Most people definitely think that this express delivery is some important document.

Actually otherwise, what is put here is just a kind of falling fruit peculiar to Li Kingdom.

Although it is only a kind of fruit, this fruit has a great background.

It is the most expensive fruit in the world!

none of them!

A pound costs hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Some people may think that even if it is gold, it is impossible to have this price.

But in fact, this thing is even rarer than gold!

Things are precious.

The output of Luo Luoguo in Liguo is less than 100 pounds a year.

Only this latitude and longitude can grow this kind of fruit.

The fruit that grows from other locations cannot be eaten at all!

What's more demanding is the preservation of this fruit, which affects the taste when it is cold, and spoils quickly when it is hot.

It must be bad if left there within a day!

People all over the world know that this fruit is precious and has a price but no market.

But few people in the world can eat this fruit.

How else could it be so expensive?

Now two catties have been forcibly transported to Long Yun, which was specially given to Tang Ke by Long Yunqiang!

The assistant called Tang Ke to inquire about the location.

Luo Luoguo got off the plane, and the truck went straight to where Tang Ke was.

Tang Ke at this time...

I was driving my motorcycle, delivering food in the alley of Yangcheng.

The alleys are very narrow, and motorcycles just barely pass.

The takeaway this time is a bit special, the delivery is strawberries.

"Hello, the takeaway is here!"

Tang Ke informed on the phone.

Obviously it is not the season for strawberries to ripen, so this strawberry should be ripened artificially.

Doesn't it smell like strawberries at all?

Tang Ke thought.

But expensive is really expensive! Tang Ke has seen it before, this season's strawberries cost more than 300 per catty!

A place like Yangcheng can sell for more than 500 for a slightly high-end!

Just to eat a strawberry and spend money on it, tsk tsk...

When he got the strawberries, the man was a little surprised: "No, there are too few strawberries, right?"

Then he looked at Tang Ke: "You haven't eaten it secretly, have you?"

"The packaging is all right, how can I steal it?"

This strawberry is very high-end, all covered with a box, you can see it as soon as you open it.

"Then who knows? Maybe you have something to do! Seeing you like this, you must have eaten it!"

"Sir, you are calm, if you have any doubts, you can ask the merchant for feedback on the platform, but you can't slander me!"

"I bother!"

The man jumped his feet and said with very low quality: "You, a food delivery person, do not slander or slander, but I have seen more people like you!"

"You gave this fruit, and I will ask you to settle the account!"

Men are simply bullying and fearing hardships, unreasonable! Bullied when Tang Ke was delivering food!

"Sir, I earn more than 10,000 yuan a month anyhow, I don't even bother to take a look at something like you!"

? ? ?

When the man heard it, he instantly became jealous!

This food delivery person earns more than himself!

The more so, the more I want to trouble Tang Ke!

"To put it bluntly, you still work hard. Will you still be able to deliver food in ten years? I don't care, you will pay for it anyway!"

At this moment, a Ferrari stopped in front of the two!

This Ferrari is quite bold and plunged into the alley!

But it is true that the people around saw that it was Ferrari, and they all walked around! If you touch someone, you can't afford it!

A beautiful woman with long black legs got out of the car.

With a smile on his face, he handed a box to Tang Ke.

"Mr. Tang Ke, this is the fruit of Liguo, given to you by our chairman Long Yunqiang! Please taste it!"

"Just arrived half an hour ago, it's fresh!"

"Li Guoluo fruit?"

Tang Ke was a little puzzled, he hadn't heard of it.

Seeing that Tang Ke didn't know him, the beauty quickly explained: "This is the rarest fruit in the world. The chairman specially ordered it for you!"

"After this season, I won't be able to eat it until next year!"


The man on the side was dumbfounded!

He also pestered Tang Ke just now, saying that Tang Ke ate his strawberries, and in the next second someone drove the world's most precious Luo Luo Guo to Tang Ke!

This price is not comparable to that of a strawberry. The price of others is hundreds of times that of him!

"Bullshit! How can you, a food delivery person, be able to afford this thing!"

"Sir, pay attention to your words!"

The beauty immediately said sharply.

Although the man’s mouth is very powerful, he saw this beautiful woman with famous brands all over her body, and the Ferrari behind her...

He decisively chose... Silence!

A food delivery person now has such an arrogant background! Can't afford it!

Secretly took a photo of Luo Luoguo, and then hurried home to check it!

Depend on! Really the most expensive fruit!

The king of fruits!

The man pondered for a long time.

But the more I think about it, the more angry!

You have to give up your anger if you say anything! If you don't lose your anger, you have to pretend to be compared!

The man put the previous photo in the circle of friends.

"I ate Li Guo Luo Luo Guo today, but I didn't expect to eat tens of thousands in one bite!"

With pictures.

Sure enough, the circle of friends exploded!

"Lost fruit!"

"Brother Wang, you are too awesome!"

But not ten minutes...

A comment came out immediately: "You still have the face to say? Isn't this the fruit of the takeaway boy?"

"I can see you embarrassing people! Now you use other people's things to pretend to be compared!"

This person also posted a picture, which happened to be the scene where the secretary gave Tang Ke something!

He... is Brother Wang's neighbor and saw this scene.

It was opened to Brother Wang all at once!

The circle of friends suddenly became the scene of a car rollover!

"Unexpectedly, Brother Wang, you are embarrassed to deliver food!"

"Do you still need a face?"

Seeing these comments, Brother Wang could only delete the circle of friends in a desperate manner...


Tang Ke tasted this fruit, yes, it is very good.

But Tang Ke is enough to eat two, and the rest... shall we give it away?

Just close to the hospital, Tang Ke stopped by to see Teacher Li.

In the hospital...

Teacher Li looked grateful: "Tang Ke, you are so busy at ordinary times, and you still come to see me. It's really interesting!"

"Nothing, just drop in, come and try this!"

Cao Yanting and Dad are also here, eating together.

Tang Ke is really low-key, such an expensive fruit, just such a casual introduction.

Cao Yanting, the little beauty, has been looking at Tang Ke affectionately.

Even leaning on Tang Ke's shoulder!

This is in front of my parents!

But her parents were helpless and could only laugh.

Not in the female college!

After this incident, Cao Yanting was completely convinced that she was only Tang Ke in her life!

At this moment, Tang Ke saw an extremely domineering person walking past from outside!

Qin Changqing!

Qin Yuyan's father.

Tang Ke was excited.

Her father is here!

Although Qin Changqing didn't know Tang Ke, Tang Ke had a guilty conscience!

After all, Tang Ke took his baby girl away!

And now this big beauty is in her own home!

If it were recognized, the consequences would be disastrous!

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