The director was completely dumbfounded at this time...

What foul? What's not foul?

What are you asking? Who am I, where am I, how do I know...

The current director has nothing to do.

Just look back at the ratings, it's already like this anyway.


Because Tang Ke drove a helicopter to deliver express delivery, the ratings directly doubled!

Audiences across the country were also quite shocked by this incident!

No matter what the receipt, this live broadcast is being madly forwarded at this time!

The audience is also here to discuss and leave comments crazy!

"It's just really awesome!"

"If you don't say it, I think this is making a movie!"

"Is this the strong?"

"Don't provoke the courier, you never know how much energy is behind a courier!"

"Kneel down to the boss!"

All kinds of comments are endless...

Look like this...

The director suddenly felt that it didn't matter whether a star was a star or not!

Now it's going to fire!

Whether it's yourself, the show, or the people in the show group, it's going to be hot!

"Helicopters are also vehicles! There is no problem!"

The director also followed up with a thumbs up.

At this time, the Great Wall is full of tourists of all kinds.

Tang Ke has also arrived near here.

Seeing the helicopter, the tourists were also bewildered.

On the Great Wall, a cleaner, probably in his fifties.

Is frowning here.

An hour ago, someone from the program team suddenly contacted him.

Said to ask a courier brother to wait to give her a gift.

Let him wait here.

The uncle looked displeased at this time.

Muttering: "I am the Great Wall! Let the courier deliver it, isn't this embarrassing people?"

"This show group is really Damn it!"

Just at this time……

A shadow suddenly appeared above the head!

The clanging sound suddenly became louder!


On the top platform, Tang Ke stepped off the plane calmly!

Carrying the gift, he walked to the front of the uncle: "This gentleman, this is your gift!"

"Don't forget the five-star praise!"

After that, Tang Ke left in a hurry!

Uncle... with a dazed look!

I can't believe what happened before me! Mess in the wind!

After struggling for a long time, a sentence suddenly appeared!

"Niu than!"

Because he used a helicopter, Tang Ke completed the challenge in just ten minutes!

First place!

After all, the road has a speed limit, but there is no speed limit in the sky!

Tang Ke won again!

The comment area of ​​the program group has already been fried!

"Pay attention to fread-com"

"This operation is simply awesome!"

"Terror! Hahaha..."

"Bringing a helicopter to deliver express delivery, Niubi!"

Soon, the news of Tang Ke's victory was known to other stars.

After all, celebrities have assistants.

They will also inform.

Huang Jiao, who received this news, almost vomited blood!

"How can this be?"

"My mother is almost speeding, not as fast as him!"

Other stars are about to vomit blood.


This episode of the show...

In the end, Tang Ke directly took the heat!

A courier brother, is the president of the male god! Ten billionaires are interested in it!

Express delivery by helicopter...

Various Tang Ke information began to appear on the Internet!


As long as the news of Tang Ke showing his face, it will be deleted immediately!

All that was left was Tang Ke's back, wearing a mask.

Some information about Tang Ke's face is impossible to know.

This episode of the show has become the only fan among the many shows!

The audience are all cursing the show group at this time!

Finally met such an amazing person! result……

Can't see anything!


On a new day, in the morning, Tang Ke came to the courier station to report.

The express delivery point immediately boiled!

"Brother Tang!"


"I want to be your leg pendant!"

One by one the courier brothers rushed in front of Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was so scared that he ran away on a tricycle.

Da Hulu quickly shouted: "What are you doing! You guys! Brother Tang scared you away!"

"Brother Tang, I don't need to report every day by express delivery!"

"I can check in for you!"


Tang Ke quickly received the express order.

This time it was to send a piece of cake to a certain community.

The cake was handed over, and the female customer immediately thanked Tang Ke.

"Thank you, brother."

Tang Ke separated from the female client.


Today’s work is almost done!

That's it!

Tang Ke drove his super sports car to make an appointment with Liu Luyao.

The two were playing outside again as usual.

Playing around, Liu Luyao suddenly seemed a little unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Ke asked concerned.

"Husband...every time we play together, we feel like wasting a lot of time on the road!"

"I want to see you once, and I have to wait for you to come to me... I think you live next door to me..."

Tang Ke didn't care, he was just a little afraid of her parents.

Her parents didn't quite agree with them at this time.

"If I really live next door to you, would it be troublesome for your parents to see it?"

"The next door doesn't have to be the side! As long as the distance is close!"

"It's the same in the neighborhood next door! It happened that the neighborhood next door to our neighborhood was selling houses."

"Okay! Let's go and see!"

Tang Ke immediately waved his hand and took Liu Luyao to the neighborhood next door to them.

When I entered the sales office, I saw a lot of people watching them coming and going.

"There are so many people, it's so lively!"

Liu Luyao couldn't help but sigh.

Tang Ke smiled.

"In fact, it's just watching the excitement. Look at so many people, half of them are actually sales, and some are trusting."

"Only a few people come here to buy a house."

Liu Luyao was a little curious.


Tang Ke immediately explained to her.

"The houses in Yangcheng are different from the houses in other places."

"Houses here generally start at a million, and no one will easily spend so much money."

"So you must be careful and careful when looking at the house."

"How can there be so many people like this, right?"

"The sales office arranges so many people to make customers feel that their buildings are being watched by many people, so that customers are anxious and buy them quickly."

"Otherwise, it's not there!"

The two are chatting here.

There was a sound from behind.

It sounds like a foreign accent.

An old man and a young man.

"Father, I think this Gada place is pretty good!"

"It's much more convenient to live in this community!"

Another old man followed.

"Yes, this house happens to be close to your university!"

The old man soon arrived in front of the sales.

"Big sister, how much is a house?"

"Our location is very good in Yangcheng, so the price is a bit high."

"One suite, three bedrooms and one living room are about three million yuan..."

"Then give me three sets and make up a whole ten million."

With that, the old man took out his bank card and prepared to pay!

The people around were dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

Damn it!

Does this thing also round up this argument?

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