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Chapter 250: Are the U.S. Lawyers Very Good?

Tang Ke directly turned Zhang Tianlong into a wage earner!

At this time... the head of operations from Toutiao walked in.

"Boss, something has happened online recently..."

Then the supervisor explained everything about the elderly and foreign children in detail.

Hearing this news, Zhang Tianlong was a little surprised.

"It's really a quality that has become a hot spot. It's okay, just as usual."

After Zhang Tianlong commanded the action, he turned on his phone and checked it.

I was very sympathetic to these foreign children.

But after seeing Tang Ke's photo, he was immediately stunned...

Isn't this Tang Ke?

As long as it is Tang Ke, there must be a problem with this news!

After all, what kind of person is Tang Ke? Would you care about something like you?

Still making money and killing? What a joke!

I clicked on the comment and looked at it. Almost all of them wanted to denounce Tang Ke.

"This kind of person deserves to die!"

"Are the police officers not investigating it?"

"This nurse is not a good thing!"

"I really can't count on these people..."

Among them, there are also some rational people who can bring up any doubts and when they are not right.

But in the general environment, their comments are not good at all.



I don’t know where suddenly an inexplicable force came...

"This is my male god, it is impossible to do such a thing!"

"Yes, I know him!"

Tang Ke's fans have joined the battlefield!

Zhang Tianlong immediately called the operation master.

"This matter is not easy, we still have to look it up!"

The operations director looked dumbfounded.

"You go check the details of these people first!"

As a top Internet company, it is easy for them to inquire about these things.


In half an hour, I found out the ins and outs directly!

In fact, this matter has started to cause trouble on the Internet as early as possible.

But unlike those who came back from foreign countries, those who saw this in the hospital that day had no fans.

Nor did it deliberately spread the news.

So after they announced what happened at the time, only a few hundred people looked at it.

This news was immediately buried by other news.

After all, in the Internet age and information age, many things will disappear silently.

People who came back from foreign countries, they contacted people with many fans, and they made the matter a big deal.

Seeing the situation at the time, Zhang Tianlong's mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, the same as I thought!

There must be something wrong with it!

This time, I had a chance to help Tang Ke!

In this way, after Tang Ke arrives at the company, he will definitely appreciate himself!

"Immediately, spread this news on the Internet! The highest level!"

There are several levels of information distributed by Toutiao today.

Normal level is to push the news to the user what news the user likes to watch.

Similar things are also pushed over.

When it reaches the highest level, it is to push this news to everyone!

Even the highest level of advertising can't achieve this effect!

It can be seen that Zhang Tianlong attaches great importance to this matter!

And under this circumstance, the message he sent will inevitably become the hottest hot spot!

After all, the size of the company is here.

"Shocked, the truth of the inheritance competition event turned out to be like this!"

"It has happened for half a month, who is pushing the message maliciously!"

"The old man's will is exposed, everything is legal and valid!"

After a lot of articles appeared...

The trend of hot search this time has flipped over!

The one who originally scolded Tang Ke, now all changed his tone!

Those celebrities who helped these people send messages are full of curses!

After all, they have seen it.

This sending fake messages must be deliberate.

These celebrities quickly deleted their Weibo, when nothing happened.

But the face that should be slapped, in fact, has already been slapped.

Tang Ke had already noticed the movements of today's headlines.

After all, Tang Ke could see the news.

Tang Ke sent a message to Zhang Tianlong and thanked him.

"You are polite... you are the boss, you should."

Tang Ke was still a little confused when he saw this, but he immediately realized that he was indeed the boss.

"By the way, those people who hyped up this matter before, please check it for me, and I will sue someone from Dongyun Law Firm."

Heard this.

Zhang Tianlong took a breath directly.

To deal with these small roles, do you have to let the people from Dongyun Law Firm come?

This is going to kill you!

In general, detention is required for spreading rumors.

But this is Dongyun Law Firm!

They are certainly not satisfied with the rumors, and they will definitely characterize this matter as slander!

Moreover, the other party is responsible for the infringement of reputation rights, name rights, and various personal rights. These add up...

Hey, I can't even think about it!

This is where the ability of Dongyun Law Firm lies. Whether the crime is big or small, it all depends on how they want to come!


Three days later...

In the hotel, the two men and the woman looked at the scolding on the Internet at this time, and they turned into anger.

One by one was anxious like a monkey.

"How did they know the truth?"

"I don't understand either!"

"They returned human flesh to us... Now I don't dare to go out, what can I do?"


A few people were frowning and hadn't gone out for several days.

Because it was discovered when I went out two days ago, I had a fight.

Just at this time……

The company phone arrived suddenly.

"What? You want to fire me? Why?"

The woman was shocked.

"Did you forget that our company is not just a U.S. company, we have a cooperation with Yinxiaguo Company!"

"Your matter has affected the company's reputation! Therefore, you have been fired!"

"Yes, your family!"

After speaking on the other end of the phone, I just put it down.

This company's work was in the United States, and it was this woman who worked here at the time, so she took the other two into the company.

Now being expelled, they are all in one pot.

The three of them looked dumbfounded...

"It's not easy to find a job now! The US is in chaos!"

Just at this time……

There was another call at the front desk of the hotel.

"Mr. Madam, there are your guests."


"Yes, it's a lawyer."

"It must be the house's thing that has fallen off!"

Several people thought it was about the house, they were overjoyed, and they hurried downstairs.


I saw Zhang Ke of Dongyun Law Firm standing in front of him with a dozen lawyers!

"How good are you, we are from Dongyun Law Firm. Now we formally inform you that on behalf of Mr. Tang Ke, we are preparing to initiate a public prosecution for your infringement on Mr. Tang Ke!"


"Infringement? What infringement?"

"Do you think I am afraid of you? We can also hire American lawyers!"

Several people still refused to bow their heads.

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