From the car...Two stunning beauties came down immediately!

Wang Zhongyi is even more dumbfounded, damn it! Laozi has lived for more than 20 years and has never seen such a beautiful beauty!

"Two beauties, what are you looking for?"

Wang Zhongyi immediately put on a very handsome pose to welcome the beauty!

I must have parked the car at the door of my first brother's villa, he must have come to see my first brother! It should be because of my brother's ability and appearance, so he came to me specially, right?

Two beauties, blessed tonight!

Just when Brother Yi was very proud...

The two beauties didn't want to pay attention to him at all! I walked straight to Tang Ke's side!

Very respectfully said: "Mr. Tang Ke! This is the latest model of the Tianya watch you want!"


Wang Zhongyi was dumbfounded! Damn it! What's happening here! Did you hear me wrong?

The latest model of Tianyi watches, worth 38.88 million! It's ten times that of my own Rolex watch!

He also saw this watch at first, but he didn't have any money at all! So even if you are fancy, you can't afford it!

As a result, this courier actually has money to buy! There is no reason for this!

Are you still dreaming?

Wang Zhongyi was dumbfounded.

Tang Ke took apart the watch indifferently! Then put it on his own hand! Take a look!

"Well, it's okay, it's a bit worse than the one I had before."

"Okay, you guys first... hey, no, you are here, just let me check, who is this kid!"

Tang Ke was about to let Gongsun Guo and the others go, and immediately remembered that there was still a King Zhongyi in front of him!

Pack this kid! do not talk! Pack him now!

Gongsun Ling glanced at Wang Zhongyi, then at the house number of the villa, and immediately activated her contacts to investigate!

Wang Zhongyi was still in shock at this time, unable to calm down for a long time...

The main thing is that everything that happened was beyond his expectations, causing his little head to turn around.

Especially these two stunning sisters, he was drooling at first.

As a result, you told me that they were Tang Ke's assistants? Is it too outrageous to be an assistant for a courier?

Gongsun Guo and the others investigated Wang Zhongyi. Because they had the house number, the investigation was very simple, and they quickly told Tang Ke the result.

"Mr. Tang, this person is the famous media agency and the Daily News, the boss of Mars Circle, each of them is a somewhat capable media company..."

"Oh, it turns out to be like this, it turns out that you are so arrogant because you have the media under your hand?"

After Tang Ke listened, he looked at Wang Zhongyi with some playfulness...

At this time, Wang Zhongyi had already keenly sensed that Tang Ke was this person! It's definitely not easy!

At the very least, the worth is definitely very high, not surprisingly, he is much better than himself!

It can be seen from the consumption level!

This time I really offended someone who shouldn't be offended! What does it take to spread the rumors that he secretly exchanged his Rolex? The watches they wear are ten times that of their own Rolex! Is it necessary to do this?

Wanting to use this method to spread rumors about Tang Ke is simply nonsense!

"The media, right? It's simple! It's outlawed!"

Tang Ke immediately called the boss whose text was beating and said his request.

Then he called someone from Dongyun Law Firm.

Wang Zhongyi is still in a daze at this time... but he is no longer trying to dominate the identity of Tang Ke and Gongsun Ling and Gongsun Guo at this time, but he is doing so...

How does Tang Ke plan to ban his own media? Their media can be regarded as an existence like a company!

If you want to ban them, the procedures and various things are required, but it is very cumbersome! It can not be solved so easily in one sentence or two sentences!

Tang Ke looked at Wang Zhongyi who was dumbfounded, and asked indifferently: "What's wrong? Dumb or stupid? Why didn't you say a word, didn't you just be awesome?"

Wang Zhongyi is already the same as dementia!

No way, my brain is not enough!


Bell Bell Bell...

I don't know how long it took, when the phone rang suddenly, and Wang Zhongyi came back to his senses.

He quickly answered his call.

It was the assistant from the company! As soon as the call was connected, the other party said in a panic: "Mr. Wang, it's not good! A law firm has sent us an invitation letter!"

"The office?"

"Yes! Dongyun Law Firm!"

Isn't that the law firm in Yangcheng that is victorious and has almost no opponents? Why did they come here suddenly?

Wang Zhongyi was dumbfounded immediately.

"What are they going to do?"

"They say we are suspected of spreading rumors and false information, and they want to sue us..."

At this moment, another telephone of Wang Zhongyi also rang! As a person like him who has several companies, many telephones are routine operations.

Picking up the phone... It was from another company’s deputy manager: "Mr. Wang, it’s not good! The people above have come to investigate! They said we violated any regulations and were reported by others. I still don’t know what it is. what's going on!"


Then... another call came in.

"President Wang! It's not good!"

"Can you fucking change your way of reporting!"

Depend on!

Wang Zhongyi was going to be pissed to death.

But the vice president doesn't care about these at all, the company is going to be over, and what else is he doing?

"The company has been exposed, and now public opinion is discussing the bad things we have done before, and many employees have left without saying goodbye!"


Wang Zhongyi, this character, naturally hasn't done anything good. In order to attract the attention of media companies, he often does some frantic things, just to increase his popularity.

For a long time, he felt that this method was fine at all, and no one would punish himself anyway.

He didn't know. In fact, no one wanted to take care of him. After all, these things he did did not really involve the interests of the super-rich.

But this time was different. Tang Ke was provoked this time, and Tang Ke would definitely not show mercy!

Simply turn over all the black history of their company before! And then exposed to those media software of the word beating company!

It immediately became a hot spot for a while! They are all discussing the frenzied things they have done by unscrupulous media!

The movement is really too big, and with the addition of Dongyun Law Firm, several companies will soon be over!

Only then did Wang Zhongyi discover the seriousness of the problem!

I want to apologize to Tang Ke immediately...

This time around... only to realize that Tang Ke had already left!

This Wang Zhongyi has been here in a daze, Tang Ke can't just wait here, right?

So I just left...

Wang Zhongyi is almost crying to death. If you want to apologize, you don't know who to apologize!

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