Women are actually very easy to distinguish, especially with makeup.

If you look closely, you can always see the tricky places.

The person in front of Tang Ke could be seen at a glance, with cut double eyelids and a bulging nose.

Invincible thick foundation! The actual age is definitely seven or eight years older than it looks.

The girl saw Tang Ke, but her eyes lit up!

Handsome guy!

But as soon as he saw Tang Ke wearing the clothes of a courier, his eyes darkened.

Instead, he looked at Tang Ke with contempt.

One for express delivery! Rubbish!

Aunt Liu is really unreliable!

The girl's heart has already begun to dissatisfy.

"Hello, this is Tang Ke."

"Feng Na."

Feng Na said disdainfully: "How did you come out?"

This is straight to the topic! Tang Ke didn't pretend at all, and said indifferently.

"A tricycle came here."

As soon as she saw the tricycle key that Tang Ke took out, Feng Na immediately stood up.

"I don't think the two of us are suitable. I have something to deal with, so let's go first!"

Tang Ke smiled.

Then he took out the key of another luxury car.

"Should I see you off?"

The key shook before Feng Na's eyes.

The moment Feng Na saw the key, her eyes straightened!

Quickly change my words: "I seem to remember wrong! The urgent matter is tomorrow..."


Tang Ke smiled lightly.

At this time, a waiter came up with the cake.

"Hello, the cake you ordered is here."

There are candles on the cake.

"Wow! So romantic!"

Feng Na folded her hands together and was very happy.

The attitude and impression of Tang Ke also began to change.

Tang Ke held the key indifferently...open it! ignition!

"This is a lighter, not a key?"

Seeing this scene, Feng Na was simply pissed to death!

This is being teased by others!

Feng Na stood up immediately.

"Sorry, I have something to leave first!"

Tang Ke popped the key out of the lighter at this moment.

"My key is a customized version, it has the function of a lighter..."

Seeing that the key really popped out...

Feng Na was stunned, and the smile on her face began to become quite embarrassing.

"Oh... when I think of it, I'm not in a hurry..."

Feng Na changed her words again and sat down again!

Depend on!

This woman is okay, her face is really thick!

Originally thinking of playing two sets like this, she knew she was guilty, and then ran away, but she was still there today.

The two eat cake together.

Feng Na kept asking Tang Ke many questions.

Family matters, Tang Ke matters.

Tang Ke will answer probably things.

Feng Na's eyes are getting brighter!

Although Tang Ke delivered express delivery, there was no one at home! And Tang Ke is also very rich!

Super rich man!

With Tang Ke so handsome, it's perfect!

Feng Na is very satisfied with Tang Ke!

"Male god, I saw a bag on the Internet, it is very beautiful, it only costs 28,000!"

"Is it very cheap?"

Tang Ke...


This is really insatiable!

Feng Na didn't notice the change in Tang Ke's face and continued to talk.

"I think this thing can be used as a gift for the two of us when we meet for the first time! Wouldn't you consider giving me one?"

Feng Na said proudly.

Tang Ke smiled: "I gave you such an expensive gift the first time I met? Isn't it?"

"What's so bad about this!"

"If you think about it, this is the first time! The first time is very memorable!"

Tang Ke sneered inwardly.

Sure enough, she is a woman who worships gold!


Tang Ke nodded, then waved his hand: "You place the order yourself first, and I'll transfer the money to you later!"


Feng Na instantly became a little fan girl, looking at Tang Ke very moved.

This is the rich man, taking advantage of it!

Whatever you say today, you have to get money from this person!


Feng Na quickly placed an order online.

Spend money to buy! The money was saved by her hard work.

Although I can't afford it, I'm not afraid of Tang Ke's package ticket!

Tang Ke pays all the money, right?

"Thank you guys!"

"By the way, my girlfriends are all around, do you want to call here together?"

Feng Na said pretentiously.

It's very disgusting.

Her idea is also simple, on the one hand, show off her male god! On the other hand, you can also invite these people to dinner!

Pretend to be! Start now!

This kind of uncontrollable mood made her couldn't help it at all.

Tang Ke had seen through this person's thoughts long ago, and said indifferently, "Of course there is no problem."

A waiter just came over.

"Hello, do you need to order?"

Tang Ke nodded: "I'll go order with you."

After finishing speaking, he got up and said to Feng Na: "I'll look at the recipe and help you order."

Feng Na nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Tang Ke left politely.

Feng Na just took advantage of this moment to call her girlfriend!

Call one by one!

"Come here! I invite you to a big meal!"

"I met a bully and bought me more than 20,000 bags! I am still a man who drives a luxury car!"

"Come here!"

After making a phone call...

Her best friends are extremely jealous at this time!

Depend on! How could Feng Na, who usually looks so ugly, meet such a rich second generation?

This rich second generation must be a fool!


But no one would refuse to eat a big meal.

"I'll go!"

"I'll take a taxi!"

"I'm nearby!"


Several phone calls from Feng Na directly notified a dozen people!

Putting down the phone, Feng Na was extremely proud.

"Hahaha...great, good luck! I can meet such a rich person!"

"Now these best friends I know are going to kneel and lick me! Hahaha..."

When I was thinking about it, the waiter started to serve!

And every plate is super luxurious dishes!

Feng Na was stunned!

Depend on!

Really super rich!

I simply ordered the most expensive things in the entire restaurant!

Feng Na's saliva came out!

At this moment... Tang Ke disappeared suddenly inexplicably!

Feng Na was going to find Tang Ke when her best friend suddenly arrived.

"Nana! I'm here!"

"Is this what you ordered? It's so hearty!"

"Let me taste it!"

Regardless of Tang Ke's absence and lack of people, one of his best friends ate immediately.

"Wow! It's delicious! Try it!"

After a bite, this best friend was overwhelmed by the restaurant's beautiful production techniques and super delicious dishes!

Feng Na is a foodie herself, otherwise she wouldn't be so fat.

Hearing it tastes delicious, I don’t care about Tang Ke and the like.

Anyway, I will definitely come back later!

I ate it myself!

The other girlfriends also arrived at this time, because there were so many people, Feng Na had no chance to go to Tang Ke.


To deal with these people, she forgot about Tang Ke!

As the saying goes, things are gathered by kind, and people are divided by groups.

Feng Na is not a good thing, what kind of bird could her best friend be?

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