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Chapter 399: Still Not Satisfied This Time

This kick of Qiao Longwei can be said to have completely kicked the future of himself and Lin Hui!

Lin Hian stood up and said angrily, "You will regret it!"

Then he left, Qiao Longwei hurriedly chased after...

This scene was naturally seen clearly by Liu Luyao in the corner and her girlfriends!

What a show! Great show!

"How? You can see it right now? This is a scumbag! Just now this dare to betray others!"

"Such a man is not worth your sadness at all!"

The best friend also saw clearly at this time, and immediately nodded: "Yes! You are right! I figured it all out! It's just..."

"Just what?"

Liu Luyao thought she hadn't figured it out yet, and immediately asked eagerly.

"It's just that I can't slap him in the face personally, I'm upset!"


Dizzy, there is actually such a request, Liu Luyao pondered.

"Well, let me talk to my boyfriend. I will try to make you feel good next time! How do you want to be cool?"

"Slap him in the face! There must be more people!"

My girlfriend said without hesitation...

This... the difficulty is a bit high. Although Tang Ke is great, Liu Luyao still has some doubts about this requirement.

On the other side, Qiao Longwei chased Lin Fu all the way, but couldn't catch up at all.

Panting, squatting in a corner of the mall, saying angrily: "I'm pooh!"

"Isn't there a little money at home? What's so great? Sooner or later Laozi will find a better woman than you! Let you look down on me again!"

Anyway, Xiaoye is handsome enough! Why hang on to this woman's crooked neck tree?

At this time, Tang Ke also received a text message from Liu Luyao and learned of his girlfriend's request.

Tang Ke was also dumbfounded...

I rely on, you still have to be cool when you punish a scumbag? Isn't it good enough for this scumbag to be abandoned by all kinds of things just now?


But it rang, it seems that it is not so cool! Right?

After all, you have to give this person a few slaps!

Tang Ke immediately replied: "Okay! Look at me!"

After that, Tang Ke and Lisa discussed plan two again!

Tang Ke called someone to monitor Qiao Longwei and found that Qiao Longwei was walking outside the mall.

Tang Ke and Lisa deliberately went one step ahead and waited in the parking lot first.

When Qiao Longwei first arrived nearby, Lisa suddenly said loudly: "This is your car?"

Tang Ke replied calmly: "Yes, this is my car, the tricycle for express delivery! How about it, isn't it still a bit pretty?"

"Are you actually a courier?"

"I suddenly felt that we were not appropriate! You should go!"

Lisa deliberately raised her voice and said, looking down on Tang Ke very much.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Longwei suddenly became interested!

Damn it! I just said, how can this man compare to myself? Still only oneself is the most suitable person for Lisa!

After Tang Ke left, he immediately rushed in front of Lisa.

"Miss! Hello!"

"It is you?"

Lisa looked at Qiao Longwei in surprise.

"Beauty, I happened to see you driving away the courier. I want to say, this courier is really not worthy of your noble status!"

"What do you think of me? I graduated from a prestigious university, and my resume is quite beautiful!"

Lisa hesitated.

Then he said: "You are indeed good, but... I saw you treat your ex-girlfriend just now, it seems to be too much? I think you will treat me like this in the future."

"How about this, you just apologize, ask your ex-girlfriend to forgive you, shoot the video, and I will consider you."


Qiao Longwei was dumbfounded!

Damn it! Why is there such a requirement? But when I think about it... it seems that there is some truth to it.

Qiao Longwei immediately pressed hard.

"Beauty, that girlfriend just now... his family is rich, I'm afraid she can't make her forgive me..."

"Then find someone else, I think you look like this, it should make the girl sad, right? I don't care if you have many women, I only care about the result! As long as I see the way you bow your head, that's it! I knew what it would be like to be my dog ​​in the future."

Lisa said indifferently.

In fact, Qiao Longwei generally looks down on such troublesome women.

But this time... Lisa is so pretty! Don't blame yourself!

Now that Lisa has a request, then bow her head to show it to others! Anyway, I have this handsome face! When the time comes, just say two good things, sweet words, and they will naturally forgive them!

Anyway, it is a bunch of silly girls, hahahaha...

"Telling! I'll go right away!"

Qiao Longwei ran out.

Looking at the contacts in his mobile phone, Qiao Longwei was also caught in entanglement... He had 13 ex-girlfriends in total, including Lin Hui.

However, the contact information of ten ex-girlfriends have been deleted.

So it seems...only Liu Luyao's best friend can be contacted. After all, the remaining one has a particularly grumpy temper. If you go to her now, maybe you will be killed!

Qiao Longwei quickly contacted Liu Luyao's best friend.

"My dear... I know it's too late at this time, but I still want to say sorry to you! Can you give me a chance?"

On this side of the phone, Qiao Longwei pretended to be affectionate and talked to Zhuo Wenwen.

Zhuo Wenwen is dumbfounded...

Damn, I just told Liu Luyao and her boyfriend that I was not happy enough, but my ex-boyfriend called!

Isn't this just giving yourself a chance?

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I want you to forgive me! Although our relationship is over, if you can forgive me, I can feel better!"

Qiao Longwei put on a look of death.

On the other end of the phone, Zhuo Wenwen said coldly: "Okay, I can forgive you, but I have one condition. I must make me feel better before I can forgive you!"

"Cool... this is easy! Okay, how do you get here?"

"You tell me the location first..."

The two made an appointment to meet immediately.

In fact, they are all in Guanglin Mall, but Zhuo Wenwen wants this Qiao Longwei to wait here, waiting for her to finish her coffee and eat something, after she has enough energy!

An hour later, Zhuo Wenwen finally arrived late.

When he arrived at the parking lot of the mall, Qiao Longwei saw Zhuo Wenwen coming, and thought that Zhuo Wenwen was easy to deal with, so he walked up immediately.



After Zhuo Wenwen came over, a slap was slapped on his face!

When he was about to say something...pop!

It was another slap and slapped it directly!

Hey? !

When Qiao Longwei was about to get angry...

Several people in black suddenly appeared! Catch him directly! Can't move!

Then... the rainy slap fell down!

Although Zhuo Wenwen has little strength, she can't stand it and keep fanning here!

The sound of pops is endless in the parking lot!

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