If Feng Xi knew about Tang Ke's current situation, so many big companies under his hands would not care about the future of these companies.

As long as you are happy.

It is estimated that Feng Xi can be envious of it!

Listening to Feng Xi's words, Feng Yunbao gradually realized the seriousness of the problem...

"Dad, you mean, if Long Yunqiang really doesn't give us funds, we will be in debt in the future?"

"It's not just debts, maybe we have to go out to beg for food!"

Feng Xi said angrily.

This kind of thing is too common. The bigger the boss, the easier it is to be in debt.

People who are in debt can make their money flow, and that is success.

As long as there is no thunderstorm, it is safe.

After all, not everyone is like Tang Ke, who is really rich! It's all in the bank!

"Feng Yunbao, let me tell you, you haven't seen the Sun Yabaolei incident. Now go back and check it yourself. What is the result of him now!"

"If because of your incident this time, our Feng family is so ruined, I will sever the father-daughter relationship with you in the future!"

With that, Feng Xi left angrily.

Feng Yunbao stayed where he was with a dazed expression.

If the Feng family really fell...wouldn't she, the former rich girl, be relegated to the streets?

That kind of day is not a day she can think about!

Hurry up and find out what happened to Sun Ya.

I don’t know if I don’t check it, I’m surprised if I check it! Sun Ya was once a super boss in Yangcheng!

At its peak, the company's market value exceeded one trillion! Called the first person in Yinxia Country!

But then he had a debt of several hundred million that he couldn't pay back! The east wall can only be demolished to make up for the west wall. As a result...the east wall is thunderous again! Let him pay it back!

Demolish the south wall again... and then the south wall thunders again...

In the end, because of these negative news, all the partners gave up their cooperation one by one, and the company fell apart!

He owed more than one billion in debt, and then went abroad!

I heard that mining in Africa!

Obviously it was such a big company, but it was defeated by hundreds of millions! It is a legend.

Seeing this report, Feng Yunbao felt shocked!

Yourself... won't it be the same ending, right?

No... I don't want to mine in Africa!


On the other side, Feng Xi made up his mind and immediately found someone to contact Long Yunqiang.

This time I was thinking a little bit, and I directly invited Long Yunqiang, but people might not agree, so they used a turning method.

Let your acquaintances contact Long Yunqiang first, and then pretend to meet by chance and apologize to Long Yunqiang! Give another gift!

Feng Xi has prepared everything at the Linji Restaurant in Yangcheng.

The location of Lin Ji's restaurant is not easy to get, and Feng Xi has also lost his money this time!

Everything is acting according to plan!

Long Yunqiang is here too! Feng Xi hid behind, waiting for the right opportunity.

As a result, at this moment... Feng Yunbao suddenly appeared.


"How did you come?"

"Dad, I know it's wrong! Let me help with this matter! Not only the plane, you gave me the Cullinan sports car, and you also gave it to Uncle Long!"

Seeing Feng Yunbao's really determined expression, Feng Xi sighed.

Anyhow, the daughter has grown up!

"Okay! Since you have this mind, I will let you make up for it!"

The other boss that Long Yunqiang and Feng Xi had found, chatted very happily in the private room. Just in time, Long Yunqiang wanted to go to the bathroom and went out.

good chance!

When Long Yunqiang came back, Feng Xi and Feng Yunbao immediately appeared in front of Long Yunqiang as if by chance!

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Long! What a coincidence!"

Feng Xi smiled, Long Yunqiang took a look...

"Is it you?"

The smile on Feng Xi's face is extremely sincere! Quickly said: "Mr. Long, don't be so angry! Look at you, your face is not good!"

"I have nothing to say to you!"

snort! People who offend Tang Ke still want me to look good? It's idiotic to talk about dreams!

Feng Xi hurriedly said: "Mr. Long, we are here to apologize specially this time! Everyone makes money with harmony! People make money with harmony!"

"This is the plane I just bought a few days ago! Boeing's latest private jet! There are also two groups of crew members on it! It cost me a lot of money and a lot of contacts!"

"If you don't mind, accept it, Mr. Long!"

With that, Feng Xi took out a photo of the plane.

At this time, Feng Xi and Feng Yunbao had a flattering smile on their faces, but their hearts were extremely proud.

No one can refuse such a good thing! There is no one!

This is an airplane worth 300 million yuan! And it's something from the United States!

They couldn't bear it, let alone Long Yunqiang!

did not expect……

Long Yunqiang didn't even waver at all, and said indifferently, "I want this thing to buy me? You are too naive!"

"I tell you, this time, it is not a matter of money at all! It is not something I can solve!"

"It's better for you to reflect on yourself, who is it that you have offended!"

With that said, Long Yun left with a loud voice!

Feng Yunbao, who was complacent in his heart, was immediately stunned! Stupidly stunned in place!

How can this be?

Long Yunqiang did not agree to this?

"I heard you right? No airplanes?"

Feng Yunbao looked surprised and shouted from behind Long Yunqiang.

"Mr. Long, can you do this for a Han Ru? Doesn't her Han Ru have a small broken company!"

"We are more powerful than money, ability, or anything else!"

Listening to Feng Yunbao's scream, Long Yunqiang sneered.

It seems that they still don't know who they are offending.

But Long Yunqiang didn't have the responsibility to remind them, so he just left!

No more food!

Boss Zhang, who invited Long Yunqiang over this time, also came out of the private room with a dazed expression.

"Mr. Feng, who did you offend?"

Feng Xi's face was dumbfounded... almost crying.

"I...I...I don't know anymore..."

"No! I still have to check! I must find out what's going on!"

After pondering for a long time, Feng Xi spoke unwillingly.

There is still a period of time before the company goes bankrupt. During this time, he has to give full play to his strength! Swear to find out this person hiding behind!

Boss Zhang said next to him: "I see, you definitely can't rely on Long Yunqiang!"

"How to make your company's capital chain flow is the most important thing!"

"Otherwise, let's go to Guangsheng Bank? This is the largest bank in Yinxiaguo. Find them for a loan, maybe there is still a rescue!"

Upon hearing Boss Zhang's body shape, Feng Xi suddenly realized!


Why have you been struggling with Long Yunqiang?

Although he is the biggest funder of his company, the person who can be his own funder is definitely not the only one!

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