Lisa couldn't help but bowed her head shyly when her boyfriend was so good.

They are now completely at the center of the crowd.

Tang Ke was a little strange.

"Zhang Zhendong, what is going on? Why are these people looking for me?"

Zhang Zhendong smiled: "Isn't it because these people already know the true face of these European aristocrats?"

Although the current European aristocracy looks boundless.

But they are well informed and have long known that they actually don't have much money at all.

It's just to force a comparison here.

Some of their companies are not even as good as those of some of you.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one wants to take care of them.

Tang Ke couldn't help but wipe the sweat for these nobles.

It's miserable!

Came to this place from thousands of miles away, but the pretense is not good, but it makes people look down!

The nobles in the distance, seeing this scene now, are still out of breath.

It can be said to be quite unhappy inside.

One of the nobles even gritted his teeth.

"Why is this Chinese so popular? Damn!"

"We are noble nobles! Those people who treat us like this are going to be punished!"

The expression on his face was also a bit hideous at this time.

Still reminded by the person next to him.

"The prince, our status does not allow us to make such an expression, please restrain yourself!"



You can't be angry anymore!

Rely on!

Ten minutes passed...

There are still no people like these kings!

The expressions on the faces of the nobles could no longer be stretched at this time.

"No way, can't it be like this forever?"

"It keeps going on, the scene is embarrassing, and it spreads out... Is it okay?"

"It seems we are going to take the initiative!"

Philip said seriously.

If others don't talk, you have to talk to yourself.

But those noble people cannot go.

This time requires juniors to play.

It's like a gathering of celebrities. Those in their 70s or 80s can't bow down to greet others, right?

Then only let some juniors go to battle first!

Joseph understood instantly.

"It looks like I'm going out!"

Suppress this Tang Ke's limelight, these rich people naturally know who to fawn on.

Joseph walked up to Tang Ke and Lisa with his head high.

"Lisa, your boyfriend, is indeed a bit good."

"But! No matter how rich it is, it is just a rich nouveau riche!"

"True nobles and royal families are the objects that people should pursue!"

Joseph looked at Tang Ke triumphantly, and stood tall again.

The appearance is quite dissatisfied.

Tang Ke didn't care at all, he didn't need to do it.


After Joseph said this, the rich man next to Tang Ke had already changed his face.

Tang Ke's performance just now, whether it was his demeanor or his act of accepting their business cards.

They are all very polite, and reveal a kind of approachable atmosphere.

On the contrary, it was Joseph's provocative behavior that was really disgusting.

Just when everyone was going to accuse Joseph...

The surrounding counters slowly rise from the ground!

The first reception stage has ended, and now we have entered the jewelry appreciation session!

The precious jewels of the European aristocrats have now appeared in front of everyone.

And the most dazzling existence is the queen's crown brought by Philip!

Under the shining of the lights, it is emitting a dazzling light!

Joseph knew that his chance to pretend to be compared had finally come!

Moreover, this outfit ratio will not be at the same level and level as the previous one!

Joseph walked in front of these display cabinets and said happily.

"Hello everyone, I am Prince Joseph of the Kingdom of Xiali!"


He just finished this sentence...

A louder and HTC voice came out from the surrounding speakers!

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!"

Ma Yunjun, the curator of the museum, didn't know where he came out.

With a microphone in his hand, there is no doubt that Jack Ma is the host of this banquet!

Joseph's behavior just now was nothing short of an impostor!

Now he was still awkwardly stunned.

He had already finished the draft, ready to brag about these royal treasures.


I'm holding back abruptly!

What's more embarrassing is that the volume of Jack Ma's speaker is obviously higher than his voice!

The limelight was completely suppressed.

Ma Yunjun continued to say...

What history, what about the Kingdom of Xiali? What about Yang?

What cultural exchanges should be promoted to hold this jewelry exhibition...

They are all polite words, but after listening to them.

I suddenly felt that this banquet was a lot taller!

After all, this has involved culture.

Several countries are also involved!

The rich men looked serious at this time and already knew the significance of this banquet.

After listening to these words.

Instead, it was Philip and the others, with a disdainful smile on their faces.

It's the feeling of being superior!

"I really dare to blow, what about Yinxia Kingdom's five thousand years of history, why not go to heaven?"

"It's still better than our European cows! We have ancient Greece and ancient Rome!"

"We are real! They are all nonsense."

Although these people pretend to be compared, they all use English.


Don't underestimate these rich people! These rich and powerful people are somewhat cultural.

Some people even brought translators and prepared them specifically for this event.

Hearing this, the expressions on each face became angry.

At the scene, there was a sudden smell of gunpowder.

Joseph looked at Tang Ke provocatively, Tang Ke was very clear.

This should be the Europeans deliberately messing up here.

Wait a minute to pretend to be forced.

Ma Yunjun spoke for a while, and suddenly gave the microphone to Joseph.

"I would like to invite Prince Joseph of the Kingdom of Siali to speak!"

Joseph walked onto the stage with a smug look.

He said arrogantly: "Ma Yunjun said just now, but...exaggerated!"

"How could the history of Yinxia Kingdom be five thousand years old?"

People in the audience...

Instant fryer!

What's the matter with this person?

In China, it is said that you do not slap people, especially you as a guest.

Going to other people's turf, you still have to converge a little bit.

But this person specializes in slaps!

"This person is definitely sick!"

"I can see it too! Unbeaten!"

"There is no need for friendly exchanges now! I will definitely hit this person in the face later!"

Joseph was still extremely arrogant.

"Naturally, I am not talking nonsense, you keep saying that you have any Shang and Zhou things."

"But do you think I'm stupid? There is still a list of gods in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties! Isn't that a myth?"

Joseph, I still understand a little bit of Chinese civilization.

That's why I said this.

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