Wu Dong simply said everything Tang Ke had done before.

Various god-like projects!

Then Wu Dong said: "Tang Ke's work efficiency is simply beyond the comprehension of ordinary people!"

"Every time I go to see him, he is fishing, playing games, reading novels! Watching videos!"

"And many times I still can't find him!"

"But the task I gave him, he can complete perfectly every time! It's beyond my expectations!"

Tang Ke has given several plans in the past few days.

All are boutique projects!

Even people like Wu Dong who have experienced many battles would be surprised by these projects.

Han Ru was even more surprised when he heard these things!

How is this going……

Was this Tang Ke so good?

His network has checked Tang Ke.

Indeed, he worked as an employee in a company before delivering the express delivery Didi.

At that time, I also had the opportunity to become a senior executive, with some experience and ability.

Now it seems……

This Tang Ke is indeed not simply talented! But really talented!

They never thought that Tang Ke was looking for help.

After all, the things Tang Ke made, measured by price, are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of things!

As a result, Tang Ke's annual salary was only one million.

Who can buy these projects worth hundreds of millions with an annual salary of one million!


So they never suspected that Tang Ke was looking for someone, not at all.

Even so...

Han Ru was still out of breath when he thought that Tang Ke was delivering the courier!

"No! In this case, he must make his job more difficult!"

"From now on, we will take the company to expand into new markets!"

"In this case, we will need capital turnover, and find a few financial companies to raise funds for us!"

"The three companies that can work together this time, Jinxing Financial, Jinrong Financial, and Baida Financial!"

"Let Tang Ke do it!"

Han Ru showed a meaningful smile.

The bosses of these three companies had all met Tang Ke when they were in the villa.

And the boss sons of these three companies are all young people in their twenties!

I like Shangguan Wan'er!

When Tang Ke went to find these three people for financing, he would definitely be troubled!

This way... Han Ru is happy!

It is best to let Tang Ke know that he should give up!

Wu Dong didn't know these things, but only agreed to Han Ru's request.

"Okay! I'll let Tang Ke do it tomorrow!"


On a new day, Tang Ke goes to work.

Originally, Tang Ke prepared to salt the fish, and then went to deliver the express.

But Wu Dong was called to the office immediately.

What Han Ru said to Wu Dong yesterday, Wu Dong told Tang Ke again.

By the way, he also gave Tang Ke the information of these three companies.

Nothing about Venus Finance, Baida Finance, or Tang Ke has ever heard of it.

However, since the company asked itself to find these companies, it shows that there should be some relationship between our company and their company.

Tang Ke asked curiously.

"What is the scale of these three companies?"

Wu Dong laughed.

"These three companies are all old friends of our company. Without a certain level of strength, naturally they cannot always cooperate."

"Their three companies are all 100 billion-level companies!"

With that said, Wu Dong was still a little proud.

Finally, I felt like I was playing a comparison in front of Tang Ke!

Tang Ke said perfunctorily: "Wow, that's amazing..."

But Tang Ke actually knew it well.

Although this is a billion-dollar company, it only depends on finance.

In fact, the company’s assets may only be more than one billion.

It must be less than 10 billion.

Last time Tang Ke asked Long Yunqiang about the size of their company.

Long Yunqiang and them all have reached more than five trillion!

Tang Ke asked curiously again.

"The financial street seems to be very powerful, don't you go find them?"

Wu Dong suddenly became helpless.

"I don't know any friends over there, and I want to know them, but I need a huge ability!"

"Then how much do you want to raise this time?"

"About 200 million, go and clean up and find the bosses of these companies!"

"This task is very important. The chairman personally arranged it. Get ready! Come on!"

Wu Dong cheered Tang Ke.

Tang Ke was also a little surprised, this turned out to be Han Ru's confession?

Han Ru, this person...

If there is anything to do for Tang Ke, there must be a problem!

Wu Dong continued.

"They are all old partners, so I won't be embarrassed! Go!"

Tang Ke didn't have the slightest trust in his heart!


Half an hour later, Tang Ke arrived at the first headquarters of Baida Financial.


I was stopped at the front desk and couldn't see their boss at all!

When I came over, the front desk told Tang Ke that the boss was in a meeting and he had to wait.

After waiting for a while...

The front desk also said that the boss is going to visit friends, and he won't be able to come back later!


It's also saying that the boss is going to do business!

Constantly dragging Tang Ke back and forth!

This drag is two hours.

After two hours, Tang Ke was finally led to the top floor of the company.

Met Zhang Baida, the boss of Baida Finance.

Zhang Baida smiled, pretending to be very enthusiastic.

"Oh! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting so long!"

But when he saw Tang Ke, he was immediately surprised.

"Eh? Aren't you the courier brother before? Why did you work in Miss Han Ru's company?"

In fact, this person knows all these things, but just pretends to be here.

Tang Ke said calmly: "Yes, I work here. Today is to talk about the financing of our company. We want to raise 200 million yuan."

Hear this number.

Zhang Baida snorted coldly.

But it immediately became the enthusiasm before, and then said proudly.

"Oh, two hundred million yuan is a bit big!"

"It's not that I didn't borrow, but the company's money was lent out..."

"You might as well go find someone else..."

Tang Ke immediately patted his butt and left.

"I didn't expect your company to have no money, then I'm leaving."

After speaking, he left.

Zhang Baida has a dumbfounded look!

what's the situation?

This is not right!

Theoretically speaking, it should be Tang Ke who is here, begging to lend him money!

The financing of other companies is like this!

I'm not pleased with the company boss, how can I borrow this money!

And this Tang Ke...

Why didn’t I think I didn’t have much money...

Do you really have no money? That's just polite here!

Tang Ke's attitude is too perfunctory and disdainful, right?


Always feel a kind of inexplicable arrogance?

It seems that he who borrows money is better than his own?

Zhang Baida had already prepared several ways to embarrass Tang Ke!


Tang Ke didn't play the card according to the routine, and was gone!

This...how can I pretend to be more embarrassed for you!

Vomit blood!

In the first contest with Tang Ke... I ate a closed door!

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