Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 345 The next step is to build a house with banknotes

The wearing of the ring is exquisite.

As for this fat-eared man wearing rings on all five fingers, what can it explain?

Of course...

It shows that people are rich! Still the kind of nouveau riche! Suddenly I was rich, and then I didn't know what my last name was.

Pretend to be triumphant here!

Fatty's hand is also a very earthy mobile phone.

Super gold invincible phone! Has a super high price of 28,000!

This mobile phone, but it has a background, the legendary successful person comes standard, an elite business mobile phone!

Jin Jin Jin successful mobile phone!

Why are you talking about this mobile phone?

Because today's mobile phones are all smart phones, when people want to judge the price of smart phones, they mainly look at a configuration.

This configuration is the same as the computer, as long as the configuration is good, then the phone is comfortable to use and very powerful.

But the configuration of this phone is simply rubbish!

The best place to do it is advertising.

In their own ads, they madly promote that their mobile phone is the standard for successful people, and promote that this mobile phone is made of gold!

In fact, the cost is less than two or three thousand, but it has to sell for nearly thirty thousand yuan!

To prove that your own mobile phone is only affordable for successful people!

In's an IQ testing machine. People who don't have an IQ can use this kind of mobile phone.

This kind of image is matched with this kind of configuration, of course Tang Ke feels funny after seeing it!

What's even more incredible is that behind this fat man, there are three female assistants!

The man was calling here, and said very proudly: "What? More than one million? Just for such a small amount of money, do you make a special call?"

"I tell you, I don't care about this money at all!"

"Who am I? With such a big net worth, wouldn't I be able to afford you this money?"

"Stop the ink here! Hurry up!"

The fat man hung up the phone with a smug look on his face.

It happened to see Tang Ke at this time.

He spit out and said arrogantly: "It's really fucking thinking that Laozi is so poor, isn't it?"

"Laozi is not the same as this one. The only poor is the pant and vest. Can Laozi still lack this money?"

Tang Ke...

Suddenly stunned!

Why did this topic lead to me?

Laozi's body is indeed a pant vest, but this pant vest is customized by George Bai!

You can't buy clothes, are you embarrassed to laugh at me?

But Tang Ke didn't have much reaction, he was still basking in the sun, looking at the fat man with a smile on his face!

According to Tang Ke's experience, the harder the pretending is, the more painful it will be to hit the face when the time comes!

This fat guy always feels that he is going to roll over later!

The fat man despised Tang Ke, and the voice was quite loud. Instead of being angry, Tang Ke looked at himself with a smile.

Let the fat man feel uncomfortable immediately!

Pooh! Laozi despises you, are you still laughing with Laozi?

Tang Ke's expression that seemed to be looking at mentally retarded completely angered the fat man!

The fat man walked up to Tang Ke immediately, and said indignantly: "Laozi said about you! Poor ratio! What a laugh!"

Tang Ke said indifferently, "I just smiled, isn't it?"

"Laozi said no, just no!"

Fatty can be said to be quite domineering, giving Tang Ke a feeling...a feeling of a Northeast person!

"What are you looking at!"

"Look at you!"

"What do you look at!"


Then fight directly...

Tang Ke feels this way now.

Obviously, it is not only Tang Ke who feels this way.

Gongsun Guo and Gongsun Ling also felt the same way. This fat man's tone of voice was so presumptuous, it should be trouble to Tang Ke.

This is the time for them to play!

The two immediately walked to Tang Ke's side, and said coldly in coquettish voices.

"Sir, please don't embarrass our boss!"


When he saw Gongsun Guo and Gongsun Ling, the fat man's eyes straightened!

The saliva also began to drip from the corners of the mouth! Disgusting!

Obviously, this is seeing a beautiful woman and can't control herself at all!

The beauty of these two sisters is like slamming all the female assistants behind them!

Compared with them, your female assistant is a female monster!

How can this fat man accept it? Immediately he said: "Two beauties, they are very beautiful! Don't do things like this kind of hard work!"

"Come and do things with me! I will give you one million a year!"

The assistants behind him only had one hundred thousand a year, but they gave these two beauties a tenfold increase!

It can be seen that it has also lost money.

Gongsun Guo and Gongsun Ling sneered at this time, this little money is not enough to stuff their teeth?

"Laugh! Laugh! You guys also laugh! What's so funny!"

This mocking smile made the fat man very angry!

Fatty, after all, is a nouveau riche. Before the outbreak, because he had no money, because he was fat, and because of his bad personality.

Because of his lack of accomplishment, he was just a poor man who couldn't find a wife, and he was always laughed at by the people around him.

Over time, as long as someone is laughing, he feels that he might be laughing at himself.

This feeling is inferiority!

What comes after inferiority is endless anger! At this time, after seeing the obvious ridicule of Gongsun Guo and Gongsun Ling, he was even more angry!

"You guys..."

Fatty's words haven't been finished yet...

A tenant suddenly arrived next to Tang Ke.

"Good guy! Rent again? Come! This is my rent this month! And these are, friends on the eleventh floor of Building 3 asked me to help bring them!"

"Boss! Bring the secretary here this time? It's so pretty!"

"It's worthy of being a big brother! Better than! Really better!"

"I'm here too!"


A crowd of people began to send money to Tang Ke in an orderly manner!

The piles of Grandpa Mao were delivered directly to Tang Ke's hands!

Tang Ke's plastic bag was quickly filled!

The first bag! Put it on the weighing machine!

Several tenants were dumbfounded.

"Boss! You can't measure the weight like this, right?"

"Yes, how heavy is a bill? You..."

Tang Ke said leisurely: "Me? I'm just playing around!"


Everyone was dumbfounded!

Damn it!

We really can’t appreciate the happiness of the rich! You make so many things just for fun?

"Niubi! Niubi is still yours!"

"As expected! Is the next step to build a house with banknotes?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible for the boss!"

"Hey... when can I be so rich!"

Tang Ke smiled and said, "Yes! I like to listen! Keep talking, let's say the rent is reduced by one thousand!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was extremely excited!

One by one immediately flattered Tang Ke!

It's so loud! The entrance of the small community is more lively than the vegetable market!

Fatty... completely dumbfounded!

Seeing Tang Ke collect the money here, it's so happy! His eyeballs are about to fall!

I didn't expect that the person I pretended to be compared to was a big brother!

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