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Chapter 264 She Is Definitely Not Bai Fumei

Even if I wanted to slander Zhou Qian, I couldn't find anything I could find!

After pondering for a long time, she finally noticed Tang Ke!


Since you can't slander Zhou Qian, then slander the people around Zhou Qian!

A bad guy, how about a courier? As long as she entrusted her life to this kind of person, then her Zhou Qian would not be so good!

Ma Lin immediately picked up the microphone and spoke loudly regardless of Meng Long's surprised eyes.

"Zhou Qian, don't talk nonsense! You have tens of billions of people in your family, can you look at the one who delivers the courier?"

"I see, you must be talking nonsense! Your home is not as good as you said!"

"In my circle of friends, there are a lot of real Bai Fumei, they look completely different from you!"

"If it's Bai Fumei, it should be more or less like me!"

"You are definitely the kind of person who has no strength but still pretends to be compared... You will be ashamed in the future!"


Balabala, it's like a machine gun, Ma Lin is dissing Zhou Qian crazy here.

I started to say something again, a man must have strength, and those who have no money are waste.

Women must find rich men or something, these rhetoric.

After hearing Ma Lin's words, Zhou Qian was already very clear. This is the kind of person who would not sit behind a bicycle and laugh even if he was sitting behind a BMW and crying!

Zhou Qian said without hesitation: "Ma Lin, you kind of person, don't talk nonsense."

"It doesn't matter if I am really rich or not, what can I do even if I have money?"

"You bought expensive bags and clothes, how about the whole world revolving around you?"

"It has nothing to do with me. I just need to be with the person I like."

"Only people who lack these things will pay special attention to these things."

"I can see that you are a girl from the country, and everything is on par with money!"

"As a woman, I choose men, but I never look at money!"

"If it's really calculated by money, aren't you doing business and selling yourself out?"

And the price is still marked.

As for Ma Lin, the price set for herself is hundreds of millions.

With that said, Zhou Qian looked at Tang Ke very boldly.

"I just like Tang Ke, who has a good personality and looks handsome! It doesn't matter whether money is or not!"

"What I want is his person and body!"

Tang Ke...

Look speechless!

Is this being molested by Zhou Qian in public?

A man was molested by a beauty at this time!

Really are……

It's too ridiculous!

Although Tang Ke knew that Zhou Qian had thoughts about him before, he didn't expect to say it so boldly now.

Especially Qin Yuyan is still here!

What can you say in private?

Tang Ke coughed slightly and said quickly: "Miss Zhou Qian, sorry, I am not interested in you."


After saying this, everyone was dumbfounded!

"what happened?"

"This is Bai Fumei with a wealth of tens of billions! You don't want such a beautiful woman to chase you under the lights?"

"This courier brother is not a bad brain, right?"

"Damn! I want to say how people are different from each other! If it was me, I would kneel down to Bai Fumi now!"

"I lost!"

Tang Ke was about to speak, and Meng Long was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Who is the host? Who is watching here?

I am a person, almost nothing is the same.

These guests and audiences talked endlessly one by one, and they didn't pay attention to him anymore!

Meng Long lost all face at this time.

The director behind and various staff members gave Meng Long a thumbs up.

Sure enough, the ratings are coming up!

When Meng Long first talked about reforms, they still felt a little nervous.

I think it may not be easy to operate.

I didn't expect this effect to be so remarkable!

"Since Tang Ke and Zhou Qian started interacting, the ratings have soared!"

"Hurry up and let them continue to interact! This episode must be a long one!"

The director said excitedly beside the headset.

Meng Long was a little speechless, and sure enough, he was not important anymore.

"Dear viewers, wait a minute, it will be even more exciting after the ad!"

Directly insert an ad!

The audience in front of the TV all jumped and cursed at this moment!

It's the wonderful time, you put the advertisement!

After the advertisement, everything finally returned to normal, of course, it just didn’t look so gunpowder.

But secretly, no one is convinced.

At this time, Ma Lin has recovered her true qualities of worshipping gold and scheming women.

He said sarcastically: "I have a question!"

"This week Qian is bragging! I ask to investigate her family situation!"

This is now the only point Ma Lin can attack Zhou Qian.

Zhang Chao also nodded at this time to fan the flames: "Yes, I really want to see it, but I don't want to see any family."

"I just want to know more about my goddess!"

In fact, contrary to what he said, he now wants to confirm Zhou Qian's true ability.

If you are really rich, you will become Zhou Qian's boyfriend even if you are making a lot of trouble today!

Of course, if Zhou Qian is actually not so good, then he won't work so hard.

The other audiences were also curious at this time.

After all, no one knows the answer until the truth is obtained.

Meng Long was a little embarrassed and glanced at Zhou Qian.

"Miss Zhou, what do you mean..."

This family profile was indeed recorded before the show started, but whether it can be released is actually a question.

Especially for Zhou Qian, the privacy of the rich is more valuable.

Zhou Qian's face was indifferent: "Just let it go."

How dare these people question themselves? Zhou Qian just wanted to laugh out loud.

Their natural beauty and grace and noble temperament can be questioned by people like them?

Now let them take a good look at what they are like!

At this time, Meng Long sold another pass.

"Although Ms. Zhou Qian agreed, there are actually three VCRs of Ms. Zhou Qian."

"They are videos of her family, career, and love views."

"If you want to see it, you need the male guest to choose."

Zhang Chao said without any hesitation: "I want to see the family!"

The whole audience...


Although it was thought that Zhang Chao was such a person from the beginning, he didn't expect that this person would not hide it.

Don't even be tactful!

"Direct enough!"

"Don't look, this person must have gone for money!"

"With hundreds of millions of assets, I'm still not satisfied, and I have to pursue tens of billions of assets! Ha ha ha... man."

Ma Lin also sneered when she saw this scene.

Now you can see if Zhou Qian is really rich this year!

"I bet she is definitely not a Bai Fumei! Otherwise it is impossible to choose a courier brother!"

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