Opening Sign-In Rewards For A Building

Chapter 79: A Wonderful Life

Zheng Linglong finally breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, she was particularly decisive when she chose!

Zhang Zhendong also glanced at Yalina coldly, and said to Zheng Meili: "Remember to be careful when making friends in the future!"

"Some people are short-sighted. Such people are not worthy of being your friends!"

"I understand! Boss!"

Zheng Linglong hurriedly respectfully agreed, and then added: "The chairman's lesson is right! I will definitely regard it as a classic in the future!"

Seeing this scene...


The people from the seat next to Yarina flashed back! Signaling to draw a line with Yarina!

This is the real distance! Don't know her! None of us know her!

There was no one around Yalina in an instant, and Yalina was about to collapse!

This situation is too miserable!

These sisters are all Yarina finally got to know! This is also the network that Yarina is proud of!

The bosses that these people know are too rich! Yarina relies on these people to find rich people!

The result was just because Tang Ke took a look here! Everything has changed drastically!

"Miss Yarina, please go!" Zheng Linglong said immediately.

Yarina, in the gaze of these people's contempt, she ran out without any conceit!

Tang Ke didn't see this scene...

But Tang Ke doesn't matter, Yarina has already brought Tang Ke a lot of joy!

It's all worth it!


Tang Ke drove back to the villa.

Looking at the light in the backyard of the villa, it was always on, Tang Ke was also a little happy.

In this place of Yangcheng, as long as someone has been waiting for you here, the whole life will be worth it!

Looking back, Tang Ke also knew a lot of beautiful women along the way.

I don't know what these beauties are doing.

Tang Ke followed the WeChat and said hello one by one, constantly greeting.

These people were very happy when they received Tang Ke's contact. They also knew that Tang Ke was very busy.

I always have to be busy delivering food, so I rarely disturb Tang Ke, waiting for Tang Ke's initiative to contact him.

Now that I see this connection, I am naturally ecstatic.

Immediately chatted with Tang Ke about the previous events and experiences.

I also chatted about my current situation. All the beauties seemed to live very well, but because there was no Tang Ke by his side, they were somewhat boring.

After chatting with these people for a long time, Tang Ke had mixed feelings in his heart.

Tang Ke actually had no plans for what he would do next.


Since I am still young, I must try more!

Life is definitely not to be missed!


In the evening, Tang Ke had dinner with Qin Yuyan where Qin Yuyan lived.

According to Tang Ke's words, Qin Yuyan did not dare to go to work. Once she went to work, she might be arrested by Qin Changqing.

Facts proved that Tang Ke's words were also right. At night, Qin Yuyan had already received a call from her girlfriend, saying that there were many more people in the hospital.

Qin Changqing also took people to find the dean's important person, there is someone there! Finally, we can only give up.

However, Qin Changqing was still uneasy. He searched the hospital several times, and even left a few people on guard in the hospital.

Qin Yuyan had to be careful these days, otherwise it would be really easy to be caught back.

Fortunately, Tang Ke is definitely safe enough here. No one except Tang Ke can enter this villa, and no one would have thought that Qin Yuyan could be in this villa!

This is the realm of the gods that Qin Changqing can hardly enter!

Qin Yuyan is also quite helpless, can only live here with Tang Ke, in a sense...

This can be regarded as Qin Changqing's assist, right?

Isn't that the tighter Qin Changqing pushes, the more Qin Yuyan can only rely on Tang Ke!


The next morning, Tang Ke woke up in the sun.

Looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, Tang Ke couldn't help feeling a little lost.

It’s so pleasant to go to sleep until you wake up naturally!

Tang Ke stretched slowly, only then did he notice that Qin Yuyan was still lying in his arms.

Seeing Qin Yuyan's beautiful face like an angel in his arms and his calm sleeping face, Tang Ke couldn't help squeezing Qin Yuyan's small face.

Qin Yuyan made a whining sound immediately, but she still didn't wake up, but she was so cute!

Tang Ke couldn't help disturbing her dreams. Last night, she had been tossing them hard enough. If she continued to toss her during the day, it would be too devilish.

Tang Ke gently put Qin Yuyan next to him, dressed and packed himself, ready to deliver the food!

Today's first takeaway is from an ordinary community.

"Beauty, your takeaway! Still have takeaway today?"

Tang Ke complained to a glamorous beauty. This is a regular customer Tang Ke has seen recently.

These days I often order takeaways, plus it is in the same shop. In addition to takeaways, there will be a cup of net red milk tea with rich styles.

So Tang Ke has a deep memory.

The beauty blushed and said, "I didn't order it myself...It was my boyfriend who was in a long-distance relationship...I said I liked it once, and he ordered it every day..."

Tang Ke shook his head very helplessly, now young people really know how to play!

Anyway, it's rich and willful!

Tang Ke immediately went downstairs after delivering the takeaway.

The girl returned to the room, but hesitated to open WeChat and found her long-distance boyfriend...

The beauty quickly wrote a few words on the phone.

"I want to break up..."

But I didn't have the courage to send it out...

"Hey, how do you tell him! Could it be said that I like the last kid who delivered food, so I don't want to continue with him?"

The girl's face was tangled.

"What the hell should I do!"

Reluctantly put down the phone, the girl looked at the takeaway and milk tea in front of her. If the man knew that the girl was entangled at this time, he was afraid that it would collapse!

I gave people something for my sister every day, and finally found that the sister and the food delivery person became familiar with each other!

Even take away his own sister! The man must be breaking down!

After hesitating for a long time, the girl still deleted the news, but she was still very entangled in her heart!

In the end how to do! Tangled! Irritable! contradiction!


Tang Ke delivered a day's takeaway, only to find that every time he felt that he could trigger the system rewards, he didn't get anything in the end.

So sometimes it's not good to be too utilitarian! I still need a little Buddha!

At eight o'clock in the evening, Qin Yuyan suddenly called.

"Are you off from get off work there?"

"Just off work, how about you?"

"Just finished shopping with my girlfriend..."

The two chatted briefly, and Qin Yuyan suddenly said in a bit embarrassed manner: "Actually, just now..."

"My girlfriend said that I had never been to a bar, so she wanted to take me to a bar, but I refused."

"Huh?" Tang Ke was a little curious: "Why did you refuse?"

"Because that kind of place is messy... and it's too late now, I want to hurry home and be with you..."

With that, Qin Yuyan lowered her head shyly.

For Qin Yuyan, she is a person with a boyfriend after all, and it is really unsafe to go to a place like this without her boyfriend with her.

Tang Ke couldn't help but feel a little relieved, Qin Yuyan deserves to be a child of a big family!

The self-control ability is very strong, and he is also very tutored. I know that there may be rumors in this kind of place.

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