Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 386 Someone Stealed the Courier

The person next to him looked at the person who answered the phone, from the respectfulness at first, to the dumbfounded later, and then hung up the phone like a walking dead...

"What's wrong? What did the boss say?"

"The boss... The boss said... Several of us were fired..."

"Expelled, why?"

A few people were even more confused. The one who answered the phone was the hardest and almost cried: "The boss said that the courier is the cornerstone of our company... People who look down on the courier are not qualified to work in the company!"


In other words, Tang Ke’s call just now was probably made to the boss or someone close to the boss!

Tang Ke must have told others what happened just now, and now a few of them have been fired directly!

For Tang Ke, work or something has been a long-standing problem.

But for these few people, it's not that simple!

Finding a job in Yangcheng depends on several conditions! One is academic qualifications, and the other is work experience! The work experience of ordinary people is not a big problem.

But if you are fired! The problem is different, it will be clearly recorded in the file! If the boss writes that they were fired because they looked down on the courier, the problem is even more serious!

It's hard to get to the sky if you want to find a job!

Especially at this point in time! Now is the hardest time to find a job!

How can you live now?

Seeing the hard-working expressions of a few people, Da Hulu was stunned... and then... suddenly became happy! Just as happy as jumping!

"Hahaha...Aren't you guys really good just now? Why are you not good now?"

"You still want to account for me for what you said, I think you should take care of yourself first! Hahaha..."

"Oh by the way, you are no longer in our company! So it has nothing to do with me! Excuse me, please don't enter the express delivery point! You guys hurry out!"

Jumping high, the big gourd directly drove all these people out.

The places where a few people regretted all regretted it!

After the few people left, Da Hulu didn't forget to flatter Tang Ke, and said happily, "Brother Tang, it's amazing! You deserve it!"

"These few people have been criticizing me since they came just now, and they are mad at me! Fortunately, Brother Tang, you are here! Help me out of this nasty breath!"

"Too annoying! It's so annoying!"

Tang Ke smiled and didn't care too much. He had already dismissed anyway, and there was no need to worry about it.

On the contrary, Tang Ke was a little concerned about what these people said.

"They shouldn't come here for no reason. What's the reason? What's the matter?"

Listening to Tang Ke's question, Da Hulu just remembered that there is still business coming!

"Brother Tang, this is the case. Recently, our express delivery point has received a lot of complaints, most of which are complaints about the inexplicable loss of express delivery."

"These couriers are weird!"

"Weird? What's the matter?"

"These couriers, general numbers and addresses, there will always be a problem! It is wrong, and the price is very low."

"But the owners of these couriers lost their claims every time because of the courier. The claim was three hundred and five hundred. There have been more than 30 cases!"

"If they don't pay them compensation, they will go to the TV station and make all kinds of troubles. We really can't make trouble, so we will compensate."

"Now the company's reputation is not good, and its interests are damaged, so the people above come to investigate, but I can't help it!"

"This is the company's process, it can only be handled like this!"

Da Hulu said helplessly.

Tang Ke heard...I rely on it! Isn't this an obvious bullying of Shunlei Company here?

Bullying Shunlei Company is tantamount to bullying Tang Ke!

"Show me what's going on in these cases!"

Tang Ke immediately found the information to check it, and by the way asked the people from the Universe Shield Company to investigate it.

I have to say that the efficiency of their work is still quite high, and I quickly found out what was going on.

It turned out that there was a group of people who used this method to blackmail the express delivery company. In addition to Shunlei, they also blackmailed many companies.

They are all small couriers with a few dollars, and then deliberately lost them, and find the courier. Where can the courier be found?

In the end, I had no choice but to compensate others, but it was difficult for the courier to know how much money was inside, so he could only lose more money.

All these things...the company's fame and fortune are gone!

"Damn it! Damn it too!"

Tang Ke, who knew the news, immediately got a temper! Even if I squeeze the wool, I squeezed it on my head!

Only for me to bully others, can anyone bully me?

Tang Ke immediately said: "These people who have had similar cases before, let me receive all their express delivery!"

"In addition, I can see that as long as things are cheaper than express delivery fees, most of them are scammers and routines! This kind of express delivery is also delivered to me!"

Tang Ke said angrily.

Da Hulu looked worried: "Is this really okay? Wouldn't it be troublesome to Brother Tang?"

Tang Ke smiled.

"I have nothing to do every day. These people dare to bully my company. Of course I want them to pay the price!"


Tang Ke accidentally said something that shocked Da Hulu! This Shunlei company belongs to Tang Ke!

Damn it! That's awesome!

Da Hulu immediately followed Tang Ke's words and began to assign tasks.

Tang Ke immediately got a dozen express delivery!


Go and send the first one. Tang Ke called the person directly after he arrived at the gate of the community.

"Sir, your express is here!"

"Place it in the supermarket at the door."

The other party said indifferently.

Tang Ke can also know what's going on, put it in the supermarket, if something is lost, it is Tang Ke's responsibility, and then find Tang Ke's trouble!

How could Tang Ke be fooled so easily?

He immediately said: "Sir, this express must be signed for in person!"

"I don't have time, just let you go!"

"Then tell me when you have time, I'll send it over!"

Tang Ke insisted on talking generally.

The man suddenly... dumbfounded!

Depend on! Laozi mailed a two-dollar nail clippers. Is there a brain problem with your insistence?

But he also knew that if he really signed the receipt himself, there would be no way to cheat money!

So he still insisted not to accept it!

"I... I don't know when I have time!"

"Then call me when you have time, and I'll send it to you again!"

Tang Ke said indifferently, he was consumed with this man!

The man snorted and hung up the phone directly...

It seems to be a success, but only a little bit?

Tang Ke is a little inexplicably at a loss, this is indeed not a solution...

If everyone treats this way, Tang Ke may run out of time...

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