conditions.

"Then... I'll make one condition."

"Please say, as long as we can do it, there is absolutely no problem!"

The secretary hurriedly said respectfully. After all, he was facing the company's second largest shareholder. To be such a person is absolutely terrifying!

Even his boss wants to have a good relationship with this person, how can the secretary dare to be presumptuous?

"The sports car I drove when I was delivering food, it was still a bit awkward to put things in. It's not as easy to use as my usual motorcycle. You can order me a sports car specifically for delivery."


Sports car?


The secretary became embarrassed.

Then I immediately understood what I heard.

What the hell!

Isn't it the second largest shareholder of Lorick? Such a rich man is actually delivering food? And also send it in a sports car?

I... believe you a ghost!

But Tang Ke had already spoken. After all, it was Tang Ke's request. Even if the secretary didn't understand it, he still had to follow it!

Fulfill the requirements of God! Even if God wants to build a toilet in the sky!

"No problem, Mr. Tang, please make a request, and we will complete the design immediately for you to review!"

Tang Ke: "Okay, I will post a motorcycle that I usually use. Your designer will naturally know how to design it after seeing it."

Then I posted a picture of a large group of takeout deliverymen riding their motorcycles.

After the secretary saw this picture...



Really a takeaway! Then the secretary quickly checked.

I thought it was Tang Ke's evil taste, but I found it turned out to be true!

This is very common in China, and you can see takeaway motorcycles on the streets and alleys!

The secretary roared in his heart: "I'm sick!"

This kind of thing for the super low-level people actually requires their company's top designers to design!

What a nonsense!

But she had to do it, she had to fulfill all Tang Ke's requirements!

The secretary immediately contacted the designer and explained the request.


After hearing this, the designer was furious: "Do you know who I am? I am Derek Husen, the world's top car design master! The car I designed by Derek has a minimum value of 30 million US dollars!"

"The models I have designed so far are still made by gods in the mouths of car enthusiasts in the world!"

"You actually asked me to design this kind of food delivery car? Is the sports car used to deliver food?"

"I am a work of art, this is my hard work and my child! You are insulting me!"

"I won't do it! Find someone else!"

Derek's current attitude is almost heavenly.

"Hmm, it is our company's second shareholder, Mr. Tang Ke, who made the request."


"Say it early! I'll design it right away! I'm sure you are satisfied! Delivering food? I promise that even if you drive into the mountains, you won't let the contents of the takeaway spill out!"

Derek changed his words as if he had changed.

The secretary looked at the scene with satisfaction.

"This gentleman may have a special hobby. In addition to delivering food, you can design and design a car that delivers other things by the way."

"Do you want a hearse too?"


If Tang Ke heard these people's conversations, he was afraid that he would vomit blood directly. Although he looked a little weird, the hearse would be too much, right?

"Don't worry, leave it to me! Let you see what world-class master designs! Five days, no! Within three days, I will design them right away! Let our shareholders rest assured!"

With that said, Derek immediately went to work.

The secretary was also speechless.

Wasn't it crazy just now?

Crazy! Do you dare to be mad when you see shareholders?

Don't think about it, if this car appears on the market, it will definitely cause a disturbance. When people press the button, they will come out with luxury suits, and the convertible will be for waves.

He turned the hood to deliver the takeaway!

But this is all for the rest. Tang Ke certainly doesn't know how much impact this car will have in a few years.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Xiao Lizi rushed to Tang Ke.

"Brother Tang...the 36th person yesterday..."

"What's wrong?"

Tang Ke can see that there must be something wrong when he sees Xiao Lizi's face now! And it's a good thing! This little plum looks grown up!

Xiao Lizi was still a little shy at this time, not very dare to say, a little struggling.

After tweaking for a long time, Xiao Lizi said.

It turned out that yesterday was the lady’s birthday, and the lady was too lonely and so enthusiastic. I ordered a takeaway in the evening, which happened to be a birthday cake from Xiao Li.

Seeing that it was her birthday, Xiao Lizi thoughtfully prepared a box of sweets.

Unexpectedly, this box of sweets would make the lady be moved.

At once……

Dry wood and raging fire...

Tang Ke: "..."

Great, my little plum!

Little plum also scratched his head shyly.

"Brother Tang, thank you so much for this matter. I didn't expect you to think of brother at this time!"

"Brother Tang, don't worry, as long as it is your business in the future, I will definitely do my best to help!"

Brother Tang, Brother Tang!

Little Lizi started to regard Tang Ke as a god.

Tang Ke waved his hand immediately: "Don't shout so nasty! It's a big man!"


Liu Luyao suddenly called Tang Ke.

"I want to watch a movie!"

Liu Luyao's sweet and slightly coquettish voice suddenly came, expressing his thoughts.

"I want to watch it with you!"

Since the last incident, Liu Luyao has become very well-behaved, and he especially likes acting like a baby with Tang Ke.

As if guessing what Tang Ke wanted to say, Liu Luyao spoke again.

The request of the beauty is still such a sweet voice.

Can't refuse at all.

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