Helpless Qin Yuyan could only squat in the room and sulking.

Looking at the scenery outside, Qin Yuyan couldn't help but wonder.

At this moment, Qin Yuyan suddenly saw an incredible scene!

A handsome guy ran over by bike from his window.

Tang Ke!

Is it really Tang Ke?

Qin Yuyan's eyes are wide open!

Tang Ke lowered his head, looking at the takeaway in his hand.

"Huh? Fengdu Villa District, Yangcheng, No. 24, Mr. Qin?"

Tang Ke walked to the door of the villa, and a burly bodyguard immediately stopped Tang Ke's way.

"What are you doing?"


The bodyguard immediately remembered. The master just said that the cooking servant asked for leave today and ordered takeaway for the young lady.

"You go in, come out later."

Looking at the way the bodyguard looked, Tang Ke couldn't help but wonder.

what is this?

Are you guys in this room who are locked up?

Wealthy people are still great, isn't it illegal imprisonment, right?

Tang Ke entered the door of the villa and saw a familiar face.

Qin Yuyan!

"Fuck! What a coincidence!"

Qin Yuyan was also surprised at this time, looking at Tang Ke very excitedly at the door.

"Is this takeaway yours?"

Qin Yuyan quickly took the takeaway, and then gave Tang Ke an inexplicable look.

Tang Ke knew there was a problem at a glance.

Shut up quickly, Qin Yuyan coughed lightly and said, "Send me this takeaway. I'm afraid it will be scattered."

Tang Ke followed Qin Yuyan into the villa.

"You actually came here!"

Qin Yuyan looked at no one and said happily, jumping and jumping.

Tang Ke was also a little strange: "What's wrong?"

"I'll just give you a takeaway. Why is there a guard outside? It doesn't look like it's easy to mess with."

When it comes to this, Qin Yuyan feels bitter.

"It's all my dad..."

With that said, Qin Yuyan told Tang Ke what had just happened, the access control and his father's orders.

Tang Ke was an eye-opener.

Aren’t these all scenes that only appear on TV?

I really let myself see it.

"What are you going to do?" Tang Ke asked curiously.

"I... I must go out!"

Qin Yuyan looked helpless: "I am not a pet."

"Then you have to talk to your father, right?" Tang Ke suggested.

"Can't tell."

Tang Ke pondered, the old man was like this, and Qin Yuyan had to go out.

This must be determined to run out!

"My life I am in charge!"

Tang Ke looked at this steadfast beauty and realized that Qin Yuyan, whom he met yesterday, was still incomplete. He only saw the kind side of Qin Yuyan yesterday.

Today, she suddenly saw the side of her resolute struggle. It seems that Qin Yuyan's ideas are still very firm in the choice of major events in life.

"Can you help me?" Qin Yuyan had a firm face just now, and now she became very helpless, and she grabbed Tang Ke's hand and acted coquettishly.

"Do you want me to help?" Tang Ke suddenly felt helpless.

"I will help you run away from home... I always feel sorry for my conscience..."

In Tang Ke's view, this is simply abducting a beautiful girl...

"I'm not a kid!"

"Don't you want to help me! You have already helped the tattered uncle, but you refuse to help me!"

Qin Yuyan uses aegyo again!

"All right……"

In the face of Qin Yuyan's cute appearance, Tang Ke had no choice but to accept it.

Qin Yuyan hugged Tang Ke's arm directly: "Thank you!"

"Miss, I haven't run out yet."

"Aren't there two bodyguards at your door?"

"Then you come to find a way!"

Qin Yuyan stretched out immediately, waiting to watch Tang Ke perform.

Tang Ke: "..."

How do you feel that this little girl just pretended to be?

"I'll go out first, and then think of a way..."

Since this family can receive takeaways, in theory, they should also be able to receive express delivery.

Tang Ke thought for a long time, maybe he could take advantage of this feature!

After going out, Tang Ke immediately looked for a big box, and then some clothes for the courier.

Then I disguised myself a little bit, and ran back with the box.

"Send express! Miss Qin's!"

"go in."

Tang Ke ran in immediately after holding the box.

The bodyguard said with a look of envy: "Hey, the ladies of the big family are happy. The food is made by the servants, and there are takeaways when the servants are not there."

"Buy, buy and buy by express delivery every day, the one just now must be a big one! I guess a lot of money!"

Tang Ke entered the room holding the box, Qin Yuyan immediately ran out excitedly, her eyes widened and asked, "What is this?"

"Your nest! Come in, come in!"

Qin Yuyan instantly understood Tang Ke's meaning.

"You actually want to put me in! I haven't been in this kind of box when I grew up!"

It's not annoyed to say so, but happy!

Like a child, I have special expectations for what will happen next.

Tang Ke opened the box: "Come on, go in and experience it."

When Tang Ke felt that his plan was simply perfect, Qin Yuyan showed an embarrassed expression.

"Um...I can go in, but what about my things?"


"Packed things to run away from home..."

With that, Qin Yuyan pointed to a suitcase next to him, and Tang Ke only noticed!

This little Nizi actually packed out another big box by herself!

This suitcase is almost as big as the suitcase I brought!

How could this be taken away?

Tang Ke immediately shook his head: "No way, no way, are you moving or running away?"

"I'm a girl!"

Qin Yuyan even felt a bit wronged.

"I prepared all morning!"

Tang Ke immediately said solemnly: "If you think about it, do you want to go out, or do you want these things."

Seeing Tang Ke's serious look, Qin Yuyan immediately compromised.

"Well... listen to you, it's okay to take nothing, right?"

Qin Yuyan still seemed a little unhappy, but it was normal.

"But I still change my clothes."

Tang Ke was taken aback for a moment, does he need to change his clothes?

Within a few minutes, Qin Yuyan ran out, wearing a tights!

Seems to be able to enter this box, so I changed into this kind of clothes on purpose.


Tang Ke has no eyes to see this dress!

Qin Yuyan was originally a goddess with a very good figure, but now she puts on such a dress, it highlights her infinite charm!

Qin Yuyan was also very embarrassed when she saw Tang Ke.

I can only mumble: "I...I want to go in, I'm always looking for suitable clothes..."


Tang Ke said quickly, Qin Yuyan also entered the box, took a deep breath, and then curled up inside.

It deserves to have practiced dancing, the body is very soft, and the box still leaves some big gaps.

It's almost like a ball.

Looking at the box and Qin Yuyan inside, Tang Ke couldn't help sighing.

When I am a food delivery person myself, he has become a trafficker!

And this way... it's a bit like an inflatable doll...

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