Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 307: Helping Others Identify Female Watches

Tang Ke dislikes things like contracts the most.

Anyway, someone will handle it.

But Wu Dong asked Tang Ke to go back and see everything he said.

Without any choice……

Tang Ke could only agree, but said it was an hour later.

Wu Dong directly exploded his hair: "It will take an hour before you come back! You are too absent from work..."

As a result... Tang Ke hung up his phone!

Looking at the phone being hung up... Wu Dong simply collapsed!

"Damn! Hang up Laozi!"

I am your most direct leader!

But... Wu Dong was helpless... There is no way!


In fact, Tang Ke did not return until two hours later...

Wu Dong's face is quite black.

"Didn't it be done for an hour?"

Tang Ke scratched his head embarrassedly: "I just sent two express orders."

Wu Dong wanted to hit the wall!

Roaring inside, I want to hack Tang Ke to death! Don't stop anyone!

After spending more than an hour, Wu Dong told Tang Ke a lot of things to negotiate together tomorrow!

"I'm telling you, it's very cruel when it comes to negotiations!"

"You have to be very careful and pay attention for twelve points!"

"If you are too careless, you will be trapped by others!"

"In the contract, there are places where you can design traps!"


Wu Dong kept talking like he was teaching his own life experience.

And Tang Ke...

Lazily lying on the sofa...

Constantly nodding: "Supervisor, you are right! It makes sense!"

"I think so too!"

"You are amazing!"

Perfunctory answer!

Wu Dong covered his face, completely collapsed.

"Tomorrow I will go with you... so as not to be fooled!"

Tang Ke nodded: "Okay!"


It was finally over.

As soon as Tang Ke walked out of the manager's office, a little brother from the marketing department came.

This little brother graduated from a prestigious university. He is a local and has money in his family, but he doesn't have a little shelf.

This person has always respected and admired Tang Ke.

Every time I saw Tang Ke, I would call Tang Ge.

"Brother Tang!"

The younger brother said hello, but the smile on his face was very reluctant.

Tang Ke saw that the younger brother was on his mind, and immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

The little brother said helplessly; "Nothing...I know you are the man who chased Shangguan Wan'er..."

"Brother Tang, you must be very good at chasing women, right?"

"It's not like me..."

Tang Kehan ​​sighed... Actually, it wasn't that great! It's just like a fish in water among a bunch of beauties...

The little brother continued to say helplessly: "It's annoying lately, my family insists on going on a blind date."

"But there are gold-worshiping female green tea bitches everywhere, I can't detect these at all, I'm afraid which bitches I will encounter..."

Tang Ke suddenly realized.

"Indeed, this thing is not easy to distinguish! Some people even pretend it on purpose!"

"It's okay, I'll accompany you!"

Hearing Tang Ke's words like this, the little brother suddenly became interested.

"Is it really okay? Tang Brother, you should have been busy these days, right?"

Tang Ke thought for a while, this little brother still respects himself very much.

I have helped myself a few times, and I have also helped a lot in the company.

And Tang Ke, there are countless beauties! There are countless gold worshipers!

It's too simple to help identify whether this person is a gold worshiper or not!

"It's okay, there is still time at this point!"

Tang Ke smiled, and the little brother suddenly became excited.

"Very good!"

The two discussed it, and they probably made a decision.

The younger brother will invite a woman to eat in an outdoor cafe. Tang Ke sits on the upper floor on the second floor, and then just mention him.

As for contact, contact via Bluetooth headset!

Tang Ke nodded.


"Then after get off work, act!"



As soon as the time flies, it is time to get off work.

"Let's go, brother!"

The two began to act according to the predetermined plan.

After a while, the girl came.

This girl is very fashionable and looks pretty. There are still eight points.

Tang Ke glanced...and immediately laughed.

This woman looks like a female watch!

A coquettish aura exuded all over his body.

See how I point the way for my little brother!

The girl smiled and chatted with her little brother: "Is there a traffic jam on the way here?"

Tang Ke calmly commanded his younger brother: "This person wants to ask if you have a car."

The younger brother immediately took out his BMW car key!

The girl sees the key, her eyes shine!

The girl leaned closer: "I heard that you are still a local registered person?"

Tang Ke continued to direct: "This is to ask if you have a house."

Xiao Dai smiled and took out a bunch of keys directly!

You know by looking at the key, the house will definitely not be less!

The girl smiled even more happily at this time!

The girl continued: "You don't give beauties at home, but I actually don't care..."

"It's a pity that my parents have raised me for so many years. After I got married, they must be very reluctant..."

Tang Ke curled his lips: "She meant she didn't care about the bride price, but his parents wanted it!"

Brother helpless, is this all black words?

Ma Dan, it's a 100,000-level routine!

Had it not been for Tang Ke's command, he still didn't know what this person's questions meant.

Definitely answer the question about the traffic jam.

My little brother admires Tang Ke very much now!

The girl continued: "I like... men who have a sense of security! Especially the future can give me security!"

With that, the girl looked like a nympho.

Tang Ke said calmly: "She wants the house to write her name."

As long as there is a part of the name of the property, it doesn't feel dangerous!

The little brother was stunned!

It's so dreamy, but I didn't expect that the meaning behind it was actually like this?

Impressed! Master!

The girl continued: "I still like a quieter place."

Tang Ke: "This means not living with your parents after marriage."

Brother... dumbfounded!

Girl go on!

"I like my parents very much... They are relatively filial!"

Finally heard a normal sentence!

When the little brother is about to be happy.


Tang Ke: "She meant to be with her parents, and the four of you live together."

Depend on!

It's a double standard!

You can be with your parents, but you can't be with his parents!

The girl continued: "I also have a younger brother, very powerful!"

Tang Ke continued to translate: "You have to help your brother when he gets married in the future."

The little brother almost squirted out a sip of coffee.

The girl did not hide this time.

He grabbed the little brother's hand and said affectionately: "You will help my brother in the future, shouldn't you mind?"

"I think you should be a very capable person!"

The little brother did not react.

Tang Ke laughed instead.

"It's over, this man has entrusted his brother to you."

The little brother saw the true face clearly.

Just say: "Okay! No problem! I agree to your terms!"

The girl's eyes shined suddenly!

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