Shi Liangfei didn't care about Tang Ke at all. Paying attention to himself, he didn't even think about this fish, and thought Tang Ke was jealous.

Immediately put on a look of caring about Tang Ke, and ran to Tang Ke's side: "After talking for a long time, I still don't know what you are doing!"

"Don't be so low-key, let's communicate together, maybe we can work together in the future."

The few students here have all suffered from Tang Ke's losses, and they were all shocked when they saw Shi Liangfei's action.

Tang Ke waved his hand: "Cooperate with a bird, how can I work with you as a food delivery person? Will I deliver you a special delivery person every day?"


Shi Liangfei was shocked. He thought that Tang Ke might be a bad mess, but now he is actually delivering food. This mess is too bad!

"You also graduated from a prestigious university! Why did you go to deliver food? This is not for your alma mater..."

Shi Liangfei didn't directly say the words slander, but everyone knew what it meant. Shi Liangfei seemed to be more euphemistic in this way.

With this sentence, Shi Liangfei thought he had already crushed Tang Ke to the ground!

Tang Ke was very indifferent: "It's nothing, I did work in a big company, but then I quit my job and went to deliver food."


Shi Liangfei pondered for a moment, and said sincerely, "Tang Ke, I really don't want to be nosy, nor do I look down on you, but we are also classmates."

"I can't just watch you keep delivering food outside!"

He hadn't noticed at this time. Liu Ming and Zhao Haiyang seemed to have expected what happened next, and they couldn't help but tilt their heads too much...

Dare not look! I do not want to see!

There is even an urge to go up and give Shi Liangfei a kick!

"Tang Ke, it's not that you are incapable, but you lack opportunities!"

"Why not..."

Shi Liangfei smiled at the corner of his mouth and finally became proud, revealing his true colors.

In front of everyone, he said, "I just joined Jinyang Financial Company, and I am still the head of the asset management department..."


Yu Jing suddenly exclaimed, her face full of blush, and her eyes were already shining: "I'll just say it! Even for financial companies like Jinyang Finance, it is impossible to equip ordinary employees with Cullinan. Kind of super sports car!"

"So you are an executive!"

"Unexpectedly! Shi Liangfei, you just returned to China not long ago? You have already achieved this position!"

"The annual salary is one million! That's amazing!"

Yu Jing is worthy of being a material green tea girl. At this moment, she kneeled and licked Shi Liangfei, and immediately raised Shi Liangfei's position in a very shocking tone.

Shi Liangfei's vanity is so satisfied! This Yu Jing is Ban Hua, even Ban Hua said such things! How big is your own face?

In his heart, Shi Liangfei also began to look at this Yu Jing. He looked okay. If this person posted upside down, he wouldn't be unable to think about it...

"Where, Yu Jing, you have exaggerated."

Shi Liangfei's outfit has improved again! He waved his hand and said, although he said such humble words, the expression on his face was quite confident!

"Ahem, let's get back to business."

Shi Liangfei's picture I really care about you, I'm really not pretending to be a comparison, this time it's because of you that I just showed my identity and looked at Tang Ke.

"Tang Ke, I happen to have a free position right now, so let me be an assistant!"

"I will give you a salary of 30,000 yuan a month! At the end of the year, plus a bonus of at least 500,000 yuan!"

Everyone was dumbfounded! The annual salary is 500,000!

Shi Liangfei said in a pitiful manner: "Actually, this matter...I am also very embarrassed."

"After all, Tang Ke, you are also my classmate, you may not accept your self-esteem, but the annual salary of 500,000 yuan! This is how much money you can make by delivering food!"

"With this money, there is hope and hope for starting a family in Yangcheng! Otherwise, do you want to give away food for a lifetime?"

Shi Liangfei looked at Tang Ke with a smile, his expression gradually lightening up.

I have been waiting for four years! I can finally fulfill my wish!

This Tang Ke was finally stepped on by himself!

Tang Ke looked indifferent: "In fact, the job of delivering food is pretty good."

Shi Liangfei's smile gradually solidified...

Damn it!

The attitude of Tang Ke's answer! It is not humble, nor arrogant, nor surrender, nor irritated! It was meant to make Tang Ke ugly.

In the end, Tang Ke's appearance seemed a bit like a fairy tale!

Doesn't this raise the moral character of others?

"No way! Tang Ke, this society is now a competitive society! A material society! You are too salty like this!"

"Do you know that you are self-willed to fall? We will feel very distressed if you are like this! Look at what life you are driving. How does it compare with Cullinan?"

"The van?"

Yu Jing looked confused...According to the experience of the last class reunion...

Tang Ke should drive Koenigsegg, right?

"This is not a good thing, it will only make you worse and worse!"

Sun Li couldn't help it at this moment, and immediately said: "Tang Ke is not poor, you think too much, he still has a catering company in his hand."

It's a pity... Shi Liangfei seemed to hear nothing...

Because he suddenly saw a familiar figure... Chairman Long Yunqiang is here!

"Chairman Long Yunqiang?"

Shi Liangfei's heart suddenly became excited, but he didn't expect it to be so coincidental! I can meet Long Yunqiang at this time! This is a good opportunity to have a good relationship with Long Yunqiang!

Regardless of Sun Li's words, Shi Liangfei quickly ran to Long Yunqiang's side!


Flattery! Crazy show of good!

"Chairman Long, you are here!"

Shi Liangfei nodded and said with a bow, eyes full of light.

When Long Yunqiang saw Shi Liangfei, he nodded. He still admired this young man, he was capable, and knew how to measure! The attitude towards oneself is also quite flattering.

Now there are not many people who know how to watch the atmosphere like this. Many people are learning knowledge and learning stupidly, and don't know the world.

"I'm here to investigate the project, and there happens to be an investment here."

"It's the chairman of the board, you are great! The circle of friends is too wide! There are such places!"

Shi Liangfei hurriedly touted: "However, it is too hard for you to come here in person for such trivial matters."

Long Yunqiang saw a lot of people behind Shi Liangfei, and guessed that he was here to play, and said calmly: "You can be busy with you, I still have my business."


When Shi Liangfei heard this, he hurriedly agreed, surely not to delay the chairman's time at this time, and immediately ran back.

"This is our chairman, Long Yunqiang, and this is the chairman of Jinyang Finance!"

Shi Liangfei lowered his voice and said to several people next to him: "The chairman is here to see the project. There is an investment project here. A conservative estimate should be several billion!"

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