It is estimated that these enthusiasts will be directly beaten with anger.

You know that some cars are expensive, they are just expensive, after all, you can buy them with money.

But modification is another world!

It indicates that this is the only one in the world!

This is the romance that a car should have!

As a result, the final purpose of this modification is not horsepower or madness, but for delivery?

It's a violent thing!

This car is also very hard, obviously he is the nobleman in the car.

Everyone who owns this car regards this car as their darling!

The result fell into Tang Ke's hands and actually used it to do this kind of thing!

Price drop! The price is too low!

Decided! Change this car in the future instead of the previous one!

I don’t even know where to put the takeaway!

The next day Tang Ke opened a new Phantom to the takeaway point.

Little plum stared at it and stared blankly.

Having been staring at Tang Ke's car, Tang Ke was about to hit him.

He still doesn't know how to dodge.

The other delivery staff have the same expression.

His mouth was huge.

Some things fell off.

Some cell phones don’t know to answer the call when they rang.

Depend on! !

Brother Tang drove a new car to deliver food!

This a glance, it is known that it is a nobleman in the car, and the roar of the engine is also exceptionally sweet!

Especially this shape, it is crazy and cool, making people mesmerized!

Lolic’s iconic car logo is placed on the front, indicating the car’s distinguished status!

Niubi! It's really amazing!

This look is also a tens of millions, or even a supercar of over 100 million!

The sound of surprise from the people around him faded.

"I am blind!"

"Bright eyes, really bright eyes! Too Liu Pi!"

"If I can, I want to be the wheel under this car!"

"Just you still being a reel? Not worthy! This kind of car can hit you, it is your blessing for 800 years of repair!"

"Brother Tang! I take it! Are you still missing a brother? I can! I can do anything!"

"Don't believe him, he said, I can do anything, do you want me to help you lick your shoes?"


Tang Ke was also speechless when he saw these people...

Too explicit, right?

Later Tang Ke continued to deliver food, and also told the company to find ways to expand express delivery and other industries.

After all, system upgrades still depend on these things.

Came to a community, Unit 504, Building 3, knocked on the door.

"Your takeaway is here!"

But no one opened the door at all, and there was no response for a long time.

"Your takeaway is here!"

Shouted again.

A girl’s voice came: "Leave it at the door, I just took a shower..."

Tang Ke was taken aback.

This sound sounds unusual!

"No! The wild cats and dogs outside may knock over and snatch your takeaway!"

There was a vibrato in the girl's voice: "Ah... indeed... but... hey..."

It seems that out of helplessness, the girl still compromised.

Quietly began to put on his own clothes.

The door opens.

Sure enough, she is a very beautiful cute girl! Also wearing a cute rabbit pajamas.

Seeing this, Tang Ke's eyes lit up.

At first, wearing clothes is very casual, but this is still a pajama.

It smells fragrant just after taking a shower, and it's still bright and clean.

Earn this wave of blood!

Seeing Tang Ke, the girl was obviously blushing and heartbeat.

If you let some wretched man see him like this, he would definitely be unhappy.

But a handsome guy like Tang Ke saw his unprepared side, it was a blood profit!

It would be better if I could make my little brother look at him at this time!

The girl was still thinking naively.

Tang Ke handed the takeaway to his sister, but she reluctantly asked for Tang Ke's WeChat account.

Even continue to talk.

Tang Ke couldn't stand it anymore and insisted on leaving.


Then came the second order of takeaway.

This time it was another takeaway ordered by a girl!

Tang Ke didn't know what was going on, could it be that his peach blossom luck really came? All the beauties I met, even the worst, were all passing grades or above.

Maybe... only a woman who doesn't cook often can maintain her face?

After all, if you have been dangling in front of chai rice oil and salt, the probability of becoming a yellow face woman is indeed very high.

This girl is not only very delicate in appearance.

Even the figure is excellent in general.

The body is almost like waves, and the wind is surging.

When the girl saw Tang Ke, her eyes were bright.

After all, Tang Ke is a super handsome guy. Seeing Tang Ke's sisters all blush and heartbeat, this lethality is comparable to small fresh meat.

Just like men like beautiful women, girls naturally like handsome guys.

But the little fresh meat can't be seen or touched! Tang Ke can touch it!

There was a shyness on the girl's face.

"Thank you takeaway brother..."

"You're welcome, five-star praise!"

Just as Tang Ke was about to leave, a stray dog ​​suddenly appeared, rushing to grab the takeaway!

Tang Ke hurriedly guarded the sister.

"Go over there! Don't come here!"

Tang Ke said loudly, the stray dog ​​was scared away immediately.

The girl was stunned.

Because the posture of the two is really not very good!

In desperation, Tang Ke was also helpless.

But this distance is too close!

You can even feel the breath of this handsome guy!

And, is this a wall dong?

Tang Ke is also the first time that she is a beauty in the wall, and she feels just one word.


Will the handsome guy come to kiss at this time?

Then should I...

He doesn't seem to want to kiss...

Then should I...

The girl's mind was already in a mess at this time.

Tang Ke quickly apologized.

"Sorry... I didn't think about it like this..."

"I know……"

The girl said softly, as if she was still looking forward to Tang Ke's next move.

The stray dog ​​has run out of sight, but the girl is thanking the stray dog ​​in her heart.

"It's a god-like dog! Next time I see you add chicken legs to you!"

"Little brother, come up! Come up!"

The girl's inner monologue is constant, quite wanting time to pass more slowly.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

A surprised voice suddenly sounded.

The girl was suddenly excited!

The complexion on his face also changed instantly: "Dad?"

Tang Ke also glanced back.

A middle-aged man was carrying a torn bag and looked at the two in surprise.

It turned out that the old man came back from playing chess!

Tang Ke looked at the posture of the two again, this...

The daughter of the cool Bidong family? And it's still such a domineering posture...


This is going to make people misunderstand!

And I heard that most men are reluctant to marry their daughters.

Seeing my uncle, I can't wait to kill him face to face!

Did you encounter this scene?

Will he be kicked downstairs all at once?

Tang Ke quickly waved his hand to explain: "Uncle, listen to my explanation. There are very complicated reasons for this matter..."

This old uncle must not think that he is harassing his eldest daughter!

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