Under the shining of the sun, it glitters and is full of the luxurious texture of top office buildings!

The rent here is more than 200 per square meter a day!

Ordinary companies simply cannot afford to rent such a place.

The companies that can work here are very good companies in the entire country! The daily income is more than 100,000 yuan.

Otherwise, the rent and commercial water and electricity and other things will not be able to pay.

As long as you tell others the location of your company, these people will immediately understand the special meaning behind this address and the strength that each company may have!

Tang Ke came down to this top office building of his own and easily delivered takeaways.

Parked the motorcycle next to him, Tang Ke entered the building.

I was shocked by the appearance of the building!

The style of the lobby of the mansion is Western-style and elegant, with sleek and flawless porcelain stone designs everywhere, and the luxurious lobby is filled with sunlight coming in from the outside.

The large chandelier also emits a dazzling light, and there is even a small fountain below, with various precious plants in the middle!

The level of luxury of the Yangcheng International Finance Building is simply world-class. Even people like Tang Ke who have seen many people around the world can't help but sigh when they see this financial building.

In the lobby of the building, there are many Internet celebrities who are checking in here.

Now telling this building is its own plague? Tang Ke even thought it was a little weird!

It feels that this place is even more upscale than the place where a certain U.S. president lives!

Even the security guards standing at the door are all wearing suits and leather shoes at this time, and the leather shoes on their feet are polished brightly. Every security guard standing here is even somewhat embarrassed.

It's not like the kind of security in other places.

All of these white-collar workers who come in are all very high-quality super beauties.

What everyone has on hand, even a small watch bag, can be seen to be of extraordinary value.

Suppose it is called high-end atmosphere and high-end grade! This is it!

Tang Ke took the takeaway and wanted to walk upstairs.

At this moment, a voice came: "Wait a minute! Don't go there!"

The two security guards suddenly walked to Tang Ke's side, looking very arrogant, looking at Tang Ke: "Takeaway can't be delivered!"

Tang Ke is still a little curious. The person on this order just asked him to send it in, and now he doesn't let it.

"The buildings here are high-end buildings. People at the bottom of society like you can enter casually!"


Tang Ke feels a little embarrassed now...

And funny.

This is obviously his own building, and he is not allowed to enter it now!

However, Tang Ke could understand that, if that's the case, then just look at what to do with this takeaway. If you don't go up, you won't go up.

"Then how to deal with this takeaway?"

"You let the person who ordered the takeout pick it up, don't you have his phone?"

The security guard said immediately, and then pointed to the elevator over there: "These places have access cards."

The two security guards looked at Tang Ke like a hillbilly.

Tang Ke was about to pick up his mobile phone to call a customer when he suddenly heard a surprised voice rang behind him.

"Tang Ke... Mr. Tang Ke?"

This voice always feels a bit familiar, Tang Ke looked back, huh!

Li Wenwu!

It was the person I met when I was in the Old Summer Palace.

I can still see the traces of the previous slap on my face, and the wound has not healed completely.

This person, Tang Ke, remembers that it was the general manager of this property company.

Seeing Li Wenwu appear in front of the two, the two security guards immediately said respectfully: "Hello, Manager Li!"

"Manager Li, this takeaway boy doesn't know the rules at all, we will kick him out now!"

Li Wenwu suddenly rushed in front of Tang Ke! She laughed very flatteringly!

"Mr. Tang Ke! Oh no, Boss Tang! What kind of wind brought you here..."


The two security guards were stunned!

Um? (⊙o⊙)...

Damn it!

This Li Wenwu is not always arrogant, no one can do the same with him!

Why now suddenly I see a takeaway boy who is so enthusiastic! This is not right!

When the two saw Li Wenwu's next move, the two immediately became even more confused!

This is not passion! Li Wenwu was kneeling and licking Tang Ke!

Actually lowered his head!

Tang Ke smiled lightly, raised his hand, and showed the takeaway in his hand, wanting to tell this person that he didn't have time to chat with him.

But I didn't expect...

Li Wenwu took the takeaway without saying a word! Take it with both hands!

Tang Ke pointed to the entrance guard over there: "I can't get in this place."

"It's okay! I'll help you!"

Li Wenwu immediately handed over the access control card: "Mr. Tang Ke, you use it first!"

"Hey? What about the security guard? They still said I can't go up."

Tang Ke immediately smiled and looked at the two security guards.

Li Wenwu immediately said angrily: "They dare!"

The security guard immediately frightened, so scared that he almost pissed!

He is the general manager!

"Manager Li...we really didn't know just now..."

Now it became a security guard, nodding and bowing here, kneeling and licking Li Wenwu.

"Let me widen your dog's eyes to see clearly! This Mr. Tang Ke can come in casually!"

Li Wenwu glanced at Tang Ke, and Tang Ke said calmly: "Just keep a low profile."

The eyes of the two security guards looking at Tang Ke immediately became extremely respected!


The two security guards now understand one thing very well, that is, Tang Ke is definitely a pretty good person!

Even Li Wenwu has to help others get takeaways. How good is this takeaway guy?


With the ding of the elevator, the elevator doors on the tenth floor opened slowly.

The customer for this takeaway is Yongye Company on the tenth floor.

This Yongye company can rent venues in places like the Yangcheng Financial Building. Naturally, it is not a small company.

This time, Zhang Zhendong, their chairman, ordered the takeaway.

This very powerful company located on the tenth floor is also full of lively people at this time.

Everyone is busy working here.


A stunned scene appeared in front of everyone...

The people who only saw the property company came into the company with a takeaway clerk in front of them!

The security guard knew that this time the matter was more important, so he directly reported it to the security captain. The captain also felt that this matter was very important and called a lot of security guards!

Escort Tang Ke here directly!

Li Wenwu also respected Tang Ke along the way!

This group of people was directly shocked!

The employees in the company, the beautiful front desk, and all kinds of white-collar secretaries, looked at this group of people in amazement all the way.

Simply enter the company in a mighty force!

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