However, he was also a little puzzled. Tang Ke had never cared about the company's affairs before, so why did he suddenly chat about this matter?

But in any case, it is a good thing that Tang Ke can notice this!

Wang Yu hurriedly said respectfully: "Mr. Tang Ke, this thing is like this."

"The order for the entire uniform is 300 million, because we have couriers all over the country!"

"There are millions of couriers! There are too many, easy to manage, only uniform clothing! Although the investment is large, it is worth it!"

"It can enhance our brand image, but also increase our visibility! Baili is harmless!"

"In addition to ordering uniforms, we also ordered coats, raincoats and many equipment... all common tools."

"Adding these things together, the total price is about 300 million orders!"

Tang Ke nodded.

"What about the current bidding situation? Who do you plan to let and what the price?"


Wang Yu told Tang Ke the whole thing.

Tang Ke also generally knew that for such a large list, any well-known clothing manufacturer across the country has already contacted Shunlei.

It is almost swarming.

However, both the quotation and the quality are almost the same. After all, everyone's technical materials workers and various factors are the same.

There are no obvious barriers to break through in this industry, and everyone is the same.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult for them to make a choice here, and they are still in the judging stage and there is no finalization.

Tang Ke was a little curious: "Then what do you care most about?"

According to Tang Ke's understanding, there is no major problem with the quality of Hanru's products, as long as it is done well in other areas, it is not a big problem!

Although Tang Ke can quickly sign Han Ru's order with just one sentence, Tang Ke does not want Shunlei to compromise too much.

After all, they are all their own, and Wang Yu has done nothing wrong to let the family lose their own interests to perfect Han Ru.

Tang Ke is still embarrassed to do this kind of thing.

At least do it decently.

Yu Wang pondered: "What we care most about...then only design!"

Tang Ke understood immediately.

Indeed, since the material quality is the same in all aspects, the design really plays a decisive role!

After all, this express clothing is worn on the body of the courier, it is an advertisement!

Shunlei Company relied on this method to make itself bigger!

Yu Wang continued: "We have actually seen a lot of plans, but we are not very satisfied with what we have done."

"The homogeneity of the things they do is too serious, the domestic design, there is too little innovation, and they dare not be bold! Unlike foreigners, the design things can make people shine!"

Tang Ke understood immediately.

"okay, I get it!"

Pat, hung up the phone...

Yu Wang looked dumbfounded...Tang Ke's call...what is it going to do?

Hang up after asking?


Tang Ke has fully understood the problem of 300 million orders, which is to design!

Tang Ke immediately told Han Ru the news.

Han Ru immediately decided.

Set up a temporary team of Raiders Shunlei Company! Captain of the team, Tang Ke!

Helper, Wu Dong!

It is an appointment that makes people incomprehensible.

Tang Ke is just a deputy supervisor, but let a supervisor be his subordinate!

But Han Ru didn't care about these at all, Tang Ke's position had already surpassed Wu Dong.

It's just that the title is a bit worse.

Han Ru actually believes that Tang Ke must be the most capable person!

This team also started a meeting immediately.

Wu Dong talked freely at the meeting.

"Now, we have two tasks! One is to design a new clothing design! It must be novel!"

"The other is to contact the executives of Shunlei Company! Make a good relationship!"

"At present, our company's designers are still unable to submit satisfactory answers..."

"Do you have any ideas and solutions?"


Wu Dong’s question soon silenced people...

After half a day, none of them said there was a way!

Wu Dong frowned: "What? You can't do anything about it?"

"Too disappointed!"

Han Ru was a little curious: "Wu Dong, do you have a way?"

"I do not have either……"


Han Ru was immediately dumbfounded. When you reprimand others, you have no choice but to be emotional!

Talk about a bird!

Han Ru looked at Tang Ke helplessly: "Tang Ke, do you have a way?"

Tang Ke thought for a while, the eyes of the people around were all on Tang Ke's body, and there was silence!

Waiting for Tang Ke's answer.

Looking forward to Tang Ke's turnaround! After all, Tang Ke is a new executive!

And it was the captain that Han Ru personally valued and decided!

Tang Ke stood up suddenly!

The people in the meeting room were even more surprised! Looking at Tang Ke fiercely!

Tang Ke is about to speak!

Everyone is extremely nervous!

Tang Ke opened his mouth and said indifferently: "I don't think there is any need to worry, wait a moment, I will take the time to deliver two express delivery."

The audience... is silent!

Looking at each other!

Not in a hurry?

Waiting for you to deliver the courier?

Damn it! This Tang Ke is doing woolen yarn!

Han Ru was so angry that he wanted to hit someone! You stand up just to say this?

Let you be the captain, you look like this! Didn't you see that Han Ru actually bet all the treasures on you this time?

Your brother-in-law!

Just when Han Ru was about to get angry... Tang Ke's phone rang.

The huge conference room was quietly listening to Tang Ke's call...

"You have a new express order, please pay attention to receive it!"

Everyone's face is quite wonderful!

Han Ru's face is especially complicated!


I almost fainted!

The scene is also quite embarrassing!

Tang Ke stood up.

An awkward and polite smile appeared: "I'm sorry, I forgot to mute! I'll send a courier first!"

"Then everyone, let's talk when we have time!"

After speaking, Tang Ke walked out of the meeting room directly!

Send express!

Han Ru and those executives were all dumbfounded!

Depend on!

Courier for your sister!

We are still studying the large order of Shunlei Company! A big order of 300 million yuan!

A person in charge of you ran to deliver the courier!

Han Ru directly threw the water glass in his hand on the ground!

Han Ru was so angry that he pointed to Wu Dong and said, "Go and see, what exactly is this kid playing with?"

She Han Ru doesn't believe it anymore. This time you can still deliver courier and meet a tens of billions of bigwigs, solve this problem?

Wu Dong... walked out with a bitter expression on his face.

Anyway, Wu Dong himself is also a super executive with a million annual salary. As a result...what is the difference between now and an errand runner?

Hard work!


Tang Ke delivers express.

Unfortunately, it rained today.

The big ones can hardly go out.

In desperation, Tang Ke pulled out the people who had used Didi.

I haven't driven this car for a long time.

As a result, Tang Ke met many acquaintances.

Junior sister Liang Han.

Tang Ke

Is running in the heavy rain with four young girls.

I still have a leaflet in my hand...

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