Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 382 Tell the courier you wait

Unexpectedly, this Tang Ke doesn't eat hard and soft, but he is determined to transfer money! In this case... he uses his other great law! Drag the word tactics!

"'s hard to say, our bank's system just happened to be maintained and upgraded these will probably take a lot of time..."

"Oh? You mean, it can't be done these days, right?"

"I'm telling you, I only give you three days! If you can't handle it all the time, you will bear it yourself!"

Tang Ke fell off this sentence and left directly! The bank leader's face is green, damn it! What should I do now?


On the other hand, the other banks are very clean and tidy about transfers, but Longfa Bank has a problem here.

But Tang Ke was not in a hurry. This was only two hundred million. To Tang Ke, it was not money at all. Tang Ke just wanted to deal with the president.

So Tang Ke just waited a while and sent the express delivery by the way.

The express delivery this time was a bit special. It turned out to be an express delivery from an extremely luxurious flagship watch store to a villa area.

Don't guess, Tang Ke can know that someone bought the famous watch here and sent it to him.

But the flagship store of this kind of famous watch usually has its own dedicated staff responsible for delivering things. Why do you suddenly use express delivery?

Facing the manager of the store, Tang Ke also asked suspiciously.

The store manager also looked helpless.

"No way, the two people in charge of this matter are sick and asked for leave. Our store is not busy now, so we can only ask you, a gold medal courier, to take care of the delivery!"

The gold medal courier is the title Tang Ke got in Shunlei Company.

As the manager of a famous watch, this shop manager naturally also has some personal connections. He happened to know an executive of Shunlei Company and talked about his needs.

Have a courier who will never covet this famous watch to help deliver this order!

After all, this is a famous watch worth millions of dollars. It is very likely that the courier will run away with the watch after knowing this!

At a glance, the executives of Shunlei Company...will definitely not care about these millions of people, isn't that Tang Ke!

As the largest shareholder of the company, Tang Ke is so rich and doesn't care about this at all. Naturally, he is the best candidate! That's why Tang Ke got this order.

After understanding the ins and outs, Tang Ke took the watch to deliver it.

I have to say that this watch is definitely not ordinary from the outside packaging. Tang Ke is also a person who bought a famous watch, but the price is ten times that of this watch, tens of millions.

But the packaging of this watch is comparable to that of Tang Ke.

"Hey, then, where did I put my famous watch?"

Tang Ke suddenly thought a little suspiciously, because there are so many things, so Tang Ke has not figured out what is where, maybe they have been lost...

Tang Ke doesn't feel distressed if he loses it, but there is something called Fang Hate that he can't find it when he uses it.

For example, paper and pen, many times when you suddenly want to write down something and find that you can’t find the pen and paper, that’s the most painful!

This watch is the same for Tang Ke.

So Tang Ke immediately called Gongsun Ling and asked them to help buy another one! Now their two sisters are Tang Ke's assistants.

Basically, the little things that Tang Ke didn't want to do, or were too lazy to do, were left to them to do.

Although that is the case, they often have only one or two tasks assigned to them in a day.

Since the two of them came to Yinxia Country, they finally understood what is Xian ~~~ Xian panicked Xian.

I can only watch what Tang Ke is doing every day.

Looking at the tasks Tang Ke assigned to herself, Gongsun Ling couldn't help but sigh: "Finally there is a decent task!"

"A decent task? What?" Gongsun Guo looked over curiously.

"Go buy a Tianyi watch worth 38.88 million yuan."

"What? It turned out to be a normal person. I thought this person didn't care about these things at all..."

Seeing this task, Gongsun Guo was also relieved.

The two sisters suddenly chatted about Tang Ke.

"You said that this man is so handsome and so rich. Why does he have to do these things?"

"If you have money and leisure, haven't the two of us have nothing to do lately?"

"It seems that there is so much truth... But it is still strange. He is obviously so handsome. As long as he is well dressed, he can attract countless girls. As a result... It seems that there are a lot of girls around him?"

The two of them had gradually mastered Tang Ke's course of action, and gradually became familiar with the sisters around Tang Ke.

The more familiar, the more inexplicable feeling in my heart.

Originally, the two of them, when they were abroad, they were simply beautiful, and they had never seen someone more beautiful than them!

Angel Investment Company, as the world's largest company, has also worked with countless actress models, none of them are as beautiful!

As a result, in a small Yangcheng... I met almost a dozen people who were almost as beautiful as myself! too frightening!

But actually speaking, this is actually quite a normal thing.

What's that in Yangcheng? The capital of Yinxia Kingdom! As long as people from Yinxia Kingdom, especially young people, want to work hard, they must come to this city.

This brings together almost all the talents of the entire country!

That's why Yangcheng is so mixed with dragons and fish, and the water is so deep!

"Don't think about it, buy a watch and give it to Mr. Tang Ke!"

Gongsun Ling reminded immediately.


Half an hour later, Tang Ke had already arrived at this Yangcheng villa area. Compared with Tang Ke's villa area, this villa area was too low-end.

First of all, this villa area is not in the urban area at all, but in the suburbs.

The difference of the land is doomed to the different gears.

Secondly, this villa area is too small. It is not Tang Ke's joke. The area of ​​a villa in this villa area is not large enough for Tang Ke's garden.

Looking a little, Tang Ke found the villa to be delivered this time.

Called the recipient.

"Mr. Wang, please come and pick up your express!"

"Leave it at the door!"

"Mr. Wang, this express is a Rolex watch, you'd better come and confirm it yourself!"

Tang Ke said immediately.

"Rolex, delivered it by Shunlei Express?"

The man surnamed Wang looked dumbfounded.

But since it's a Rolex watch, I really have to come out and check it out quickly.

"You wait!"

At this moment, there was a coquettish voice on the other side of the phone, shouting: "Whose phone call... Don't just call, move quickly..."

Leaving a sentence, the other party hung up.

Tang Ke naturally waited, but listening to the voice just now...

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