The fourth brother quickly confirmed, but was scared to death!

This money is really real! A small courier directly took out one hundred thousand yuan!

If it is an ordinary person, it must be scared at this time and dare not take it, but the fourth brother is different... He is a person who is smart and smart, but as long as he sees a lot of money, he can't walk!

Referred to as, Choi Mi!

And it's a very serious kind! Seeing this 100,000 yuan, let alone what kind of liar, what this person can record, what conspiracy, he doesn't care!

He said arrogantly: "Your attitude is so good! For the sake of your sincerity, I will accept the money!"

Take the money and leave!

As soon as the fourth brother left, the other brothers were shocked!

They also think that this one hundred thousand yuan must be fraudulent! But I didn't expect... it was really so simple to take away! Without a little hindrance!

Usually it takes a long time to deceive three to five hundred, but this time it directly deceived one hundred thousand yuan! It's a profit!

"It's worthy of being the fourth brother, really awesome!"

"I love the fourth brother! Go find him now!"

"Celebrate! Let's find a restaurant to celebrate! Hurry!"

A group of people were immediately excited.

Soon, these brothers gathered together. Although everyone was yelling for the eldest brother and the second younger brother, in fact, these people were not real brothers, they just worshiped brothers.

I often get involved in crooked things together, which is usually called that way.

Gathering in the restaurant, several people were extremely happy.

"Hahaha... I thought this courier was so powerful, I didn't expect it to be a soft-footed shrimp! You can give me money if you give me money!"

"I can see that this kid is definitely the kind of rich! I heard that rich people like to experience life!"

"Presumably this kid too! In order not to be troublesome, so I gave the money! Next time we will blackmail him!"

"That's it! Hahaha find a few more people to act!"

Just when everyone was laughing...

"Don't move! Police officer!"

Suddenly a large number of police officers rushed in and arrested these people!

The headed person walked in with Tang Ke, and the brothers were dumbfounded!

"It's you! Comrade police officer, we didn't commit any crime! Why should we arrest us?"

"You don't know if you have committed a crime? Do you want me to remind you? I forgot about the express delivery so quickly?"


Several people looked dumbfounded.

It was the fourth brother who responded most quickly: "Comrade Constable, we have lost something, so we need compensation! It's not too much, right?"

"Isn't it too much to ask for a compensation of 100,000 if you lose ten dollars?"


Unexpectedly, the police officers knew about these things! It must have been told by Tang Ke!

Even so, the fourth brother still has one last solution at this time!

"Comrade! We are just ordinary disputes! The price is not suitable, I will pay it back!"

Tang Ke smiled.

Zhang Ke came out immediately behind him!

Gold lawyer of Dongyun Law Firm!

"Zhang Ke, come and give him popular science!"

Zhang Ke nodded immediately: "According to the law of our country, the seventh paragraph of Article 363 of the Criminal Law, the following situations do not apply to ordinary disputes! One...two...three, the amount of money involved is particularly huge!"

"So this time, it can't be regarded as a dispute, but as a fraud!"

"Because you have committed many crimes, so you have to add up all the cases!"

It turned out... Tang Ke had already made all the preparations, giving one hundred thousand, that was all deliberate!

If you really took this money, it just broke the amount limit! These people went from ordinary scams to malicious scams!

Tang Ke has always angered these people here, it's not unreasonable!

If these people have been here for three to five hundred and cheating here, then Tang Ke really has no good way to use these people!

But if these people do not have long eyes and break the rules, then say another thing!

Tang Ke from Dongyun Law Firm and Universe Shield, as well as the police, has already been strategizing!

These people will all be served in one pot!

Seeing that they had entered the Tianluodinet, these brothers were dumbfounded...

Ugh... this time provokes a super boss! If I knew it, I wouldn't provoke him!

I regret it!


take away!

With a sharp voice, the group was immediately taken away.

It took only two days to directly destroy a gang! The chiefs of the police admire Tang Ke very much!

"Mr. Tang Ke, the evidence you provided is sufficient and the process is very clear! Your behavior is of great help to the public security of our Yangcheng!"

"After I go back, I will file an application to give you the title of outstanding citizen!"

Tang Ke waved his hand: "I don't care about these things at all, just forget it."


The police chief has a look of admiration! This citizen is simply brilliant!

And the method is really awesome! This time all the evidence of this criminal gang has been collected so perfectly!


After solving this matter, Tang Ke really felt tired.

These brothers are too capable of messing up.

It's time to take a good rest.

Where to take the girls to have fun.

Checking the address book, Tang Ke searched one by one, but...

All these people are very busy!

In the end, only a few unfamiliar girls were left. Looking at his address book, Tang Ke suddenly remembered...

Liang Han!

My primary school girl should still be in Yangcheng University at this time.

University is a good place. It’s a place full of youthfulness, full of handsome men and beautiful women.

And most importantly, these people are youthful, sunny, and playful!

In this kind of place, it happens to be a place where you can have a good rest and make yourself happy!

Tang Ke immediately called Liang Han.

When Liang Han received the call, he was flattered!

"Senior Tang Ke! I didn't expect you to call me!"

"Nothing, I'm just bored, so I want to find someone to play with, how about it, do you have time?"

"This... Although tomorrow is the weekend, I have an exam recently, so I need to study..."

"Tomorrow I will stay in the library..."

Although Liang Han wanted to play with Tang Ke very much, he was helpless...He also had his own reasons!

Tang Ke listened, yes! Good girl!

Faced with such a handsome temptation, I can bear it!

"It's okay to go to the library! I haven't read a book for a long time, so I just went to the library to read a book!"

Tang Ke is still very interested in the library of Yangcheng University.

When Tang Ke was at school, he also stayed in this library every day, quiet and cozy! Learning is comfortable!

Unexpectedly, Tang Ke could agree to this request, and Liang Han immediately became excited.

"Is it really okay? Great! If you don't bother, senior, come here! I'm..."

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