With a sad expression on his face, the deputy director moved out of the deputy director's office holding his box...

This office is now Tang Ke's.

His expression was in sharp contrast with Tang Ke's expression.

Tang Ke's expression was extremely brisk and beaming.

His expression... grief!

Looking at such a deputy director, oh, now he is no longer a deputy director.

Tang Ke patted him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I believe you can climb up in the future!"

The former deputy director said with a sad look: "With your ability, you can also climb to the highest-end position in this company!"

"Now I tell you the third way to get a job promotion!"

"This is the last resort!"

When saying this, the former deputy director gritted his teeth!

It's almost like spending the last effort!

He pointed to an old employee in the distance and said.

"Did you see this man? Trust me, go and beat him!"

Tang Ke was suddenly a little confused.

"This...isn't it great?"

"Trust me, go and beat him! I'm sure I won't cheat you!"

The former deputy director looked firm.

Tang Ke nodded immediately when he saw this, "Okay! I believe you!"

The former deputy director showed a wicked smile at this time.

The old employee has a very good relationship with Han Ru!

It is the person who has worked with Han Ru before Han Ru's company has grown!

Han Ru always believes that this person is the most loyal employee of the company!

Every year is a model worker of the company!

The last to go, the earliest to come!

Faithful and honest, no one hates it! And there are a large number of people who like him very much!

Tang Ke hit him when he went up, and it would definitely cause an uproar at that time!

Han Ru will definitely expel Tang Ke by then!

Ha ha ha ha……

Tang Ke had already walked up at this time, and hit the old employee with a fist in the face!

The old employee fell to the ground all at once!

The people in the company are dumbfounded!

In broad daylight, everyone's eyes are in full view, so there is such a thing?

The former deputy director jumped up all at once!

"Tang Ke! What are you doing?"

"Why are you bullying the company's model workers, the most honest people!"

"You're done! I tell you!"

who knows……

Tang Ke's fist is quite powerful!

A lot of things fell out of this old employee's pocket!

There are two tools for shooting! There are still several U disks!

There are also very special signs on it!

There are also some small boxes!

Seeing these things, an employee suddenly noticed.

"Isn't this something from the technical department? How come there are people from the marketing department?"

"This should be something that only the technical director can get!"

"Yeah, I took a look last time, and they didn't let them see!"

"How can such a top secret thing be on your body!"

"And this camera, what is this shooting?"

"I look quite fat on weekdays, but I didn't expect it to be because of these things hidden in my clothes!"

A group of people were dumbfounded!

The technical department sent someone over immediately after hearing the news!

Seeing something on the ground, I immediately discovered the seriousness of the problem!

It is certain that this old employee is definitely a commercial spy!

"I'll just say why things in the company are so strange these days!"

"It turns out that there are spies!"

"The project loss a few days ago was serious! It was all because of information leakage!"

The head of the technical department held Tang Ke with excitement at this time.

"Tang Ke! You are so amazing! I didn't expect you to find the spy hidden in the company all at once!"

"I must thank you so much!"

Tang Ke's face was indifferent: "It was all taught to me by seniors!"

deputy director……

I just want to hit him to death!

What kind of world is this?

What's all this?

This unscientific!

In order to frame Tang Ke, he obviously has been talking nonsense here!

but why……

Why does Tang Ke encounter such a wonderful turning point every time?

Who knew that this model worker was actually a spy!

Just when the former deputy director collapsed...

Tang Ke approached him with gratitude.

"Senior, you are really amazing!"

"Obviously mastering this information, you can be promoted to three levels in a row by yourself!"

"You gave me this opportunity!"

"I really don't know how to thank you!"

The former deputy director said weakly: "Leave me alone...I want to be quiet."

"Senior! Thank you!"

Deputy Director, cry!


All this was expected by Tang Ke.

How could Tang Ke enter this company without understanding a little bit of things and just do things casually?

Long before coming to this company, people from Universe Shield had already handed over the company's information to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke knew all the people in the company.

And for the company's situation, Tang Ke also knows quite well!

It seems to be just listening to the deputy director's words, but in fact they are all tactics!

The deputy director thought Tang Ke was the one to play with by himself.

In fact, he was the one who was played with by Tang Ke.


Go to work the next day.

Supervisor Wu Dong called Tang Ke, who had just been promoted to deputy director.

"Tang Ke, your performance these past few days is simply impeccable!"

"And it's amazing! I admire you very much!"

"Now the whole company knows your great achievements, even the CEO Han Ru, now they appreciate you very much!"

Tang Ke said sincerely: "It's all the seniors who taught me well!"

"Tang Ke, you are so humble!"

What seniors teach well? Isn't this senior the former deputy director?

What can this person teach? I have become ordinary employees.

Presumably this is Tang Ke's modesty!

Wu Dong pays more attention to Tang Ke!

"Calling you this time, it's actually something!"

"That's the time to test you!"

"This time is to test your business ability. After all, we are the marketing department you know!"

"Now we need you to make a project plan!"


Wu Dong Barabala gave a brief account of the situation.

Explained a lot of things.

Tang Ke didn't understand it at all!

But it doesn't matter.

Tang Ke immediately called Long Yunqiang after he came out.

Those people under Long Yunqiang's hands are super elites who can work in the Yangcheng Financial Building!

It is easy for them to do these things!

"Brother, find someone to help me get this thing!"

"Mr. Tang Ke is polite! I will arrange for someone to do it right away!"

Tang Ke briefly explained the situation, and Long Yunqiang immediately understood it.

This is what he is best at!

What they make is for the whole world!

Han Ru may think that his company is very powerful, and he brags about ranking in the top ten.

But in fact, this kind of company is nothing at all in front of Long Yunqiang!

The current level of the company is only the level of the kindergarten!

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