Lisa was furious when she heard Philip's words.

Philip was an old fox before.

Often use some disgusting means.

Is it a coincidence here now? How can it be?

Joseph next to him was also compared with his costume.

"Princess Lisa, your boyfriend is really a good guy!"

"In order to refuse me, you gave him more than ten million to buy you a necklace."

"I've seen all these things, but after all, it's just a bit tricky."

"This kind of person has no identity and no status, how can you trust it?"

Lisa looked dumbfounded: "I'll give him money? What do you mean?"

Liu Yunfeng directly interrupted the conversation between the two of them.

"Let's talk about business!"

Philip and Joseph looked at each other, feeling a little excited in their hearts.

It's finally time!

Tang Ke used to pretend to be compared, but now he has to pay the price!


In fact, according to the original plan, Liu Yunfeng should have announced here that Tang Ke would be expelled.


Joseph ate so much before, can't help it!

Just want to pretend to be next to Tang Ke!

I couldn't wait to say: "Tang Ke, don't pretend, I already know it!"

"You are just a driver who drives Didi!"

"My uncle, but you know your immediate boss!"

"Now you are about to be fired! As a vagrant, let me see how you pretend to compare!"

"Can you still have dinner tomorrow!"

Joseph was like a villain at this time, very arrogant.

Smiles are so disgusting after a bit of ambition.

Philip frowned at this moment.

I have already expressed my opinion and let him watch the show. Why is this child so uncomfortable!

Didn't this let Lisa know it, or their hands and feet behind their backs?

But since this is already the case, don't hide it at all.

Philip said in a low voice.

"Tang Ke, you really want to eat swan meat."

"Princess Lisa, that's a member of the royal family of the Siali Kingdom!"

"It's just a small thing to make you lose your job!"

"Next, we will do more to let you know how much people you shouldn't provoke this time!"

"Let you have a taste, what it's like to be on the street!"

Philip's smirk was very despicable.

Tang Ke saw this scene without the slightest fluctuation in his heart.


Some want to laugh.

Lisa finally couldn't help it, and said angrily: "You are really shameless!"

"This matter has nothing to do with Tang Ke, I want to be with Tang Ke!"

"You are hurting the innocent!"

"Innocent? He hasn't been innocent since he was admired by you!"

"We are members of the royal family, we can do whatever we want!"

"For the sake of the royal family, we can do anything!"

"And we also have this ability!"

A look of arrogance and confidence.

Their identity gives them enough confidence.

Lisa felt helpless, because she didn't have much money and ability.

This is especially true in Yangcheng.

You can only watch Tang Ke fend for himself here.

Joseph looked at Tang Ke with a sneer, and Philip also sneered.

"Princess Lisa, we actually don't want to get this far."

"But you don't agree!"

"As long as you can leave Mr. Tang Ke now, this matter is not without room for negotiation."

It's like the kind of bridge that gives you a million to leave my son.

This Philippe's face is full of confidence.

But even if Lisa agreed, they wouldn't let Tang Ke go.

Who knows...

Just when Philip Joseph's proud tail was about to rise.

Liu Yunfeng's face suddenly changed.

Angrily said: "What? Who said I would fire Mr. Tang Ke?"

Philip, Joseph, suddenly looked dumbfounded.

There are question marks all over his head.

Tang Ke looked at all this indifferently.

Liu Yunfeng directly grabbed Tang Ke and said happily.

"Mr. Tang Ke, but our company's gold driver!"

"Getting countless honors in our company is the brand name of our provincial company!"

"How can I expel such a talent?"

? ? ?

Philip was even more dazed.

What the hell is this?

Even Lisa was shocked.

But Lisa quickly reacted.

Is Tang Ke an excellent employee? How can it be? Although Lisa is not with Tang Kegan all day.

But I also knew that Tang Ke had only three or four singles a day when he opened Didi.

Just like that, still good employees?

This is too...


Philip immediately said angrily: "What's the matter? Didn't you agree to us?"

"Promise? What did you promise?"

Liu Yunfeng looked righteous, and said proudly: "There is always a reason to fire an employee!"

"I have no reason to fire Mr. Tang Ke!"

"On the contrary, from what was just now, you are the villains!"

"I use my power here to oppress others!"

"People like you should be nailed to the pillar of shame!"

Liu Yunfeng stood up deliberately and said loudly.

Instantly attracted the attention of many people around.

"What happened?"

"There are melons to eat! It seems that a foreigner is bullying us Chinese people!"

Liu Yunfeng achieved his goal and immediately said loudly.

"Everyone, listen to me, these two foreigners rely on being members of the royal family to oppress the people!"

"I want to forcibly snatch this gentleman's girlfriend!"

When everyone heard it, their hearts suddenly burst into flames!

On this Chinese territory, can you still be arrogant?

Many people took out their phones and started shooting.

"Post it online!"

"Yeah! Aren't they better than? Send it online to see who is better!"

"I have thought about the title, so I call it a foreign royal family to fight against others! Beat the mandarin ducks!"

Philip suddenly panicked.

Cover your face quickly.

Want to know what they fear most?

What a shame!

If this matter is settled down, then it will be sent out.

Then the pressure of public opinion from the outside world will rise sharply!

At that time, I might be a joke to other royal families!

And a large number of people will stand up and blame themselves!

Both Philip and Joseph knew this very well.

Without hesitation, the two of them hurriedly covered their faces to go out.

But there are too many people around.

I don’t know who suddenly threw a cup of coffee over!

The hot coffee was sprinkled directly on the face!

Philip suddenly screamed!

However, he didn't care about these at all, so he went out quickly.

There was a burst of laughter around him.

"Royal family? Noble family? That's it?"

"What are you running? Wasn't it arrogant just now?"

Lisa was quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, this is how things were resolved.

The boss of Tang Ke Company is actually such a righteous person.

Liu Yunfeng spoke earnestly.

"The two are responsible for affection, and I am responsible for escorting you!"

Lisa couldn't help but flushed after listening.

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