The salesperson was obviously still a little dissatisfied, and immediately said: "Sir, you ask this thing, it is really embarrassing for us!"

"Even if it is the world's top thing, it may not have so many certificates or something?"

"Oh, really?"

Tang Ke asked back, and then directly took out the jewellery that she had just bought for Shangguan Wan'er.

"This, AAL's top jewellery, 38 million, look, what's the certificate gift box?"

When I heard of AAL's top jewelry, the people around and the salesperson were all dumbfounded!

Although they know that the people who can consume in this mall are certainly not ordinary people, but they just met someone who can afford more than 30 million jewels. This is like winning a lottery!

The salesperson's legs started to tremble at this time. This is because he accidentally met a boss!

The consequences of harassing the boss here are quite serious!

When I think of this, I naturally tremble!


Not long after Tang Ke said this, a few security guards arrived immediately!

Sell ​​this directly to the shelf!

Sales are like crying without tears! This time I accidentally provoke the super boss!


Tang Ke put the things away, and the people around him now looked at Tang Ke with the same admiring eyes.

Tang Ke quickly took Shangguan Wan'er out.

But as they walked, the two reached a place with few people. Shangguan Wan'er wanted to go to the bathroom, so Tang Ke had to wait outside.

In boredom, I bought a cup of milk tea and waited.

At this moment, a man came over, wearing a suit, very hearty.

"Isn't this Tang Ke?"

The man looked at Tang Ke in amazement. Tang Ke looked back and was shocked.

"Li Zhangwei?"

This Li Zhangwei is a colleague of Tang Ke's previous company, but this person is better than Tang Ke.

I left within a few days after I joined the company, and I haven't met since, but the two still knew each other.

All belong to the same department.

Li Zhangwei could not help but be even more surprised when he saw that it was Tang Ke.

"I didn't expect it to be you!"

"I haven't seen this for a long time, right?"

"Almost, it's been more than a year!"

Tang Ke is also a little bit emotional, this time flies quickly!

So long has passed in an instant.

Looking at Li Zhangwei now, it seems that life is going well.

The two sat down and chatted for a while.

"What are you doing here? Are you shopping? So many?"

Li Zhangwei looked at the big and small bags in Tang Ke's hand, somewhat curious.

"Well, I bought it for my girlfriend."

I heard that Tang Ke has a girlfriend! Li Zhangwei, who was originally smiling, suddenly felt a little pain.

Depend on!

It has only been more than a year, why Tang Ke has found a girlfriend! I am still a bachelor!

This is too uncomfortable!

"Forget it, you and I are not the same people! I'm leaving now!"

Li Zhangwei got up immediately and left.

Tang Ke was also dumbfounded. He just said that he had a girlfriend, did he have such a big blow to Li Zhangwei?

About to go?

Is this the sensitive single dog in the legend?

Run away when you see someone with a daughter-in-law?


Somewhat speechless.

Time flies, Tang Ke once again returned to his usual days of delivering express delivery.

This express delivery is to be delivered to the villa area.

It was another day to go deep into the rich family, Tang Ke delivered the things directly to the door.

Ring the doorbell, just to see a person walking towards him.

"Is it a courier? Put it on the ground."

A woman, who seemed to have just returned from the outside at this time, said indifferently.

It seems to be the residents here.

Tang Ke put things on the ground, just about to leave, at this moment...


Suddenly heard a rush of dog barking, and looking back, a Teddy was barking at him at this time!

I'm about to rush to Tang Ke's side soon!

Tang Ke subconsciously... kicked this Teddy directly!


Teddy immediately fell to the ground and let out a painful cry.

The woman was dumbfounded at once, and suddenly became a shrew!

"Why are you kicking him?"

Tang Ke was also speechless: "You came back from walking the dog? Why didn't you take the rope? I thought it was going to bite me!"

"This dog is so cute and so small, how can you treat a dog like this?"

"My dog ​​is injured! You want compensation! A courier, so bold!"

"Do you know who I am? I'm telling you, if there is no explanation about this matter today, I will let you know the consequences immediately!"

The woman was immediately annoyed!

Tang Ke is also completely dumbfounded. Is it reasonable for you to walk the dog without holding the leash?

And looking at her like this, it seems that she feels like she's quite awesome?

Tang Ke sneered: "Okay! I want to see, what can you do to me!"

"What I am doing here is what I should do. No matter how you look at it, it's wrong to walk the dog without leashing!"

The woman was so angry that she took out her phone immediately!

"You wait! I want to criticize you badly!"

Tang Ke was fine anyway, so he just waited.

"Hey! I want to complain!"

The customer service who received the call was really numb, and Tang Ke received complaints again!

Every time, it is the kind of very difficult customer, although every time the customer service is getting big.

But Naihe's salary for him was too high, and Tang Ke was the only one to serve.

Such a fragrant job, he naturally would not give up easily.

And now I have summed up the experience, every time you encounter such a guest, then drag it!

You can even fight with these guests directly!

Anyway, these guests are not Tang Ke's opponents! Tang Ke is the boss of Shunlei Company!

This kind of existence, unless it is to ruin the entire company, otherwise no one can complain to Tang Ke!

It's all like this, the employees naturally follow Tang Ke's heart!

In the past few days, the customer service who has been a little bored by various complaints, decided to be tough this time!

"Madam, we received your complaint! But let me tell you, it's out of play!"

"We will not punish this employee anyway!"

"That's it, goodbye!"

Click! The customer service hung up.

When the woman saw this scene, she was completely dumbfounded!

What's happening here? The other party just hung up his phone? And the attitude is so bad?

Even worse than Tang Ke's attitude!

And... I haven't said why the complaint was caused by anything!

What do you mean? No matter who is right or wrong, they won't help customers, right?

Is this also a person in the service industry?

Too nonsense, right?

All kinds of shocking things made the woman directly dumbfounded!

Tang Ke said indifferently, "How is it? Is there anything else? If not, I'm leaving!"

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