Those who go out here are all going to higher places!

As a result, Tang Ke just delivered the food?

Yarina leaned directly on the seat and looked at Tang Ke with contempt.

He did not hide his contempt for Tang Ke and his sense of superiority.

He even crooked his mouth in disdain and sneered.

Tang Ke was shocked, this person's expression was really rich and changeable! It can be called an emoticon!

"Actually, I also came to this company, but you and I are not the same kind of person."

"I'm always going higher when I change jobs! Although I'm in this company today, I'm going to move to another company in a few days! The treatment of this company is three times that of the current company!"

Yarina was almost looking at Tang Ke with a pitiful gaze: "When I pass by, my salary will be ten thousand and five!"

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Now Yarina couldn't see that this was perfunctory, she still looked confident.

"After I have passed, all matters concerning the size of the company will pass through my hands!"

"Huh? What position is so powerful?"

Tang Ke is also a little curious, it sounds like a good position?


Yarina said suddenly...

Tang Ke couldn't help being speechless. Really, the secretary did pass through her hands on all matters, but it was just passing through! And there is no right to decide...

"But there are many types of secretaries. I am different from ordinary secretaries!"

"I'm a professional personal secretary! The chairman's personal secretary!"

Yarina said while also emphasizing the chairman and her private person, for fear that others would not misunderstand the relationship between her and the chairman.

But the question is... Isn't the secretary the secretary? What other meanings are there?

"My chairman, Qin Changqing, is an uncle and a super male god! Calm and charming, worth tens of billions, and still a single! A diamond king in his forties!"

"Did you know? For a man, forty years old is simply the peak of this man!"

"Compared with the takeaway, the takeaway is not as good as a dog! Hahahaha..."

Yarina seemed to be immersed in Qin Changqing's fantasy, and she was still talking very presumptuously here.

It's like I'm not talking about the boss, but my boyfriend.

"Huh? So you mean, you want to marry your boss?"

Tang Ke also asked curiously.

"Oh, how can you talk nonsense!" Yanina immediately put on a shy look and said quickly.

Although it was a reproach, she was very happy, and the expression on her face had already revealed her thoughts.

But when Tang Ke listened to the name Yanina said, Qin Changqing...Qin could he feel a little familiar.

Qin...the person surnamed Qin next to him...

Qin Yuyan?

Why! Isn't Qin Changqing Qin Yuyan's father!

Thinking of this, Tang Ke was laughing crazy! This world is really small!

The fifth diamond king Ya Lina said was actually Qin Changqing!

"My boss has a very unusual attitude towards me!"

"Oh, how unusual is it?"

"He believes me very much! I've already decided to hire me! He even showed me pictures of his daughter!"

"His daughter is a big beauty! Have you seen fairies?"

"However, people like you definitely can't imagine, and it's impossible to meet such a beautiful woman."

Of course Tang Ke knew that what she said was definitely Qin Yuyan.

It is indeed a super beauty that is extremely difficult to see.

This girl is really beautiful and endless! agree!

"Indeed, this kind of beauty is rare in a century." Tang Ke said unconsciously.

Yalena suddenly said sarcastically: "It's like you've seen someone else! It's impossible for a person like you to understand it!"

"As for me, sooner or later I will become her mother, a rich woman, and own tens of billions of property!"

Yarina continued: "So I look down on someone like you at all! It doesn't come into my eyes at all!"

"Even if you can earn 50,000 yuan a month, I look down on you!"

Yalena suddenly made up her mind and spoke.

Tang Ke just remembered that Su Haina asked herself to come over at first to introduce her sister to herself.

In Yarina's view, this time may be a blind date.

This is rejecting myself!

Yarina seemed to be tired, and began to rest, closing her mouth and drinking tea.

However, it is still very happy to be able to make a good comparison before Tang Ke's face!

But at this moment, Qin Yuyan suddenly walked into the restaurant!

After entering the restaurant, Qin Yuyan saw Tang Ke at first sight!

His eyes widened in an instant, and his eyes were full of surprises!

Immediately, like a little fan, she ran to Tang Ke's side quickly!

There are even some jumping around.

After reaching Tang Ke's side, Qin Yuyan even directly took Tang Ke's hand!

This kind of affectionate looks like he is in love with Tang Ke.

Originally Yarina was still pretending to be in front of Tang Ke, looking like a cold goddess, but suddenly a big beauty appeared and ran directly next to Tang Ke!

Even if she ran over, she was still a super beautiful woman who can directly slap her on her face!

Not only the face value, but also all aspects of body and temperament, there is no place where Yalina can compete with others!

Suddenly, such a super beautiful woman posted to Tang Ke's side, and Yanina was stunned.

This is……

What's the matter with this girl? Why are you so close to Tang Ke this trash?

Yarina felt a little uncontrollable on her face now.

I just rejected Tang Ke, and found out that Tang Ke actually knew a better beauty!

Still such a powerful super beauty! Doesn't it look like I'm... stupid?

Yalena was about to question everything that happened before her, and satirize Tang Ke. At this moment, Yalena's thoughts began to gradually diverge.


Why does this beauty look familiar?

Thought for a long time...

Qin Changqing! Qin Yuyan!

Isn't this Qin Yuyan who saw the photo before!

"Qin Yuyan... Miss?" Ya Lina couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

Qin Yuyan saw Yalina in front of Tang Ke. Her previous attention had been on Tang Ke, so she didn't notice that there was anyone in front of Tang Ke.

But when she saw this person, Qin Yuyan was also confused, she didn't know this person!

"who are you?"

"Miss Qin Yuyan, I am Mr. Qin Changqing's secretary! I will take office in two days!"

After Qin Yuyan listened to it, she just sighed softly.

Yarina felt embarrassed at this time!

Just now, he was cold and cold towards Tang Ke's various pretends, and even humiliated Tang Ke.

To say that people like Tang Ke will never meet a super beautiful woman like Qin Yuyan in this life.

As a result, you tell me now, these two people may be lovers?

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