This Yu Lele is better than singing.

It's like a big flicker here, Ullaula said, people who don't know the truth really believe it!

"This man is so awesome!"

"That's right! This young man can know such top designers, it is indeed quite powerful!"

"It's not right, how can you know this? Let's not talk about knowing or not, how can there be such a thing as a cooperative design?"

"If this is the case, this designer is simply this man!"

"I think you are sour. Who would tell such a lie in such a place? It must be true!"

Most people still stand on the side of Yu Lele. Although Yu Lele is a very scumbag, if he has this ability, people also have the capital!

After all, artists are all normal!

Many people are also admiring Lele at this time!

At this moment... the maker of this dress suddenly found Tang Ke and Shangguan Wan'er!

"Mr. Tang Ke! Miss Shangguan Wan'er! Fortunately to meet you!"

Because it is a staff member, the clothes on his body are extremely obvious.

The staff in this exhibition are divided into various positions.

One is the doorman and the security guard, who wear clothes similar to police uniforms, and the other is a waiter, serving the public in the venue.

There is also a very special designer and organizer staff!

These people are the most powerful! Because they are the organizers, most of them are designers!

So their clothes are also the most conspicuous among all the staff!

This staff member was also extremely enthusiastic at this time, and said loudly: "I want to introduce you to everyone!"

"Our designer of this ancient costume design exhibition is this Miss Shangguan Wan'er! Next to this is her husband, Mr. Tang Ke!"

"To be able to come to our exhibition hall today is our great honor! Everyone applauds and welcomes!"


? ? ?

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded for three seconds.

I thought it was because I heard it wrong, but after several confirmations, I didn't hear it wrong!

The staff member really said that Shangguan Wan'er was the designer of this costume!


"Can this be fake? This lady must have designed it!"

"I wonder, how can a foreign designer design such a good antique clothing? It must be fake!"

"From just now, I think this man has a problem!"

"This young lady is really amazing! She can design such a beautiful dress!"

"Yes, people are beautiful, and their skills are quite awesome! It's perfect!"

At this moment...Everyone's eyes fell on Shangguan Wan'er...

Shangguan Wan'er also felt extremely proud and excited at this time! My dream is finally realized!

Make perfect clothes and exhibit them at internationally renowned exhibitions! Let everyone know!

Originally, she thought that her dream would take a long time to come true, but Tang Ke, who didn't think about it, took only a few days to make her dream come true!

That's amazing! It's so amazing!

After being shocked, everyone's attention turned to Yu Lele again.

"This guy, just said he knows the designer!"

"How about bragging, do you believe him? What he did just now, can you still believe him?"

"Yeah, this looks like a person who brags and doesn't write drafts! I don't know who gave him the courage to pretend to be on this occasion, Liang Jingru?"

"Really ridiculous! Joker!"

People around are talking about Lele...

But after all, Yu Lele is Yu Lele. Since he was so shameless before, he wouldn't even consider the matter of having a face at this time.

Still standing here unmoved.

Proudly said: "I know more people, after all, I am a rich second-generation! This time I may just remember it wrong!"


A cold voice suddenly rang.


Yu Lele looked back, alas, this is not an acquaintance!

"Uncle Ning Lie! How are you! You have come to this exhibition, too."


I haven't finished speaking... Yu Lele's face is not so good. The person next to Ning Lie, isn't that his father Yu Shui? !

Depend on! The exhibition is so big, how come I still meet my dad!

And his father looks very angry!


Yu Shui and Ning Lie were here to participate in the exhibition together this time. They were together, mainly discussing business.

Before that, Ning Lie had already talked about Tang Ke with Yu Shui.

I have learned about Tang Ke's cow ratio very deeply!

In fact, they saw Tang Ke first before seeing Yu Lele!

I saw the things just now!

The reason why Yu Shui was so angry at this time was naturally that these things that Yu Lele did just now were all seen by Yu Shui!

"Yu Lele!"

Yu Shui said angrily, just by listening to this tone, he knew that he was going to drink a pot.

Yu Lele also has a dumbfounded look. Although she does get into trouble in normal times, Yu Shui doesn't always educate him.

This time... what happened?

Yu Shui, has been looking for a chance to make friends with Tang Ke!

After Ning Lie's introduction, he really wanted to meet Tang Ke!

But I didn't expect that his own son would provoke Tang Ke here! what is this? Cheating! Depend on!

Of course Yu Shui was angry.

But... at this time, Yu Shui is also frantically looking for a solution, no matter what he said today, he must remedy the matter this time!

Yu Shui rushed directly in front of Yu Lele!


A crisp voice sounded in the exhibition!

Yu Lele was dumbfounded! My father slapped himself hard!

The Yu Lele at this time was also because of this slap... was directly overturned to the ground!

A bright red palm print has appeared on his face! There is also a gold star in front of you!

It can be seen how powerful the water is!

After half a day, Yu Lele realized what happened...

"Dad...what are you doing..."

"Fuck. Your seedlings!"


As soon as Yu Lele said a word, Yu Shui immediately slapped Yu Lele on the face with three slaps!

While he was playing, Yu Shui was still here and said angrily: "I'll make trouble for Laozi every day!"

"stir up trouble!"

"stir up trouble!"

"Is this someone you can afford?"

Yu Lele... This is the first time I have seen my father beat myself so hard!

Although there were similar things in the past, the old man was merciful anyway!

But this time, there is no meaning to be merciful at all!

And... he was married by decree!

His father has urged him to get married several times, so he keeps looking for beautiful women...but, the method is different...

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