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Chapter 229: Turned Out To Be A Princess

After all, this is someone Yang Guangyu must treat well!

"Boss, this time filming has been hard!"

"Come for a drink!"

The director is also flattering.

"Mr. Tang Ke, you are the most powerful actor I have ever seen!"

Zhou Qian was also a little shy, and toasted Tang Ke.

This little girl still stuck to Tang Ke's ear and said thank you.

Tang Ke was a little confused, did he do anything thank you?

Seeing Tang Ke's expression, Zhou Qian continued talking.

"If it weren't for you, I would definitely not be the heroine. We have time to go out alone..."

The voice just fell...


The door of the private room was kicked open!

Li Junji led the people and rushed in aggressively!

Li Junji was also taken aback when he saw so many people in the private room.

Seeing Tang Ke actually in the middle of these people was even more stunned.

But he immediately became angry, pointing at Tang Ke and shouting.

"This is the person, call me!"

A group of bodyguards rushed up immediately!

Yang Guangyu immediately stood up from his seat.

"Damn! Anyone dare to cause trouble on Laozi's head these years?"

Yang Guangyu has been in Yangcheng for so many years, except for Tang Ke's defeats.

How many people are left who dare to make trouble casually?

Now that I am hosting Tang Ke, someone is making trouble here!

How could he stand it?

Immediately stood up loudly and shouted: "Come here!"

A bunch of small attendants rushed in immediately!

Fight directly with these bodyguards!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Ke took Zhou Qian and watched the show next to him.

Anyway, there is no chance to go up by himself.

Facts have proved that these people from Yang Guangyu are stronger!

He directly overturned the bodyguard brought by Li Junji.

And even more exaggerated... they even beat Lee Jun Ki!

Just smashed this face!

Li Junji was dumbfounded, his face is what he eats!

This is broken...what will I do in the future?

"what happened?"

The chaos went on for a while, and another person roared in.

It's Li Wei!

Li Wei said angrily: "This is a Han Chinese! Do you dare to beat a Han Chinese!"

"When I call the police, I will arrest them all!"

"Laozi is the boss of Meilun Film and Television, don't you have eyesight?"

"I tell you..."

The words are not finished yet...

Yang Guangyu said lazily, "So it's you! Are you brave enough?"

"Young Shao..."

Hearing Yang Guangyu's voice, Li Wei's jaw almost fell off!

He thought that the people in this private room were not powerful people.

did not expect……

Yang Guangyu is here!

This is a super young man in Yangcheng!

In terms of strength, although he Li Wei is powerful, he is not enough to look at compared to Yang Guangyu!

As soon as I saw Yang Guangyu, Li Wei, who was still very arrogant just now, suddenly withered!

Yang Guangyu sneered.

"Li Wei, you usually offend me, I think it can be more accommodating in our friendship."

"But this time, it's different! Do you know who this is?"

With that, Yang Guangyu pointed to Tang Ke.

"This is Mr. Tang Ke!"

"Tang Ke... sir?"

Hearing this name, Li Wei's legs were even more frightened!

Tang Ke is already quite famous in the circle of Yangcheng.

Although Tang Ke has always been low-key, there are too many people who can't stand up to provoke Tang Ke!

Every time I was beaten in the face, these people gradually discovered that Tang Ke was not easy to deal with.

Especially Tang Ke and Yang Guangyu have something happened!

With these things, it is difficult for Li Wei to know Tang Ke.

Now that you know Tang Ke, you naturally know the horror of Tang Ke!

Li Wei was persuaded all of a sudden.

Only then did he know why Tang Ke could make Li Junji so miserable!

Because he is Tang Ke!

Li Junji had already been beaten and his face was bruised and swollen, and he was completely indifferent to the word star.

Looks like a bereaved dog.

Quickly grabbed Li Wei's leg.

"Brother Li Dawei! They bullied me and beat me! I want to call the police!"

"I will make them pay!"

Li Junji, who has become accustomed to rampant dominance, has blood-red eyes and looks at Tang Ke angrily.


Li Wei slapped Li Junji directly!

The messenger of justice said generally: "This is the territory of our Yinxia Nation! How could it be possible to let you go wild?"

"Mr. Tang Ke is notoriously considerate and generous! You actually offend Mr. Tang Ke, it must be your problem!"

Lee Jun Ki...

A look dumbfounded.

Is this still Li Wei who called himself a brother just now and said that he would definitely help him solve the problem?


"What am I? I've long seen you not pleasing to your eyes!"

"You are a Han nationality, you are so arrogant! You are also looking for trouble with Mr. Tang Ke!"

"It's time to fight!"

With that said, he kicked Li Junji directly!

Li Junji was completely dumbfounded.


Li Wei dragged Li Junji out directly!

This matter is also a lot of trouble.

It was soon known to other people in the club.

Everyone shouted and enjoyed it directly!


Zhou Qian couldn't help feeling a little.

"These Han Chinese stars have been pressing on us, and they were finally cleaned up today!"

"Tang Ke, you are doing harm to the people!"

Tang Ke smiled.

Zhou Qian immediately asked a question that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

"Tang Ke, who are you on earth?"

Everything that Tang Ke has done all the time is beyond Zhou Qian's imagination.

Zhou Qian is a big star herself, she met Tang Ke like this...

There was no clue.

Tang Ke smiled indifferently: "I am a Didi driver."


On this day, Tang Ke continued to pull Didi.

Soon I received a call from Lisa.

Lisa on the phone seemed to have something to say, but she didn't seem to want to say it.

Tang Ke simply invited Lisa: "Would you like to have dinner together at noon?"

"I have no appetite..."

"Then just take a bite."

At Tang Ke's invitation, Lisa still agreed to Tang Ke's request.

The two went to Lin Ji's restaurant.

"I feel something is on my mind recently?"

While eating, Tang Ke asked sideways.

Lisa didn't say much.

Tang Ke asked more about the situation, seeing that Tang Ke was so curious.

Lisa said it anyway.

"Actually, there is something in my family."

Lisa's house?

Tang Ke really didn't know what happened. He had been with Lisa for so long.

I have never heard Lisa talk about her family.

When I asked last time, Lisa didn't say anything either.

"Actually... my mother is the queen of Xiali Kingdom."


Tang Ke was stunned for a moment.

Is his wife a princess?

"Is that the kingdom of Xiali in Europe?"


The Kingdom of Xiali is a medium-sized country and a developed country.

The national income is very high.

Lisa's mother is a queen, and Lisa must be a princess.

"But you are mixed, what about your father?"

"My father is from China..."

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