In fact, among these people, the most dumbfounded is Long Yunqiang!

The others only knew one Tang Ke, but Long Yunqiang knew everyone there!

All old friends! Why are they all here?

Long Yunqiang was surprised.

Wu Dong asked curiously: "These people who are with Tang come they don't feel like ordinary people?"

As the director of the marketing department, Wu Dong still has this insight.

Han Ru couldn't help asking curiously, "Mr. Long, do you know them?"

Long Yunqiang... quickly shook his head to deny!

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Tang Ke also saw Han Ru and the others at this time, and was directly panicked by the eyes of these people... Damn! It would be bad if it was exposed.

Hastily left the crowd secretly.

It was a small episode. Everyone should eat and drink. Tang Ke just said that he was watching the fun, and he didn't explain too much.

The crowd did not continue to question, and soon everyone was gone.

The female secretary drove away with Han Ru.

When he was about to leave, Han Ru suddenly felt something wrong: "Don't drive first!"

In the distance, Long Yunqiang was chatting with several people with Tang Ke before, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other.

"Didn't Long Yunqiang know them? How can you tell me that you don't know them?"

Han Ru couldn't help being a little suspicious.

Since Tang Ke came to the company, this mystery is still inconceivable, but the emotions have grown more and more.


In the next week, with the help of Wang, Shunlei Company and Han Ru Company formally signed a contract.

This is the largest and most profitable contract of Hanru Company since its establishment to the present.

After signing this contract, Han Ru was so happy that he didn't know how to describe his feelings.

On the same day, it was announced that all employees of the entire company would double their salary this month!

When the company heard about this news, it was also full of joy.

In the following ten days, Han Ru's company was like a small non-stop motor, starting to run frantically, preparing for various contract matters.

This company seems to be taking off.


A few days later, Tang Ke came to the company, only to find that the company, which had a very high atmosphere, suddenly became depressed.

How is this going?

Tang Ke was also curious.

The people around are either panicked or uneasy, often still whispering over there.

Tang Ke simply listened secretly.

"Have you heard?"

"I just heard!"

"What can I do now!"

"I have just worked for two years... why did I encounter these things?"


A group of people is like playing a riddle, they can't tell the truth.

Tang Ke simply went to Wu Dong and asked, "Supervisor, what seems to have happened?"

Wu Dong sighed: "You haven't heard of it yet? No wonder...this is actually..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Dong's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Han Ru's.

"Chairman? Is there anything...?"

Wu Dong's voice was already trembling... it seemed to be quite scared.

On the other end of the phone, Han Ru's voice was also extremely exhausted: "Come here and call Tang Ke."

Tang Ke... still looked dumbfounded.

"what is going on!"

On the way, Wu Dong continued to talk.

"Isn't it an order of 300 million yuan this time? Everything and materials are imported from abroad... Now that we have encountered some problems, we are very likely to be cheated..."

"This time it's not just a question of money... it's not just a question of financing..."

Tang Ke looked dumbfounded, this is all right?

Han Ru called the two to the office. At this time, she was extremely tired and her face was haggard.

Tang Ke could see that this mother-in-law should have been tortured for some time.

"It's really not easy to do business these years, and we have to guard against so many things...and to deal with so many things, mother-in-law, you have worked hard!"

Tang Ke remembered that Shangguan Wan'er had always said that her mother was such a powerful woman who only went out to work.

Tang Ke didn't care about family affairs at all. At that time, Tang Ke felt that it was really not so good.

But now it seems that everyone has their own difficulties! If Han Ru wants to run a company well, he must focus on the company.

It’s not easy for Han Ru to encounter so many things now.

Han Ru smiled bitterly: "Presumably you have all heard of it? This time we... were cheated."

"Blame me, I was too anxious... I was cheated by a fake foreign company this time, this time I was cheated by a fake foreign company, this damn foreigner! I cheated me 200 million!"

Tang Ke... shocked!

Han Ru, who is quite powerful in the market, was so easily deceived. It can be seen that this time Han Ru was really taken away by the order of 300 million yuan.

Now...the company's management will definitely have a problem!

These two billions were originally obtained through financing... and they are not there yet.

Wu Dong was silent and did not dare to speak.

He has no way.

Han Ru's company, such a big company, is very likely to go bankrupt in an instant.

Han Ru hesitated, then stood up: "Call everyone in the company, I want to have a meeting!"


At the meeting, Han Ru looked sad.

I told all the employees about this time.


"That's it, we have been defrauded of two hundred million now! The responsibility for this matter lies with me! I decided to take this responsibility!"

Tang Ke couldn't help being a little surprised, this is a strong woman! Even if you are deceived, you will bravely assume your responsibilities!

No wonder her company can do so much, these employees are so convinced by Han Ru.

"The company has suffered such a big loss now, and the next days will definitely be very sad..."

"Everyone... if you want to leave, I won't stop it! I know that everyone has their own life to live! I will also compensate you accordingly in accordance with the regulations!"


Hearing Han Ru's words, everyone was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Han Ru was so benevolent to them at this crisis!

You should know that some very large companies are layoffs in different ways, throwing away their employees when they are used up, and will not pay a little compensation.

Han Ru was still paying compensation to these people at the time of the crisis. This is simply a kind person!

Wu Dong was the first to stand up.

"Chairman! I don't need a salary! I can get to this position today because of the chairman!"

"So, I will not resign, and I have to provide funds to the company! Support the company!"

"I also want to support the company!"

"I don't want this month's salary!"


Under the leadership of Wu Dong, a group of employees expressed their opinions one after another! Support Han Ru!

Han Ru couldn't help crying when he saw this scene.

At the critical moment, these employees are still reliable!

"Thank you... thank you everyone! But..."

"Forget it..."

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