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Chapter 335: Feeling a Familiar Breath

I thought that if Tang Ke's girlfriend was so-so, he would still have a chance.

But after seeing Gongsun Guo, an alluring beauty, she suddenly lost self-confidence!

How can there be a chance to fight for a boyfriend with such a girl?

As long as an individual knows how to choose, okay?

I have no chance at all!

In desperation... I had to leave.

At this time, Tang Ke also gained countless enviable eyes around him!


On the other side, Jin Mengmeng is still working on his live broadcast plan at this time! She also found new opportunities! That's a blind date!

There are many people on blind date these days, so there is quite a lot of interest in these things!

I also gained a lot of fans by relying on this thing.

Jin Mengmeng's mother, Meng Feijuan, was also in the well-known Dayang Park in Yangcheng at this time.

Why is this park famous? Because here is simply a holy place for blind dates!

Anyone who has a blind date request will walk around this place! There are people of all kinds of conditions!

There are more grandpa and grandmothers, these people are people who worry about their children's marriage.

Meng Feijuan asked one by one.

Seeing the conditions of these people, there was a disdainful smile on his face.

"Your salary this month is only ten thousand! That's not worthy of my daughter at all!"

"You don't have a house, what's the use of a monthly salary of 30,000?"

"You guy is only 1.7 meters tall. Isn't this too short? Too ugly!"


Choosing here for a long time made many people a little angry.

In fact, there is a reason why her requirements are so high. Last time, Jin Mengmeng asked someone to go on a blind date, and it was Tang Ke that Aunt Liu contacted.

At the beginning, I thought Tang Ke was a weak chicken, so Jin Mengmeng did not develop with Tang Ke at all.

But then Aunt Liu told them that Tang Ke had a luxury car and a house, and he was super rich!

After that, this Meng Feijuan was quite angry! Depend on! Missed a golden turtle son-in-law! How hard is this next golden turtle son-in-law to find?

Played Jin Mengmeng several times!

But if you get angry, you still have to find a boyfriend for Jin Mengmeng! That's why I came to this Dayang Park.

"You said so powerfully, what is your daughter like?"

Others talked to Meng Feijuan with some dissatisfaction.

Meng Feijuan immediately took out Jin Mengmeng's photos triumphantly, and after retouching the pictures, it was much more beautiful than the previous Jin Mengmeng!

Everyone saw...

"Wow! This girl is really handsome!"

"It's so beautiful! No wonder it is so demanding! If it were me, I would be so demanding!"

"It's really blessed to have such a girl! I will definitely meet someone who is rich and handsome in the future!"

"In this case...she should be very suitable for that who, right, boss Zhang, right?"

"Boss Zhang? Which boss?"

When I heard that it was the boss, Meng Feijuan immediately became interested. Her girl should find the big boss!

"That's the one who started the company in the Yangcheng Financial Building! I heard that he is rich! He is also here for a blind date!"

"Zhang Zhendong! It's that Zhang Zhendong!"

The people around said right away that the Zhang Zhendong they were talking about was the Zhang Zhendong Tang Ke knew.

Zhang Zhendong is younger than Long Yunqiang. He is thirty-two years old, the fifth of the diamond king!

Because I have been working and struggling hard, I just abandon the woman and have never looked for a woman.

His father has always been concerned about this matter of his son.

But Zhang Zhendong hasn't been in a hurry. Isn't the current girl chosen by him?

It's a pity...I can't find a good choice no matter what.

Especially after seeing these girlfriends of Tang Ke, I was extremely envious and jealous, and I wanted to find a similar one for everything!

As soon as the result was delayed, it was now.

Meng Feijuan quickly became excited when he heard of such an awesome boss.

"Where, hurry up and take me to see!"

A group of people were like watching a play, and they followed Meng Feijuan to find Zhang Zhendong's father.

At this time, Tang Ke delivered the express delivery to this place. There was an old man who was here every day, so the delivery address of the express delivery was also here.

Tang Ke just delivered it.

I also saw Meng Feijuan looking for someone here, but Meng Feijuan recklessly ran into Tang Ke directly.


Originally, Meng Feijuan felt embarrassed when he ran into someone, but when he saw that he had ran into a courier, he suddenly became angry.

"Why don't you have eyes when you deliver the courier?"

Tang Ke said coldly, "Didn't you bump into it yourself?"

"You are still stubborn! A loser with a monthly salary of less than 10,000, is actually here to force me to rely on it?"

"Get out! Don't delay my time!"

Tang Ke frowned: "Hey! Why on earth do you look down on us delivering couriers?"

The people around were also sighing at this moment.

"Yeah, there is no reason to look down on someone delivering express delivery, right?"

"I think there is nothing wrong with sending express delivery?"

"It's not easy for others, so don't make trouble here, right?"

The people around helped Tang Ke speak, but Meng Feijuan looked disdainful.

"You, the courier, don't have a wife at first sight! The bottom of society! You have a good temper!"

Tang Ke... speechless! I really don't have a wife, but I have a girlfriend!

"It's amazing! I think I'm the bottom of the society, if I'm the bottom of the society, you're not as good as not being a human being!"

Tang Ke said indifferently.

Meng Feijuan suddenly got a temper: "You have a big tone!"

"I'm just such a big tone! I work to make money anyway, unlike you, I don't make much money, and I look down on others!"

One sentence directly touched Meng Feijuan’s sore spot...

Their family really doesn't make much money, so they are eager to find a beloved son-in-law!

The people around... heard this, there was a moment of silence.

Yes, this courier guy is really amazing! society! Hit the nail on the head!

"You! You are a courier, in a place like Yangcheng, it's like begging!"

Just at this time……

Zhang Zhendong's father also noticed the commotion here.


Inexplicably, Zhang Zhendong is also here!

He is here to find his father!

"what's up?"

Zhang Zhendong's father Zhang Hui asked curiously.

People around quickly pushed Meng Feijuan.

"Hey! This is Zhang Zhendong's father! Don't keep embarrassing the delivery brother here!"

Seeing that her purpose had come, Meng Feijuan quickly put on a smiling face.

"Uh... uh, hello, hello! I'm here for a blind date! I heard that your son is in good condition! My daughter is also in good condition!"

With that, she handed out a photo of Jin Mengmeng.

Looking at this photo, Tang Ke recognized it instantly. Isn't this the female watch?

No wonder I felt a familiar breath in this Meng Feijuan body!

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