Just at this time.

Jing Yan had finished using the bathroom and returned to Tang Ke.

He came up and grabbed Tang Ke's arm.

"Honey, have you waited a long time?"

"It's fine."

The intimacy between the two of them was almost the same as Liang Chao who had just given Tang Ke some dog food.

Liang Chao and his girlfriend... dumbfounded.

The beauty of this Jingyan is too bad!

And there is this temperament (just kidding, of course the temperament of the stewardess is quite elegant!)

It's simply not what people like them can feel.

As for the various accessories and things on Jing Yan's body, they are extremely luxurious!

More than ten times more noble than Liang Chao!

Liang Chao's girlfriend also said with envy: "You watch..."

"It's a lady's watch, right? I remember the one with 1.3 million..."

Jing Yan smiled softly.

"Well, I didn't expect your vision to be pretty good."

Liang Chao...

Look confused!

Tang Ke also said indifferently: "Then Liang Chao, let's stop talking. My girlfriend and I are back to Yangcheng."

"We have time to contact again and see you later."

With that said, shaking hands with the two of them, the two of them were quite surprised.

Almost stupidly, he waved to Tang Ke here.

As soon as Tang Ke and the others arrived at the door of the hotel, a large group of staff stood on both sides respectfully.

It's almost like a military parade, bowing in unison!

"Mr. Tang Ke, go slowly!"

The sound is well trained!

Liang Chao couldn't believe everything in front of him! What kind of treatment is this?

This is too awesome, right?

And... why don't you have this treatment!

Liang Chao didn't know if he was too shocked or his brain was convulsed.

He even ran over, shouting loudly.

"I've been to your hotel so many times, why don't you see you doing this to me?"

The waiter...with a speechless face.

Then he said helplessly: "This gentleman, you are neither a member user, nor a special advanced user."

"Moreover, I have been pretending to be here in our lobby these days, and I haven't ordered a single cup of tea."

"Why should we give you a gift?"

Liang Chao's girlfriend heard these words and was suddenly embarrassed to death.

This boyfriend I found is actually such a person.

She thought Liang Chao had been working all this time!

I really couldn't help the scorn and ridicule around me, Liang Chao's girlfriend ran away!

Liang Chao also ran out.

Seeing a scene now made him speechless.

An extremely luxurious Rolls Royce stopped in front of the hotel.

A driver opened the door and respectfully greeted Tang Ke in.

The front of this car... the back...

It's all a team! Obviously it was for Tang Ke to clear the way!

Drive in the direction of the airport!

My classmate is such an amazing existence!

This incident really surprised Liang Chao!

I actually pretended to be in front of such a person... This is pretending to be lonely!


Yangcheng Airport.

A super luxurious private jet parked at the airport.

"Welcome to the vice chairman!"

Welcomed by a group of flight attendants, Tang Ke and Jing Yan got off the plane!

Well, the air in Yangcheng is really different from that in Haikou.

But this familiar feeling is quite refreshing.

"go home!"

Pushing the suitcase, Tang Ke and Jing Yan walked out of the airport.


In fact, it was an hour before the two arrived at the airport.

There is also a big man who arrived in Yangcheng, not with a big identity, but with a high reputation!

This is a big star from Han! Lee Jun Ki!

He, who played the leading role in his last TV series, became a hit overnight!

From Han to Yinxia, ​​and then to island nations.

Countless people became his fans.

He came to Yangcheng on a chartered flight today.

For normal people, they just pack a business class or something.

He chartered a flight, the reason is somewhat enviable...

Behind him, followed by four or five assistants, makeup artists, bodyguards, nutritionists, and all kinds of people who take care of him, there are more than a dozen people!

Before there was a fire, there was still only one agent birding him.

But after the fire, he became an existence like the earth emperor!

Don’t bring any discomfort to anyone!

And it must reflect that he has become a big hit, and he is a super invincible existence!

Li Junji sat on the luxurious sofa of the plane.

Shaking the red wine glass in his hand, he looked at everything in Yangcheng outside with a pleasant expression.

He said disdainfully: "It's incomparable to our Han country!"

The Yangcheng Airlines flight attendant next to her was speechless.

The level of development in Yangcheng is much better than that of Han.

And how old is Han? How old is Yinxia State?

This is obviously nonsense with open eyes.

At this time, the agent next to him reminded Li Junji.

"Jun Ki, you are a big star now, and you still have a lot of fans in Yinxia Country."

"So pay attention to your own image, and you must not do too much."

"Show yourself a good side, be gentle, and like fans!"

"I have arranged the media, and wait until this advertisement goes out..."

"You can definitely be more popular! All kinds of commercial orders...hehehe..."

Thinking of this, the agent looked excited.

Sure to make a lot of money!

"Relax, I know! Hahaha..."

Li Junji's face is confident, this is something he has been thinking about many years ago.

This time I went to Yinxia Country to make money like crazy!


Because the laughter was too rampant, the wine glass in his hand shook accidentally!

All the wine in it was spilled on my body!

Depend on!

Li Junji hurriedly wiped while cursing.

But the more you wipe it, the dirtier it gets!

With her own makeup, she drew a large swath directly on the clothes.

"Change clothes! Hurry up!"

It is about to land, if you let fans see this scene, it will be bad!

But who cares about you when the plane lands? The seat belt cannot be untied!

The plane suddenly turned into a pot of porridge...

By the time he changed his clothes and came out, it was already an hour!

"Go! See the fans!"

With a group of entourage, Li Junji walked out of the airport mightily.

Of course, the people on the road are constantly onlookers for this kind of formation.

However, many people obviously don't know Li Junji at all, and their faces are at a loss.

On the other side, Tang Ke also came out of the airport with Jing Yan, one step faster than Li Junji.

As soon as they arrived at the position of the machine, someone screamed frantically.

"Lee Jun Ki is here!"

"Ouba! I love you!"

Most of these people are teenage children, and some young people in their twenties.

They have actually been waiting for an hour.

I thought I couldn't see Ouba, but I didn't expect Ouba to suddenly appear in front of him!

Tang Ke turned his head in surprise.

Only to find a group of fans staring at him, Tang Ke at this time was wearing sunglasses.

Actually, he can't see his face clearly.

But the height and body shape are quite similar to Lee Jun Ki.

These people have mistakenly thought it was Lee Jun Ki!

This time around, I suddenly saw a large group of female fans rushing towards me!

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