An hour later, the interview finally arrived at Qiu Shan.

The beautiful white-collar worker called Qiu Shan's name.

Qiu Shan stood up very excited.

Enter the interview room!

The interviewer didn't say anything, so he introduced it very excitedly.

"Hello interviewer! My name is Qiu Shan! My girlfriend Wang Jiali is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 160 kilograms!"

"High school education, working as a clerk in a supermarket!"

Several interviewers looked dumbfounded!

What's happening here?

This Qiu Shan is simply invincible in terms of academic qualifications!

People are also talented people, so why do you marry a fat man?

Is there something wrong?

This is a fat man in terms of height and weight!

We interviewed, what do you say your girlfriend is doing?

Very embarrassing!

The first interviewer looked displeased and said, "Why do you introduce your girlfriend?"

"We are not interested!"

"Didn't you ask about Tang Ke's girlfriend? Then, didn't he pass it?"

Qiu Shan was dumbfounded.

"How come I can't do it?"

The three interviewers listened...

Depend on! This kid knows a lot!

Such people must never enter the company!

Otherwise, if they leak their thoughts, it will be in trouble!

"You are eliminated, call the next one over!"

Qiu Shan was about to cry!

Why on earth!

Why did Tang Ke say his girlfriend's name and he passed it!

After I said it, I was eliminated!

Xueba Qiu Shan was kicked out directly!

at this time……

The WeChat account is still full of other people's concerns and greetings!

"Are you really together with that fat girl?"

"You are too hungry. Are you thirsty?"

"Congratulations! When will the wedding be held?"

Qiu Shan...

I just want to die!

Tang Ke...

At this time, he has become an employee of Han Ru Company in a daze.


Tang Ke received the notice the next day.

The human resources department asked him to go to work.

He still doesn't know...

He was the boyfriend of Shangguan Wan'er, and all the people in the company knew about it!

No one under Han Ru doesn't know Miss Shangguan Wan'er!

At the door of the company, when employees go to work.

At this time, there was a hustle and bustle, and a large group of employees were chatting happily here.

Tang Ke is handsome in a suit!

As soon as I walked into the hall, it became the focus of everyone's attention!

"Wow! So handsome!"

"This is simply a male god!"

"I'm in love with him! I'm going to pursue her!"

Several female white-collar workers shouted immediately.

The personnel next to him gave a cold snort.

"Don't you know? This is the boyfriend of the chairman's daughter!"


The audience was shocked!

He began to look at Tang Ke with unusual envy.

"This person?"


"The future husband and wife! It's amazing!"

"I heard that the chairman is ready to exercise and promote him!"

"As expected, he is a man who can be with Shangguan Wan'er. It's really awesome!"

"Only such a handsome person can be worthy of Shangguan Wan'er!"


A group of people talked about Tang Ke.

Tang Ke...

Somewhat dumbfounded.

Tang Ke first went to his department, the marketing department.

I found my immediate boss, Wu Dong, the head of the department.

Wu Dong saw Tang Ke, it was a passion!

One hand directly held Tang Ke's hand!

"Mr. Tang Ke, welcome!"

Of course, he also knew the identity of Tang Ke, the consort.

Some people in other departments may not know Tang Ke's identity.

But it is impossible for him not to know!

the reason is simple!

Their place is the deepest place in the entire company!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

As the supervisor here, no two brushes will not reach this position.

Wait until the deputy director under his hand is very weak!

I don't know what happened this time.

Otherwise, why is this person the deputy director and Wu Dong the director?

At this time, the deputy director saw that Wu Dong valued Tang Ke so much.

Quite upset!

I think that I have been doing hard work all the time.

It's me who contributes, but it turns out that Wu Dong took office!

He is upset!

What made the deputy director even more upset was that overnight, all the beauties of the company were talking about Tang Ke!

As if they have become fans of Tang Ke!

This is too ridiculous!

As an unmarried man, I am jealous and hateful towards Tang Ke!

His Deputy Director Wu Dong has no way, but for Tang Ke, he still has many ways!

"Damn! How dare a newcomer be so popular? I must educate him!"

The deputy director of the marketing department settled this idea.

At this time, Tang Ke had completed the entry procedures and entered his work station.

The deputy director walked proudly next to Tang Ke.

"Bring me copy paper and stationery!"

Of course Tang Ke was obedient and went straight to get it.

This scene happened to be seen by Wu Dong!

Suddenly his face changed!

Hastily walked over.

"Mr. Tang Ke, how can you do this kind of work?"

"I'll find someone to help you do it!"

Wu Dong quickly asked someone to help.

Tang Ke...a bit dazed.

The deputy director became even more angry when he saw this scene!

"Go, change the water in the water purifier for the effect!"

Tang Ke turned his head and saw a beautiful woman changing the water in the water purifier at this time.

What a big bucket!

Tang Ke was just going to help... But the beauty saw Tang Ke coming over.

Blushing heartbeat!


He threw the bucket onto the water purifier!

Looking at Tang Ke with embarrassment...

Tang Ke...

deputy director……

All speechless!

Why is it happening like that!

In desperation, the deputy director arrived next to Tang Ke and spoke earnestly.

"New comrades, do you want to get a promotion and raise your salary?"

Tang Ke nodded.

The deputy director continued: "It just so happens that I have some career skills here! I will teach them to you!"

"The first trick... wait, I'm going to a meeting, and see how I teach you during the meeting!"


Soon, the whole department started a meeting.

Wu Dong talked about it, after all, he is the largest in this department.

The deputy director sat next to Tang Ke and whispered.

"One of the tricks is to get the attention of leaders!"

"If you want the leaders to pay attention, you must raise an objection!"

Tang Ke was a little curious: "How to object?"

The deputy director smiled slightly: "Anything can be opposed!"

Tang Ke actually knew about these corners a long time ago, and the deputy director was clearly pitting himself.


Tang Ke also found it very interesting!

Pretend to believe it!

Suddenly raised his hand!

"I object!"

Wu Dong was suddenly a little surprised: "What are you against?"

"Against your plan! This marketing plan is simply unrealistic!"

meeting room……

It was quiet all at once! The scene is also extremely embarrassing!

The deputy director laughed at this moment.

Quite happy!

The supervisor here is so happy and talkative.

Where is there room for your little character to oppose?

This is tantamount to looking for death!


The deputy director turned his face immediately!

He said loudly: "Tang Ke, you are so bold! Oppose the supervisor!"

"I think you didn't put the supervisor in your eyes at all!"

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