Ye Longjing quickly realized the reason!

"I see! It must be because he said that he was a courier, so he was put in! I said that the Yangcheng Financial Building is not a high-end place. Such small characters are put in it. There is really no sense of crisis. !"

Ye Longjing said disdainfully, and then looked at his entourage.

Doglegs immediately understood the meaning! When he walked to the entrance guard, he said proudly: "Open the door! I'm delivering a courier!"

Wearing a suit and claiming that he was delivering a courier is simply nonsense here!

But there is no way to confirm the identity, right? The security guard next to him was also embarrassed at this time.

"The courier? What happened to the courier? Why did you open the door for you?"

"Why can't I go in because of the courier? Didn't he go in?"

Dog legs pointed at Tang Ke's back and spoke unwillingly.

The security guard suddenly raised an expression of...the mentally retarded expression in his heart.

Tang Kena is the boss of the Financial Building, is he the same as you? People went in, not because of the identity of the courier, but because of the identity of the boss!

Now you think you can get in if you say you are a courier?

The security captain walked out immediately and said firmly: "Sorry! You can't go in! You can only wait here!"

Seeing such a tough attitude of the security guard, Ye Longjing was dumbfounded, I rely on it! This Yangcheng Financial Building is really inexplicable.

The big man came and refused to let in. The courier came and let in.

They said that they were couriers, and they still refused to let in! What are you guys playing?

Dog legs are also helpless.

"Master...what should I do?"

Although they knew that Zhou Fangfang was in this building, they didn't know the company's contact information, so they could only report their name and wait for them to come and receive them.

Ye Longjing snorted coldly.

"Wait! I don't believe that people in the entire building have never heard of my name Ye Longjing! Sooner or later I will let them know the seriousness of this problem!"


However... waited twenty minutes! The other party replies! I don't know Ye Longjing at all! So no release!

Having said that, you need to make an appointment before you come to this kind of place. If you don't tell the company that you are here, it is even more difficult to get through this access control, unless you know the company.

Ye Longjing is going to be pissed to death!

Why is there no one who gives face to himself if he is such a good person? This is too frustrated!

It's as if I have strength but I can't fight it out!

Actually, Ye Longjing still has a misunderstanding here, that is, he thinks his family is better than his family, then he himself is also very better.

Therefore, the names in the newspaper are their own names! But actually, who knows who Ye Longjing is!

Speaking of the Ye family in Yangcheng, there are more or less people who know that it is a powerful existence, but you report to Ye Longjing, there are so many people surnamed Ye in Yangcheng, who will contact you to the Ye family?

Maybe where did the fishermen in troubled waters come from? At least he reported his father's name, which is better than the current situation.

It's a pity, he thinks that his father is the same as his own fame, in fact, his father is better than him, he is not a fart.

Now as a young master, he was directly blocked at the door. This feeling of helplessness caused his lungs to explode, but there was no way!

At this moment, a person suddenly walked to the hall, glanced inadvertently, saw Ye Longjing, his eyes widened!

This person is a boss of the Yangcheng Financial Building, who happened to know Ye Longjing.

Isn't this Master Ye?

The boss hurried over to say hello.

"Master Ye! Why are you here?"

Ye Longjing looked at the person in front of him in a daze: "Who are you?"

The boss was crying to death... very embarrassing! I took the initiative to come up to say hello to others, but they didn't know me at all!

But because of his low status and status, he can only continue to play haha ​​with a smiling face.

"Master Ye, look at you, the nobles have forgotten things. I am Du Feng. I showed up at your family gathering last time! But you don’t know me, it’s normal... You are here today. What are you doing here?"

At first Du Feng thought that Ye Longjing was here to find him, but now it seems that it must not be anymore, after all, no one knows him.

Although Ye Longjing was dubious, someone he knew was better than someone he didn't know.

"I'm here to find someone. Go to the consulting company on the eighth floor. Since you are here, you just brought me in!"

Ye Longjing said immediately.

Du Feng didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately took Ye Longjing up.

On the other side... Although Tang Ke entered the Financial Building, he had nothing to do! In retrospect, I was just looking at the scenery outside the building, but because Ye Longjing was pretending to be next to him, he followed in.

There is nothing to do when this comes...

After thinking about it for a long time, he also went to the consulting company on the eighth floor to talk to Zhou Fangfang about his feelings.

The people in the consulting company, from the vice president to the chairman, and many senior executives, are already familiar with Tang Ke. After all, Tang Ke has come forward from the interview to many things that happened afterwards.

Although many people still don't know Tang Ke's identity, most of them guess that Tang Ke's identity is definitely not that simple.

At least it is definitely not the identity that a courier should have.

Zhou Fangfang was naturally extremely happy when he heard that Tang Ke was here. Zhou Fangfang now has graduated from university. Originally, this consulting company was just a place for internship, but now it has become her place of work.

The days in Yangcheng also began to stabilize.

With a monthly salary of 18,000, she rented a single apartment for more than 3,000 rent a month in the center of Yangcheng City. She worked eight hours a day. The people in the company were kind to her.

(After all, it is the person Tang Ke has taken care of, and the chairman of the company also knows to treat it well, so I dare not neglect it!)

On the weekends from 9 to 5, the pressure of work is also very small, and the final thing is... Zhou Fangfang's life is very boring these days! Especially want to find someone to play with.

But her peers are now concentrating on work and busy with their careers, and her sisters are even more so. By the time the boys, most of them are not good boys, especially after seeing Tang Ke, Zhou Fangfang no longer looks down on other boys. .

Zhou Fangfang wanted to ask Tang Ke out to play several times, but when she thought that Tang Ke was either driving Didi or delivering express delivery, every day was much busier than herself, and there were almost no holidays... She was embarrassed to interrupt.

I've been waiting for Tang Ke to have time to find himself.

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