Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 211 Big Brother Tang Ke Is Worthy of Big Brother Tang Ke

Hear what Tang Ke said...

Ning Lie, plop, almost kneel down!

He knows very well that this Aslant Hotel is such a powerful existence!

People like myself can live in a five-star hotel with all their best.

Talk to Tang Ke casually.

They introduced a seven-star hotel!

You know, this happened suddenly! If Tang Ke knew in advance and bought shares, he would understand.

But this time was not given to him at all!

It shows Tang Ke's own strength, part of which is here!

This is a super luxury hotel with an average price of more than 5,000 a night!

If you live alone, forget it.

The core staff of the entire company followed, so this overhead...

I am afraid that the benefits of a year will be included!

And this is just housing! If you go to consume, where can you still consume?

As a result, Tang Ke said clearly now!

Contact him to solve the problem!

Then this seven-star hotel might be Tang Ke's!

Otherwise, how could one sentence solve so many problems?


Two hours later.

President's Office of Aslant Hotel.

President Walz put down the phone, excited in his heart!

The largest shareholder of the hotel is coming!

This is the first time I have seen this mysterious shareholder!

Greet, how to greet?

All in all, it must be grand, and there must be many beauties!

Of course, this matter can only be known by oneself!

The whereabouts of the boss must be kept secret to foolproof!

All night, he was devising how to greet Tang Ke.

Dozens of phone calls!

The next day, the beautiful waiters at the Aslant Hotel received a notice.

That is, they are going to the airport to meet a very distinguished guest!

Similar situations have happened, but there are very few situations where so many employees are required to greet them together!

Explain that this time things are by no means simple!


The sun is shining, the blue sky and white clouds.

Coastline airport, three planes landed on the airport.

The next two are passenger planes, but the first one is a private plane!

Bigger than two passenger planes!

Those who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

On this special plane, only Tang Ke and the flight attendant, Jing Yan led a team of crew to serve Tang Ke.

There are no more than thirty people in total.

It's bigger than a passenger plane with more than a hundred passengers in the back!

It can be seen how exaggerated the space is.

Outside the airport, it is also quite exaggerated.

Two luxury cars started, followed by several buses, and entered the airport apron.

Then came down hundreds of waiters who were all showy!

All beautiful and beautiful!

Lined up in two lines, standing straight, these pairs of big and long legs, it's almost impossible.

So many beautiful girls, holding flowers, warm welcome!

President Walz also got out of the car and looked at the scene in front of him seriously.

I don't know if Tang Ke will be satisfied.

At this time, the passengers who saw this scene in the airport terminal were all dumbfounded!

"What's the situation? Such a big battle?"

"It feels like the leader of the country!"

"Isn't this the president of Aslant Hotel?"

"Walz personally greeted him, Niubi!"


On other planes, a rich second-generation generation is constantly chatting up with a beauty he just fell in love with.

This beauty has long black silk legs and is quite the best.

The rich second-generation Zuo Lin has been staring at this beauty on the plane for a long time.

Now it’s time to get off the plane, come over and have a conversation.

"Beauty, are you here to travel when you come to Haicheng?"

There are too many people that the beauty has met, so she is quite disdainful of this kind of man.

More importantly... Zuo Lin looks too ugly.

The beauty said without hesitation: "Go away!"

Zuo Lin didn't care, revealing his hundreds of thousands of watches, shaking his luxurious suit.

Confidently said, "Presumably you will also live in Haicheng today, right?"

"Why don't I take you to the Aslant Hotel?"

When I mentioned the Aslant Hotel, the beauty who had a very bad complexion was tempted at this time!

You know this is a seven-star hotel!

When I came to Haicheng by myself, I just wanted to check in here!

Only after I came did I realized that this place was too expensive, and I didn't have the strength at all.

So I had to take the second place.

Seeing the beauty tempted, Zuo Lin said quickly: "I am a shareholder of Aslant Hotel!"


The beauty became even more excited when I heard the words "shareholders"!

If you want to know the shareholders... it's very different!

But it is much more powerful than simply having money!

In fact, Zuo Lin is indeed a shareholder of this hotel, but his shareholding is less than 1%.

In fact, it's not a person at all, this time I just pretended to be here, so I said it.

After coming and going, the two have gotten to know each other.

Zuo Lin immediately said, "There is a presidential suite in the hotel. If possible, I will take you to live with you!"

As long as you enter this suite, you still do what you want to do?

There is no worry that this beauty will not fall!

After all, this beauty, green tea with a face, is about to stick to herself.

The smile on Zuo Lin's face overflowed.

Just after getting off the plane, Zuo Lin quickly noticed Waltz who was welcoming Tang Ke.

He didn't know that this was to welcome others, he was still thinking about it.

As a shareholder of this kind, I am greeted by someone. Waltz is really good at doing things!

Immediately he said proudly: "Did you see it? They are already welcoming me!"

"Really! You are amazing! So many people greet you!"

"And this car, this is a super luxury car!"

Zuo Lin chuckled.

"It's all small scenes! The people in our family don't care about this kind of car at all!"

"Originally I planned to let them fly a helicopter to pick me up!"

"Wow... That's amazing!"

The two arrived in front of Walz, Zuo Lin said proudly.

"Mr. Walz, it's really unexpected that you came to meet me in person! Hahahaha..."


Waltz looked at Zuo Lin for a moment, and said dumbfounded: "Who are you?"


Suddenly embarrassed...

It's overturned!

When Zuo Lin came over, he greeted Walz, but Walz had been busy with Tang Ke's affairs.

So I didn't care about this at all!

No one was arranged to greet him!

He has found Volz here now just as affectionate as he is!

After all, it's just a small shareholder, incomparable with a super shareholder like Tang Ke.

Hearing what Waltz said, Zuo Lin's face turned red and white.

This is really not giving yourself any face!

The beauty is right by, saying nothing to lose face at this time!

Zuo Lin immediately said angrily: "What kind of attitude is this! I am a shareholder of the hotel!"

"You don't even know me!"

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