Before Tang Ke even let him slap himself in the face, this matter can pass, he refused, and now he has directly evolved into kneeling!

It was just because Tang Ke made a phone call and it became like this!

How much can this young man have?

Qin Yuyan on the side was also stunned at this time.

This happened after Tang Ke finished a phone call?

Li Wenwu was already very clear at this time.

The guy on the opposite side must be the owner of the Yangcheng Financial Building! And he...

Unexpectedly, I did not know how to provoke such a person! Even provoke this man's girlfriend!

Li Wenwu's cold sweat has come out, his face full of horror.

Kneeling on the ground almost trembling, trying hard to put on a flattering smile: "Tang Ke... Mr. Tang Ke... I just knew..."

"Aren't you going to see me slap myself? I'll slap right away!"

When the people around saw this scene, they immediately smiled.

This kid, who was so arrogant just now, has changed his face quite quickly now.

Li Wenwu rounded his arms and immediately slapped himself fiercely!


"I'm stupid!"

Another slap!


"I don't have eyes!"

One more slap!

"I'm a bastard!"

Sun Xuefeng saw this scene and immediately said angrily in the video: "Yes! Pump hard! Harder! Harder!"

The people around are now too shocked to speak.

Unexpectedly, the man who was arrogant and arrogant before, has now begun to slap himself! And it's so ruthless!

Is this going to slap yourself a hundred slaps?

The attitude change before and after this is too fast, right?

Among the attractions in the Old Summer Palace, a man knelt on the ground, smoking his mouth fiercely, and still confessing his mistakes. The person in the video next to him was still yelling a little bit harder...

This scene looks...

It's like the eunuch made a mistake in ancient times and punished himself in front of the emperor!

This picture is exactly the same as the previous picture.

At this moment, Tang Ke suddenly said: "Okay."

Li Wenwu, who had slapped himself a dozen times, now his face was swollen like a pig's head, and he looked at Tang Ke dumbfounded.

Li Wenwu's swollen mouth was raised high.

I have already said that it is not easy, I can only say vaguely: "The medicine...why..."

His eyes were full of horror when he looked at Tang Ke now.

The people around are also watching the good show at this time.

These onlookers did not sympathize with Li Wenwu at all.

After all, Li Wenwu's previous appearance was disgusting. Now he is punished. It is too late for everyone to be happy. Who can sympathize with him?

This is retribution! No matter how you came, you should have come.

Sun Xuefeng saw this scene: "Mr. Tang Ke, is it too light? I will personally punish him immediately!"

Tang Ke said indifferently, "I'm not so unreasonable, just slap myself."

"Now that many fans are already fanned, that's all for that matter."


Sun Xuefeng looked dumbfounded!

Li Wenwu is even more confused!

They never thought that even if Tang Ke asked Li Wenwu to kneel and lick Tang Ke's leather shoes, they would do it. In this case, Tang Ke would let him go!

"Just forget about it, mother-in-law, don't you think so?"

Tang Ke turned to look at the mother-in-law just now, and the old lady immediately smiled.

"That's natural..."

Seeing that things have been resolved, Sun Xuefeng can finally ask Tang Ke's most critical question at this time!

"Mr. Tang Ke...Can we talk about the issue of the Yangcheng International Finance Building in your hand?"

At this time, Sun Xuefeng looked nervous, waiting for Tang Ke's answer to directly determine the fate of their company!

Tang Ke said indifferently at this moment: "The matter of cooperation will be discussed later."

Hearing Tang Ke's answer, Sun Xuefeng breathed a sigh of relief, there was still room for maneuver.

Sun Xuefeng is more respectful to Tang Ke: "Good Mr. Tang Ke, I will definitely educate Li Wenwu!"

"Please don't care about Li Wenwu with your friends."

"Okay." Tang Ke nodded indifferently, pulling Qin Yuyan up and leaving.

"Mr. Tang Ke! Your money! This one thousand three!" Li Wenwu hurried to catch up.

Seeing this scene, Sun Xuefeng suddenly became angry: "What's the matter? You still took money from Mr. Tang Ke?"

100% of the money was only scammed by Li Wenwu from Tang Ke!

"You are still scamming money from Mr. Tang Ke!"

Sun Xuefeng said almost furiously.

Li Wenwu was immediately trembling by the shout.

He quickly took out his wallet, added his five thousand dollars, and handed it to Tang Ke.

Constantly apologized and said: "Mr. Tang Ke, I really have a convulsion in my brain!"

"Here is all my money, please accept it!"


The people around are simply dumbfounded.

One by one looked at Tang Ke very curiously. What kind of identity is this Tang Ke, how good is it?

How could Li Wenwu make such an action! The difference between before and after is too big! It is simply unimaginable!

Tang Ke said indifferently: "You can hold it yourself."

Li Wenwu was shocked when he heard this, thinking that Tang Ke was an unreasonable person.

But I didn't expect Tang Ke to be such a principled person!

"By the way, apologize to the onlookers."

Li Wenwu hurriedly lowered his head: "I'm sorry! This mother-in-law!"

"I'm sorry, lady!"

"And I'm sorry everyone! I shouldn't have wasted everyone's time!"

The people around couldn't help smiling satisfied when they saw this person's sincere apology.

Looking at this person just now, it was not a human being, but now looking at this person, you can correct it if you know your mistakes.

Qin Yuyan hugged Tang Ke's arm with surprise on her face.

"You actually have a financial building on Financial Street! You didn't even tell me!"

Tang Ke smiled slightly: "There are so many things hidden behind me, I can't tell you everything, right?"

"Where are you going now?"

Tang Ke glanced at Qin Yuyan, waiting for her own decision.

Qin Yuyan suddenly aggrieved at this moment and shook Tang Ke's arm, seeming to be talking like a spoiled Tang Ke.

"I have run away from home now. There is nowhere to go. It is not safe for my relatives. I also don't want to disturb my friends in the hospital..."

" should take me in? I want to go to your house!"

Tang Ke was speechless for a while...

The request of the beauty is simply irresistible!

Can't let Qin Yuyan, such a super beauty, end up being homeless and just living on the streets, right?

"All right, then you come home with me."

Tang Ke sighed and rode the takeaway motorcycle with Qin Yuyan all the way to his villa.

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