Zhang Jian still knows something about yachts.

Tang Ke's yacht is at best a broken yacht worth tens of millions.

Compared with his own yacht of hundreds of millions, it is not of the same level at all!

Moreover, looking at Tang Ke's appearance, it is estimated that the yacht is still rented, but he bought it at a genuine price!

Tang Ke's things are not very good, but he can carry a goddess-level super beauty!

Direct pressure on the girls around him, this contrast makes Zhang Jian quite unhappy.

Especially after seeing his yacht one size bigger than Tang Ke driving next to Tang Ke Yacht.

Tang Ke's attitude that he didn't even look at himself even made him dissatisfied!


Laozi has already arrived in front of you, don't you realize this gap?

Don't you know how to say hello to yourself?


Because Zhang Jian himself is a rich boy, there are too many people who please him.

The people around all nodded when they saw Zhang Jian, even bowed their heads!

Zhang Jian is also used to this kind of life.

Now that I see some people do not love myself, I naturally cannot accept it in my heart.

Seeing the change in the expression on Zhang Jian's face, Chen Shao, who had been around to please Zhang Jian, immediately understood the meaning.

He quickly said angrily: "That kid over there!"

"come over!"

This shout immediately attracted Tang Ke's attention.

The girl on the yacht Chen Shao also laughed like a good show.

Zhang Jian stopped Chen Shao at this time.

He said coldly: "This brother, my friend is not very good at talking. I think you are very familiar. How about coming up to meet you?"

Although Zhang Jian said very politely, but the expression on his face is high!

Tang Ke looked disdainful: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."


Don't even save yourself face!

Zhang Jian looked surprised, and then said solemnly: "Do you know who I am?"

"Dare to say such things...you are afraid that you don't know the consequences!"

Tang Ke smiled: "I just don't think you are qualified."


Zhang Jian was surprised at first, and then immediately burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha... really interesting!"

"I'm not qualified? Hahaha..."

As if he had heard a particularly funny joke, Zhang Jian immediately laughed presumptuously.

Chen Shao and his people beside him also followed with an arrogant smile.

I don't know if I was tired from laughing, or how to refute it when I remembered it.

Chen Shao said proudly: "I'm telling you, we Zhang Shao is in Yangcheng, that's super wide and young!"

"You know Shao Zhang and you don’t have the same qualifications! You dare to look down on Shao Zhang!"

"That is, if I want to say, this kid is definitely not from Yangcheng, he has never seen the world!"

Another person spoke directly to Jing Yan.

"Beauty, this kind of man has nothing to do with him. You should abandon him and throw him into the arms of Shao Zhang!"

When Jing Yan heard this, she couldn't help it.

Angrily said: "A bunch of ignorant people!"


Zhang Jian wasn't angry either. In front of the beauty, he naturally wanted to put on a graceful look.

"Beauty, you may think that your boyfriend is good, but in fact, there are still many people in this world who are very good!"

"Some people, you can't imagine with great energy! For example—me!"

Zhang Jiantian said shamelessly.

Anyway, Zhang Jian had never seen a few people better than him, especially in places like Haicheng.

Therefore, when he said this sentence, he was already holding his head high, with a confident expression on his face!

This is not a pretend match, it's a real cow match!

When Jing Yan saw such a shameless person, he really didn't know whether to roll his eyes or laugh.

Tang Ke had already noticed that the other party saw that his yacht was not so good, so he belittled himself here.

"You guys, this is the bigger one with your own yacht, so it's presumptuous, right?"

"Bigger, of course want to be presumptuous!"

Zhang Jian looked confident.

"Oh? In other words, if I can get a bigger one, then I am better than you?"

Tang Ke asked rhetorically.

Everyone was stunned, but immediately burst into laughter!

"Hahaha... I tell you, brat!"

"Our yacht is already a second-class yacht!"

"The bigger one is, it is invincible! The bigger it is, it is something the military can use!"

"We are already at the limit, do you still want to find a bigger yacht?"

"Stop dreaming here!"

This is not only a question of money, but also a question of authority!

It is impossible for ordinary people to have access to this type of yacht.

It may not appear on TV!

Zhang Jian looked at Tang Ke contemptuously and had already determined that Tang Ke was scaring himself!

It's a pity that I am so good.

And how could Tang Ke be easily shocked by seeing so many worlds?

Zhang Jian smiled triumphantly: "Come here, I want to see if you can call in a bigger yacht!"

"If you really have this ability, I will leave right away! I will definitely not pester you!"

Tang Ke smiled, go?

From the time you provoke me, you don't even want to leave easily!

Tang Ke took Jing Yan to play here, but he was already prepared.

Because anything can happen on the sea, in order to avoid all kinds of problems, he has already designed everything.

Not only that, but there is also a super yacht in a sea not far away.

Above is Ning Lie and others.

A call was made, and Walz over there said immediately: "Mr. Tang Ke, wait a minute, we'll be there in five minutes!"

Zhang Jian saw Tang Ke call.

I thought Tang Ke was still acting, and he didn't panic at all.


At this time, another superyacht had already parked on the beach, and the director Zhang Rizheng looked at the yacht in shock.

"This... can you really lend us a movie?"

"Of course, this was ordered by Mr. Tang Ke."

The hotel staff gave a serious introduction.

There are five yachts in the hotel, even this kind of super yacht.

These are all dispatched by Tang Ke.

Considering the filming, one of them is scheduled to be loaned to these people.

The crew and Zhou Qian were shocked.

Tang Ke's impact on this crew is really too great!

From the plane to the hotel to the yacht here, it is the pinnacle of an overbearing president!

No wonder Tang Ke has such a good temperament when filming.

Acting in true colors!


A few minutes later, the super yacht immediately arrived at the place where Tang Ke and them were.

Because of the rapid progress, so the speed is extremely fast!

It's hard to brake!

Deliberately drew a beautiful arc next to Zhang Jian and their yacht!

The brush made a huge wave!

Zhang Jian’s yacht almost overturned!

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