Deliver food! Give it out!

Tang Ke kept running back and forth, but he didn't feel tired at all.

These are all system tasks! There is a great sense of accomplishment and glory to complete an order!

Sometimes you can get the surprise of system rewards!

How can you be tired?

"Hey! Tang Ke!"

A tender voice of dissatisfaction suddenly sounded behind Tang Ke.


Looking back, Tang Kemeng turned out to be Julily who had arrested him before!

Why is Julily the police flower here?

There is still some time before getting off work, right?

And it's just behind me!

This won't...

Are you following yourself?

He looks so handsome, and it's dangerous to walk around casually!

Are you being targeted by Julie now?

Sure enough, boys still have to protect themselves outside, right?

"You... why are you here?"

Tang Ke asked tentatively.

"I got off work early, and then I asked about your news, and I came to you!"

"Didn't I say to invite you to dinner? I'm sure I won't break my promise!"

Putting aside the uniform Julie, now it seems to be very strange.

Hee hee smiled.

It's just this smile that made Tang Ke sweat all over!

Miss sister, you are a police officer. You care about my whereabouts so much. You are still investigating and investigating here. I am afraid that it will not take long to find out everything about yourself!

Horror! The feeling of being watched by a police flower is really horrible!

Mom, I will never provoke the police casually...

its not right!

Laozi didn't provoke her either! She took the initiative!


Handsome men are so sinful.

"All right! Go eat!"

Tang Ke took Julie to eat immediately.


This morning, Tang Ke took a temporary rest. Yesterday he let Xiao Lizi's soymilk go to the pit. Of course, Tang Ke knew that Xiao Lizi didn't mean it.

But the result remains the same. Tang Ke will have a rest today.

"It's comfortable to live in this big yard!"

Tang Ke sat up from the bed, it was already ten o'clock.

Yes, it feels okay not to go to work and take a break.

But only for today! The task of the system is still to be completed tomorrow!

Ling Ling Ling~~~~


Tang Ke answered the phone.

"Is it Mr. Tang Ke? This is Zhang Ke from Dongyun Law Firm."

Serious and majestic, a lingering male voice came from over there.

Although this person used all honorifics and showed some respect, there was no trace of flattery at all.

On the contrary, it is more like that kind of statement with great dignity.

Upon hearing of the law firm, Tang Ke immediately reacted.

This is already his own office.

It seems to be contacting myself to communicate these things.

I am the boss, so of course I speak with confidence!

And to show your strength! Don't let people look down on it!

Isn't he so tough on the phone? Then be tougher than him!

"I'm your boss, since you call, you must be ready too."

"It's time for us to meet!"

"Building A, No. 8 Yard of New World Villa on Esha Island!"


After reporting the address, Tang Ke immediately hung up!

The essence of pretending is to be fast and accurate!

Can't give the other party time to react, let alone stalemate with the other party! As long as you hang up fast enough, the other party will be afraid of you!

Sure enough, when Tang Ke hung up the call, Zhang Ke hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

The deputy director next to him asked curiously.

"This new boss doesn't seem to be an ordinary person... lives on Esha Island..."

"Esha Island is not all rich people, many places are just small villas, there is no need to be so scared!"

"Wait for me to go with you! I want to see and see, who would dare to hang up our call so easily!"

The expression on the deputy director's face is also somewhat serious.

It's fine if the new boss is a great person.

If it is a soft-footed shrimp, he will overthrow the new chairman without hesitation!

He is only an associate director, but he also has a pivotal position in the firm! Personal connections are even more unimaginable.

Lawyers and lawsuits, is this network imaginable by ordinary people?


Ten minutes later, near Aisha Island.

The entire villa is divided into three parts, the front area, the middle area and the back area, each area is the same size.

There are seven or eight villas in the normal villa area, but the central area has only one villa.

The two are hovering near the central area.

"Eh? Is this courtyard No. 8 really there? Why can't I find it!"

The two of them were exactly the same as when Tang Ke came before.

Because this number eight is indeed too difficult to find, who knows that behind this big wall, the entire villa is a courtyard, or the legendary number eight!

"Master, where is Building A in Villa No. 8?"

It seemed that a life-saving straw was finally found among the passers-by, and Zhang Ke hurried forward to inquire.

"This is number eight, and you can see the gate when you walk over there."

The old man pointed.

Two people...

Suddenly there was silence...

The central area of ​​this villa... are all number eight?

This is the entire villa area!

Do you know how big a villa area is? Almost as big as a community!

Are you kidding here or making a TV show?

"Impossible! This can't be true! Even if it is true, how do we get in!"

Zhang Ke shook his head quickly: "No, I want to call him!"

With that, he dialed Tang Ke's phone.

"Mr. Tang, we are on the eighth. Is your house in the middle of the whole villa?"


Just one word!

Very domineering!

Zhang Ke took a breath next to him! Tamei's really true!

"Then... we don't seem to be able to get in!"

"You come in through the west door, and I will naturally open the door for you."

Driving to Ximen in the car, both of them were stupid.

There is a gate with a sense of science and technology inside, which comes with the villa.

But outside, there is a telescopic door!

The crystallization of high technology!

It is perfect, and it feels particularly solemn and holy!

As soon as the two arrived, the front door opened with a splash.

"Otherwise... let's walk in... as if we can't drive."

This kind of building, the ground is all kinds of fine fine bricks, there is no problem with the sports car on it, but if you accidentally crush that piece...

Hey, I can't imagine the consequences!

So the vice chairman was a little scared, and even wanted to walk in!

"Don't be nervous, just drive in."

Tang Ke on the other side of the phone heard the words just now, and Tang Ke said indifferently.

Gangster! This is a real boss!

The deputy director and Zhang Ke drove in quickly.

Almost neither of the latter knew how it happened, or even what happened.

When Tang Ke spoke, they were shocked besides being shocked.

The existence of this person completely broke their previous understanding of the whole world!

Three views are broken!

When the two came out, they finally got in the car.

The legs of Zhang Ke and the deputy director began to tremble uncontrollably!

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