Shangguan Wan'er couldn't listen, and quickly retorted.

"Why not in a hurry? Look at what you look like all day, and just make clothes and write poetry at home. Is this what a contemporary girl should look like?"

"If you don't hurry to find a good man now, what will you do in the future?"

"Your parents are also for your own good! Getting married early will let us worry about it!"

"Have you bothered? You haven't been home for three days! You still have a face to say me!"

Shangguan Wan'er immediately said angrily.

Then he clicked and hung up the phone.

The woman on the other end of the phone was stunned.

He sighed helplessly.

Indeed, since childhood, the contact between myself and my daughter was very limited.

Now he suddenly preached like his parents... There is no persuasiveness at all.

After Shangguan Wan'er hung up, she almost cried.

Frozen in place.

At this time, Tang Ke had already confirmed the identity of this ancient beauty, the girl he met in the mall that day.

Immediately passed a piece of tissue.

Shangguan Wan'er habitually took it.

Then I saw Tang Ke...

The tears stopped immediately, and the pupils burst into light.

"It's you……!!!"

"You... why are you here?"

Shangguan Wan'er couldn't believe her eyes.

Tang Ke was calm: "Don't cry, you can't cry with such a beautiful face."

Shangguan Wan'er wiped away her tears immediately.

"Are you here...?"

Shangguan Wan'er was still very curious, she seemed to have an answer in her heart, but she didn't dare to admit it.

"Blind date."

! ! !

When Tang Ke uttered the word blind date, Shangguan Wan'er jumped up with joy.

"I'm here on a blind date too!"

"Eight o'clock?"


"Aunt Liu introduced it?"


What is fate, what is doomed destiny!

Now Shangguan Wan'er knows exactly what all these mean.

Some things are destined! No one can take it away!

Some people will always belong to themselves, no matter how they can't escape!

At first I thought that Aunt Liu might collude with her mother to play with herself, but now it seems that she is thinking too much!

Tang Ke in front of him is simply his own choice of heaven!

Tang Ke was also quite surprised. Aunt Liu really introduced a big beauty to herself this time.

It is exactly the same as the adjectives introduced by Aunt Liu who bothered to introduce it before!

The two immediately sat down in the teahouse and chatted.

During this conversation, Tang Ke immediately discovered that Shangguan Wan'er was not an ordinary person!

Although in the eyes of others, she is just a pretty girl who likes ancient styles and has nothing to do with clothes.

But after the exchange, you will find out.

Shangguan Wan'er's advantages are more than these.

There is a kind of elegance that is very difficult to see in Shangguan Wan'er. Others call themselves little fairies.

And she is a real fairy!

If there were a lot of such people in ancient times, there might be an explanation.

But you know, Tang Ke is now in Yangcheng!

In this place of Yangcheng, money rights, material desires are overflowing, and there are all kinds of people's hearts under the feasting and feasting.

If you want to keep your heart from being polluted in this place, it is simply difficult to get to the sky.

It shows the purity of Shangguan Wan'er.

Similarly, Shangguan Wan'er also discovered that Tang Ke is no ordinary person.

Calm and calm, funny and humorous, not only the appearance is sunny and handsome, but the heart is gentle and kind!

In just a few minutes of contact, even Shangguan Wan'er felt the same as Tang Ke's acquaintance for many years.

Is it a lover in a previous life!

Shangguan Wan'er has already begun to have the idea of ​​not marrying Tang Ke!

The two of them talked for an hour without knowing it. You know, it's too much to talk about people who can't deal with it.

This attitude basically determines the relationship between the two.

At this moment, Shangguan Wan'er's cell phone rang again.

It was another call from her mother.

Although she just lost her temper, the current Shangguan Wan'er is no longer the same she was before.

Excited, she answered the phone immediately.

"Hey, girl, how about the blind date?"

Before Shangguan Wan'er spoke, the other party couldn't wait to ask.

Although she was angry just now, Shangguan Wan'er's mother Han Ru still cared about her daughter.

"Very good... this time the target is my favorite... I have seen him."

"I didn't expect Aunt Liu to even know him..."

Shangguan Wan'er's face was shy, and her words became sweet.

"Of course you have to believe Aunt Liu's vision. Somehow they are also people who have worked in many big families in Yangcheng."

"This time, it was also the young master in the family who had worked before that proposed a blind date."

Shangguan Wan'er was a little confused. Tang Ke hadn't said what kind of big family he was?

But... maybe I don't want to disclose it.

"I didn't expect you to have seen it before, and you, the young lady, can't get out of the door."

"But Liu Fengyuan, how come you don't mention it when you meet him."

"Liu Fengyuan?"

When Shangguan Wan'er heard this name, she was a little confused.

Isn't Tang Ke in front of him?

"Yes, this time you went on a blind date, but the famous third son of the Liu family in Yangcheng! Liu Fengyuan!"

Han Ru replied, but he also noticed something was wrong.

"Wait, you have been talking with them for so long, don't know what their name is?"


"It's Tang Ke who went on a blind date with me!"



There was a moment of silence on the phone.

"Liu Fengyuan is at table 8. Take a look."

Shangguan Wan'er followed her gaze and saw a young man sitting at the eighth table, playing with her mobile phone boredly.

It seems that I have been waiting for a long time.


got the wrong person!

Shangguan Wan'er panicked all of a sudden.

Last second, I had a very happy chat with Tang Ke here.

Now you tell me Tang Ke is not a blind date? !

I want to marry someone, you just said this kind of thing?

Just when Shangguan Wan'er looked at Liu Fengyuan in shock.

Liu Fengyuan obviously noticed this too, and his eyes flashed suddenly.

Hurry up to Shangguan Wan'er.

Liu Fengyuan had seen photos of Shangguan Wan'er, but unfortunately it was when Shangguan Wan'er was wearing normal clothes.

This time Shangguan Wan'er not only changed a dress, but also turned her back to Liu Fengyuan, so Liu Fengyuan never noticed it.

Now that I saw the face, I immediately recognized it!

It really is a big beauty!

Liu Fengyuan immediately became excited.

But after approaching, Liu Fengyuan found something was wrong.

Why is there a man next to Shangguan Wan'er!

And this man... is more handsome than himself!

It was obvious that this man was more suitable to sit next to Shangguan Wan'er.

What kind of plane is this!

Your blind date is at the same table as others! And it seems to have been talking for a long time?

"Miss Shangguan, I am Liu Fengyuan who is here for this blind date...this one is..."

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