Others have expressions of envy and jealousy. In this library, only one person looks like this!

That is Ji Honglang.

His second generation of rich and unlearned, in fact, would never come to such a place to study. This time, of course, he came with his sister.

But I didn't expect...After going to the toilet by myself, the girl was gone!

Looking back... the girl actually ran to the other side, looking at Tang Ke like an idiot!

This is simply a shame! Depend on!

When Ji Honglang looked over, it happened to be when Tang Ke and Liang Han were passing notes here.

Seeing this scene, Ji Honglang was even more so angry!

You snatched my girlfriend and hooked up with another prettier girl?

Even if you are handsome, you can’t do this, right? Since you took away your girlfriend, I also want to take away your girlfriend!

Ji Honglang almost didn't hesitate at all, and immediately arrived in front of Liang Han!

I patted my Ferrari key directly on Liang Han's desk!

"Beauty, let's go, how about going for a ride together?"

Everyone in the library is quiet and quiet, even if Tang Ke, the biggest contributor of Yangcheng University, did not violate the rules, this is the attitude.

But Ji Honglang, without the slightest guilt, broke the rules directly.

People around started talking.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know, but it must be very rich, this car key, but Ferrari's car key!"

"Don't you know him? This is the famous young master in our school! Ji Honglang!"

"This person has changed more than a dozen girlfriends, right? Why are you still hooking up with school girls at this time?"

"I will definitely not agree with the school flower!"

"I don't think it is necessary... After all, people are very rich, and the level of wealth is not what you can imagine!"


While everyone was still discussing, Tang Ke suddenly got up.

Pull Liang Han! Go away!

Say nothing, just leave!

Tang Ke fully understands that this kind of young master, what you say to him will be of no avail.

This kind of young master, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, or let him know who he is, he will not stop.

So wasting your tongue here, on the contrary, it will affect other people's learning here.

(Unfortunately, most of these girls are not here for learning...)

So Tang Ke took Liang Han directly!

Highlight a chic!

Seeing this scene... Liang Han was dumbfounded, and Ji Honglang was even more dumbfounded!

Depend on! Laozi talks to beautiful women, one ignores me, the other ignores me! They are all gone now!

Isn't this just plain not giving yourself face?

Ji Honglang ran out immediately! Catch up with Tang Ke!

When he arrived outside the library, Ji Honglang said sharply: "Stop for me! Who are you, dare to be presumptuous here! Do you know who I am?"

Tang Ke smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you think I care about your identity?"

"you you……"

Tang Ke was like he didn't care about the identity of the person in front of him. This attitude of contempt for Ji Honglang directly made him speechless!

Why don't you play the cards according to the routine?

Shouldn't it be a guilty conscience and fear at this time asking who he is?

"I'm telling you, I am the son of a shareholder of this school! I can call a bunch of people to take care of you!"

Here comes, Tang Ke feels an extremely familiar feeling coming!

This way of pretending to be, this kind of familiar, some naive and cruel words!

Tang Ke was so moved that he would cry!

It's a school, thank you! Let me regain my youth!

Seeing Tang Ke's complicated expression, Ji Honglang was also dumbfounded. What is the situation?

If anyone knows that he is the son of a shareholder of the Yangcheng University Council, he will kneel and lick it at this time!

Why is this person in front of me crying?

Is it scared to cry?

Just when Ji Honglang was stunned... Tang Ke said indifferently.

"Excuse me, can you call your dad? I don't believe it!"

"Hey! I don't think you can see the coffin or cry! My dad happened to be in this school office! You wait for Laozi!"

Ji Honglang immediately called his father!

Sure enough, as he said, in less than ten minutes, his father came!

"Who dares to bully my son?"


It was Tang Ke who saw the reply! Ji Honglang's father is stupid!

However, he is a board shareholder after all, and his mind is still very fast!

Come over right away!

Ji Honglang smiled proudly: "Hahaha...you are done! I will let you drop out now!"


Haven't waited for Ji Honglang to react! A slap has been slapped on his face!

His father beat him!

Ji Honglang is silly, right?

"Dad, what are you..."


Another slap! Don't be too frantic!

While he was still cleaning up his son, Tang Ke said calmly: "I bullied your son, why are you still beating your son?"

"He owes a beating! I just want to thank you! Mr. Tang Ke! Help me discipline my son!"

"Thank you so much!"

Seeing his father's flattering look, Ji Honglang was almost crying!

Damn it! I am your son! Why is Tang Ke like your grandfather?

Tang Ke smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

"You're welcome!"

Oops... It's so simple to solve the trouble, it's really...boring!

Tang Ke left with Liang Han, and Ji Honglang's howling ghosts could be heard behind him.

Slap and slap is quite cruel!

Liang Han couldn't help laughing.

The students onlookers are extremely happy!

I've long wanted to see this young master eaten up!

This time Tang Ke invited Liang Han to dinner, so he went out to eat.

Take Lianghan out to eat in the car!

Tang Ke knew that Liang Han had a relatively low-key personality and did not like to waste. Naturally, Tang Ke would not take her to high-end places.

Randomly found an ordinary fast food restaurant, and the two ate together.

This kind of ordinary feeling, Tang Ke really felt that he hadn't encountered it in a long time.

I am used to seeing high-rise buildings, and now in this ordinary small restaurant, Tang Ke has found a different feeling.

The two ate simply. Most of the people who ate in this small restaurant were students from the university. After all, the fast food restaurant is next to the university, and the customers they take care of are naturally such students.

Many people have noticed Tang Ke and Liang Han, the pair of golden boys and girls.

At this moment... a student suddenly walked in with a few brothers.

Very arrogantly said: "Come, come, I have a treat today! You can order whatever you want!"

In this kind of small fast food restaurant, even if you order it casually, it is only three or four hundred yuan, but for a student, this amount of money is not a small sum!

So this person can be considered very atmospheric.

The few next to him should be his friends, and they all said enviously.

"Yes! Boss, you have made money!"

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