Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 371 The World Is Really Little Wang Zhendong And Her Boyfriend

After hearing this, Tang Ke looked calm.

It was exactly the same as what he had predicted. When Tang Ke heard Lisa's request for this invitation, he had already guessed that he would not be separated.

However, Tang Ke was really curious about the great king in their mouth, Young Master Yangcheng.

I always feel as if I have heard this title somewhere.


On the other side, at this time, Wang Zhendong was driving Jiang Yuanyuan with Jiang Yuanyuan to participate in this exhibition.

Jiang Yuanyuan just hung up the phone and looked at Wang Zhendong with admiration.

As expected of the boyfriend I found! It's really amazing! Can drive this super luxury car!

Not bad... This Jiang Yuanyuan's boyfriend is Wang Zhendong.

When Wang Zhendong and his father had a blind date in the park last time, it was revealed that they actually wanted to find a woman.

Naihe couldn't find a suitable one at all. In the past few days, they have also met through a few acquaintances.

Wang Zhendong only knew this Jiang Yuanyuan for a few days, so naturally he didn't know the character of this Jiang Yuanyuan.

So just talk like that.

Jiang Yuanyuan was still amazed in her heart, this Wang Zhendong is really the fifth king of diamonds! I have to win what I say this time!

So you can enter the rich! No worries about eating and drinking in the future!

After all, this is the big boss who can directly get the invitation letter from George White's company exhibition!

Wang Zhendong was also a little curious at this time.

"Who did you call? What else did you talk about about the exhibition?"

Jiang Yuanyuan said with a female watch-like expression.

"Yes, listen to me! Our company has a woman who loves vanity in particular!"

"His boyfriend is obviously just a courier! She said that her boyfriend can get the invitation letter for this exhibition!"

"Isn't this funny? Isn't it funny you say?"

"Hee hee hee……"

Jiang Yuanyuan laughed immediately.

Wang Zhendong was also surprised.

"The invitation to the exhibition in this place is quite precious! Telling such a lie! Surely it will be dismantled immediately, right?"

"This person is indeed a bit vain, I didn't expect that there is such a person!"

Wang Zhendong said in surprise.


Wang Zhendong whispered... Then, the pupils began to enlarge...


"His boyfriend, did he deliver the courier?"

"Yes, it's a courier, and I have opened Didi before!"

Didi has also been opened!

Tang Ke's figure immediately appeared in Wang Zhendong's mind...If he meets the conditions, he can do this kind of thing, isn't it Tang Ke!

"That... even if it's a courier, you may have the ability to get an invitation letter! You can't look down on others just because of this kind of thing!"

Wang Zhendong immediately reminded that Jiang Yuanyuan was also taken aback for a while, she didn't know why Wang Zhendong said such things.

But then he nodded.

"By the way, what is her boyfriend like?"

Wang Zhendong asked immediately.

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the serious expression on Wang Zhendong's face, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with this matter!

Quickly tell all the things I know.

"Her boyfriend... is handsome..."

"It seems that there are other sports cars...but they should be rented?"

"I remember... the last name is Tang?"

When Wang Zhendong heard...Come on! Forget it! It must be Tang Ke!

Unexpectedly, he could still meet Tang Ke!

Wang Zhendong said immediately: "The tone of your speech was too bad! Hurry up and apologize to others!"

Jiang Yuanyuan was dumbfounded.

"Let me... apologize to Lisa?"

"Why should I apologize to this bitch!"

This sentence just finished...


Wang Zhendong slapped her face directly!

"Can you also say the word bitch?"

"I tell you, the courier you met this time is a super awesome person!"

"My brother too! You are not allowed to insult my brother like this!"

"Also, after this exhibition is over, let's break up!"


Upon hearing these two words, Jiang Yuanyuan was almost thunderous!

If this breaks up, she will be over! Where can I find such a good and rich boyfriend!

"Honey! Don't be like this! Don't be like this!"

"No? You look down on my brother and my brother's girlfriend, do you want me not to do this?"

"I...I won't do this anymore! I will never say that to Lisa, don't..."

"In the future? Just don't talk about them? It seems that you still don't understand what is going on!"

In fact, Wang Zhendong has vaguely seen some problems with Jiang Yuanyuan during his getting along these days.

This Jiang Yuanyuan often looks down on people who don't look very good, or people who work at the bottom of society.

Any delivery, waiter, or the like, once you provoke Jiang Yuanyuan, Jiang Yuanyuan's face will become particularly ugly.

At first Wang Zhendong thought it was just that she was in a bad mood.

But when you look at it this way, it's not like that at all. She simply looks down on these people!

Even if she met people casually on the road, and some did something that didn't make her go, she had this expression.

This is a way of despising others!

In places like Yangcheng, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Fish and Dragon are mixed, especially with people like Tang Ke who are deeply hidden.

Today Jiang Yuanyuan can offend Tang Ke, and tomorrow she can offend others! After all, no one knows who the next person to meet Jiang Yuanyuan will be.

This time you tell her that Tang Ke is not someone she can afford. What about next time?

Who told her?

This kind of woman is a hidden danger after all by her side! So Wang Zhendong has made up his mind! Can't want this woman!

Jiang Yuanyuan was completely stunned at this time...

Ruined! You shouldn't doubt Lisa!

If you recognize the authenticity of these invitations after seeing Lisa get the invitations for the first time, then there will be nothing behind this!

As a result, I did not believe it! So many people have warned themselves, reminded themselves that this invitation letter is real!

In the end...she is still not a fool as a fool. Way to know!

it's good now! The super rich boyfriend I finally found...I'm going to break up!

In shock, Jiang Yuanyuan and Wang Zhendong entered the exhibition together.

I immediately saw Tang Ke and Lisa, as well as a bunch of colleagues before.

Several colleagues were surprised when they saw Jiang Yuanyuan.

"Jiang Yuanyuan, I didn't expect that I really met you!"

"Why is your face so ugly? Are you feeling sick? If you don't feel well, go back!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Wang Zhendong also greeted Tang Ke immediately.

Both of them are already familiar, so it is natural.

Tang Ke was also quite surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Yuanyuan's boyfriend to be Wang Zhendong!

But thinking about Wang Zhendong's blind date before, I can feel relieved.

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